Can’t we all agree that Mitt Romney’s been taxed enough already? Why are people questioning him about this? Bringing up offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands? That’s just gauche. Complaining about carried interest as if you know what that is? It just makes you look financially inconsequential.
Don’t question our overlords or they may just decide not to create your job anymore.
Keep it up, funny man.
When the EPA releases its upcoming sarcasm regulations, Obama will have you in a FEMA camp!
Whatever Booman, “America’s right and you’re wrong!” so off to the quiet room you commie.
Francesco Schettino, captain of the Costa Concordia. Look at his bona fides:
Which member of the current clown circus could beat that list of achievements?
See, this guys knows how to roll like a big pimp. Too bad for him he wasn’t in finance or politics where he could fail upward like a champ.
he’s probably going to jail.
Haha great post, thanks a lot.
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