Overnight, Steven D told us about House Bills 1581 and 1608, which were filed by Republicans in the New Hampshire legislature, and which could significantly endanger victims of domestic violence in the state. HB 1581 has two co-sponsors. One of them is Representative George Lambert. Domestic violence obviously doesn’t bother him as much as this does:
Lawmakers and residents engaged in heated debate Tuesday over a bill that would make random airport security pat-downs and body scans criminal in New Hampshire.
The bill (HB628-FN) “makes the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault,” according to the introductory text of the bill.
… “That is a crime in this state, and we should charge them every single time,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield.
A co-sponsor of that bill wants to put every TSA worker convicted under the law in the state sex offender registry.
Lambert, by the way, is a 9/11 truther, as you’ll learn from the video posted here (the relevant portion is between 9:00 and 11:00).
The other co-sponsor of HB 1581 is Representative Dan Itse, who has won the admiration of Glenn Beck for this:
NH State Representative Dan Itse, a local hero among freedom lovers, … has filed HCR 6, a bill that would reaffirm New Hampshire’s sovereignty in the event that the federal government oversteps its agreement with us as outlined in our Constitution.
Dan appeared on Fox News with Glenn Beck to discuss the meaning and purpose of the bill. He explains that it is not so much a secession bill, but a reaffirmation of both our Federal and State Constitutions and the agreement states have with the federal government….
You can watch the Beck interview at the link (warning: the link goes to the Ron Paul Forums). Read the bill here. (Am I wrong to be a bit concerned when the supporters of a bill feel the need to reassure me that it’s not a secession bill?)
Itse lists his “core beliefs” here. Core belief #2 is:
2. My first job as a State Representative is to protect you rights from the government.
Core belief #4 is:
4. Life begins at conception and continues through natural death.
Both legislators are affiliated with the libertarian Free State Project. Make of that what you will.
The other bill Steven mentioned, HB 1608, has been killed in committee.
(Adapted from this post at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
I want a bill that declares that life begins with the first glimmer in daddy’s eye.
Since Lambert’s wife presumably doesn’t work for the TSA, I assume this means she’s free to beat the crap out of him. If he’s spent the last ten years in 9-11 truthiness land, I’m sure she’s ready and willing.
I guess everyone here is OK with a stranger feeling your crotch every time you partake of the “privilege” of flying? Anyone opposed to this, or who thinks those working for the TSA should be subject to the same laws as the rest of us must be some kind of weirdo.
I’ve seceded already.
First the individual, then the secession.
Bet on it.
while I think Mr. Lambert’s a bit of a wingnut, and I do not share his views on conception, secession, or domestic violence, I despise the TSA in so many ways. And because my son flies to visit me, I get more opportunities than most to witness their abusiveness, incompetence, and overall stupidity.