They’re still trying to get Mitch Daniels into the race? Man, this is pathetic. Look at this:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s significant victory in the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday has sent the GOP’s established politicians into a spiral of genuine terror. They see the potential for a Gingrich nomination as increasing, and with it the likely destruction the party’s ticket in November. In a worst case scenario, the GOP’s brand (which has rebounded only in opposition to the Democrat’s legislative overreach in ’09-’10) may be again damaged – this time perhaps irreparably.
More like this, please.
Just about the time Reps would be able to get enough fairy dust to bring Daniels into the mix, people like Rachel Maddow will have drawn out his ineptitude and they would have another failure to run.
Any serious Rep centrist knows to keep his powder dry in this race because anything a reasonable centrist has to say is useless to a mob mentality.
I’m just enough of a prurient lowlife to want to know about Mitch’s marriage. What’s the deep, dark secret? Three-ways? Swinger ads? Pegging? The high-minded political observer in me knows it’s none of anyone’s damn business. But that doesn’t stop the rest of me from really, really wanting to know.
And that doesn’t even get to Daniels’ problems going on in Indiana right now re: RTW. Daniels isn’t going to be any better than Mittens. When has Daniels ever had a tough race? Never!
Add to that an in-depth review about Indiana’s Enron and Mr. Folksy’s part in it, wherein the Indianapolis Power & Light directors walked off with a boatload of cash and left mom & pop shareholder with nothing.
As TPM points out, it’s too late for another candidate to get on the ballot in many states. A “savior” like Daniels would, at this point, probably have to come in through a brokered GOP convention — and despite his wingnutty history on most issues, he has too “moderate” an image and sounds too “intelligent” to get the Newt/Paul/Santorum delegates to accept him as a compromise.
If Newt continues his rise, it’s hard to see any way out for the GOP establishment. OTOH, I think he might actually prove a more difficult opponent than Romney following the carnage of the primary. Dems need to be careful what they wish for.
Gingrich is more dangerous. Because he just doesn’t care. And he plays to RWNJ’s basest instincts. And idiots like Brian Williams and Fluffyhead will never call him out on his bullshit. With Romney, you can hammer him on a few specific issues(like telling Michigan to go Cheney itself).
(I thought of something almost as inane as the Mayan prophecy.) The winners of the 1812 and 1912 elections were graduates of Princeton University. I believe that no Princeton alumni other than Madison and Wilson have ever been elected president. Mitch Daniels could keep the pattern going.
So Romney called on Newt to release his “contract” with Freddie & Fannie trying to box Newt in I guess. Well it seems Newt called Romney’s bluff and they are saying on twitter that Newt will release contracts before tonight’s debate.
If I was the Newt campaign, if Romney tries to attack and ask Newt about his Freddie/Fannie contract, then Newt will turn around and ask Romney when he’s gonna show his contracts/paper/etc from his years at Bain?
The President is the Oligarchs’ man; pushing Austerity and Forever War.
Watch out for what you wish for. Newt’s the only one talking about the Big Money Elite, Crony Capitalism and the shafting of American Workers. 2012 could be one very revolutionary election; no matter, how hard the establishment and corporate media try to smother the flames out.
Stop. You look silly.
You look silly describing the guy who ended the Iraq War as “pushing perpetual war.”
And enough time has passed since the “Obama is pushing austerity” line was invented, without the President actually cutting anything, that it’s beginning to look pretty silly on its own.
You must believe the media stories that the American soldiers have all returned home from the war in Iraq.
The reality is that their units will rotate back to Afghanistan in the next nine to twelve months and there are thousands of military contractors left in Baghdad. Do you know the date the last troops will leave Kabul, 2014? And, for sure, you have not heard the drumbeats for an Israeli/American attack against Iran’s nuclear sites which will assure that the never ending war continues for another decade.
Troop levels in Afghanistan have been falling since July, too.
Putting the word “media” into a truthful statement of fact doesn’t actually make it false. What are you, Newt Gingrich?
But even beyond all of that, suddenly it doesn’t matter whether we’re fighting a war in Iraq. Suddenly it doesn’t matter whether we’re occupying the country, whether we’ve got forces on the permanent bases waiting to “project power” in the region. For ten years, these matters were the absolute most important thing in the world, and now they just don’t matter.
Now, faced with the reality that you were wrong about leaving Iraq, your response is to shout “Hey, look over there!” And when you’re wrong about those, too, you’ll just go onto the next thing.
“Democrat’s legislative overreach” my ass.
And besides, shouldn’t that be “Democrats'”?