First visit in 15 years of Israeli Prime Minister
THE HAGUE/TEL AVIV (Jerusalem Post) – Part of Netanyahu’s visit to the Netherlands includes talks to strengthen bilateral relations as well as a visit to a Portuguese synagogue.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s two day visit to the Netherlands is part of an effort to strengthen ties and bilateral relations. One of the highlights of his brief sojourn, which will include meeting with Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal as well as several other members of the government, is a visit to the nearly 400-year-old Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam.
Netanyahu is expected to address members of the Jewish community while visiting the synagogue. The synagogue, which survived the Nazi invasion in 1940 unscathed, was built in 1671-1675 and at the time it was the largest synagogue in the world. There is no electricity in the building which is lit, instead, by 613 candles.
No, on Obama’s list it’s not Putin, Berlusconi, Harper, Calderón or Netanyahu. Nor Maliki, Karzai or Gilani. The rough and tumbling world of US diplomacy.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."