
Amsterdam chief rabbi suspended for gay stance

AMSTERDAM (JPost) – Ralbag, who was made chief rabbi of Amsterdam in 2005, was temporarily relieved of his duties by the board of the Orthodox Jewish community (NIHS) after he signed a document describing homosexuality as an inclination which “can be modified and healed.”

The document, titled “Declaration On The Torah Approach To Homosexuality” (torahdec.org) called on “authority figures” to “guide same-sex strugglers towards a path of healing and overcoming their inclinations.” [Signatories]

“Rabbi Ralbag’s signature may give the impression the Orthodox Jewish community of Amsterdam shares his view,” a press release by the NIHS read. “This is absolutely untrue. Homosexuals are welcome at the Amsterdam Jewish community.” [Railbag’s affiliation with Jewish Community of Amsterdam has been removed in declaration – Oui]

Ronnie Eisenmann, chairperson of the NIHS board, said: “The community regrets that the chief rabbi co-signed this document and distances itself from this view.” He also offered “heartfelt apologies to anyone who may have been hurt by the rabbi’s signature.” Pink Humanist – Amsterdam’s Chief Rabbi sacked


Rabbi Railbag also said that the context in which the declaration was made is the American elections and the same-sex issue being debated in the US.

    “Christian as well as Jewish religious leaders have expressed their position on this issue. It is their task to do so.”

The suspension, according to Ralbag, is “intolerant on the part of the Jewish community – it is to deny the community’s rabbi the right to express the halachic standpoint. Statement Susie Rosenbluth: “Verging on fascism.”


Esther Voet, former editor-in-chief of Dutch Jewish weekly Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad, supported the decision to relieve Ralbag of his duties.

“I think it’s the only right position because the policies of Rabbi Ralbag have come repeatedly under scrutiny for a while now.”

Voet, currently vice-director of CIDI – the Dutch Jewish community’s watchdog on anti-Semitism – said there was a cultural gap between the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of Brooklyn and the relatively liberal Dutch Orthodox community.

    “The Dutch Jewish neshama [soul] is unique. We have special rules, like waiting only one hour before eating meat and dairy. We need a chief rabbi who is aware of our traditions and that’s something you cannot fly in two times a year.”

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."