We all know our beloved leader BooMan is a big Giants fan. Some here know that my daughter is a big Patriots fan, and let me tell you, she still holds a grudge against the Giants for their upset Super Bowl victory against her team. The one when “elite” quarterback Eli Manning threw up a prayer that stuck to the helmet of a player no longer in the league, thus setting up the Giants’ winning touchdown in the waning minutes of the game that spoiled her Patriots perfect season. Out of fear of her wrath I won’t post the video that is known in our household as the darkest day in the history of the world, but you can see it here if you like.
So, I must part ways with my friend and root for the 49ers today also. After all, as my daughter reminds me, she knows where I live. Sorry Boo. Then again, perhaps you are rooting for the Ravens. That would balance the karma out and likely result in a rematch of the 2007 game. Patriots v. Giants. Has a certain ring to it. Just don’t tell my daughter.
Will there be video of aborted fetuses?
Ever notice the similarities between football, and a Nuremberg Rally?
Wait what, you mean Randall Terry’s commercials aren’t airing?
I mean that I see no resemblance and never have between a football game a Nuremberg Rally.
Gladiator games? Sure.
Wait, she doesn’t want a chance for revenge?
I bet she wants it now.
Ruh roh. That interception was Tyree-like.
Just to get in the mood:
It’s Flacco time, baby!! Let’s go!!
Poor Ravens — that kicker gets cut tomorrow.
His starting position was wrong – I saw that immediately, but I couldn’t get to the phone fast enough. He was 1/2 step too far right.
these players have to stand out in the rain doing nothing while the fucking commercials play is obscene.
It’s especially stunning when you actually attend an NFL game. I’ve only be to two games ever, but the standing around really struck me both times.
The one when “elite” quarterback Eli Manning, who was in the grasp of a defensive end who was himself being held, threw up a prayer that stuck to the helmet of a player no longer in the league.
To be honest, neither QB looked elite yesterday.
It’s hard to look elite when you’re playing in a windy driving rain against the best defense in the league and the coach calls 60 passing plays that your line can’t protect. I’d say Eli looked plenty elite under the circumstances. But he did give Alex Smith a chance to win it, just like Brady gave Flacco a chance. Normally, that doesn’t happen.
You can’t spell “elite” without “ELI”! (just thought of that).