With three different winners in the first three contests, the Republican presidential contest looks like it will be, well, contested, for a while longer.

This means we’re likely–at a minimum–to have more of Newt Gingrich calling Barack Obama the “food stamp president”.  Which means we’ll all have more opportunities to participate in conversations about race, racism, and racist behavior.

Therefore as a public service, here is a link to Jay Smooth’s 2008 entertaining, informative, and short (only 3 minutes, and well worth the time) video explaining why you want to have the “what Newt did”, not the “what Newt is” conversation.*

Crossposted at: http://masscommons.wordpress.com/

As you can see, this video alone could replace fully one-third of the workplace diversity trainings that human resources departments all over America run.  (Just another way the internet is destroying jobs.)

*Bonus feature: this works for a conversation with/about anyone, not just Newt!