Steve M. is worried that Gingrich’s extreme clownishness is not so much damaging Romney as it is making him look reasonable and presidential by comparison. There’s something to that. Before I talk about that, though, I’d like to attempt to ease Steve’s mind a bit by pointing out that the Gallup poll he cites is a bit of an outlier. When Rasmussen is showing a five point lead for Obama in a head-to-head with Romney and an approval rating north of 50%, you can be sure the president is doing better than a dead heat with R Money (his rapper name).
Here’s where I think Steve is correct. When Newt goes on and on about how Romney is pro-choice (he’s not), pro-taxes (he’s not), pro-ObamaCare (he’s not), and whatever else he is or is not, it makes Romney look more moderate than he really is. Calling him a “Massachusetts moderate” over and over again actually helps Romney with the general electorate. Romney’s chances against Obama are not being hurt by attacks from his right.
But they are being hurt when Gingrich talks about Bain Capital or accuses him of being a flip-flopper with no principles. When Newt calls him a liar and dishonest, he leaves a few marks on Romney’s character. Romney wants to run as a successful job-creating businessman with airtight moral values. And he’s got some fatass Georgian demagogue out there saying he’s a deceitful rip-off artist. At least Little Rickey Santorum understands that the proper way to attack Romney is on health care. Santorum wants to win the nomination, but it’s not worth risking the total destruction of the probable nominee. The swing-voters aren’t going to vote for Obama because of RomneyCare, but they might vote for him because they think Romney is some combination of Ebenezer Scrooge, Henry F. Potter, and Scrooge McDuck.
And some criticisms have a lasting sting. Jon Huntsman called Romney a “perfectly lubricated weather-vane.” There are some insults you just can’t take back. For a different take on the impact of Gingrich, John Batchelor has one of those lame no-one-on-the-record pieces at The Daily Beast. His anonymous Republican sources are not enjoying the spectacle.
“…If Newt is the candidate, he’ll lose badly. If Mitt is the candidate, he’ll lose slightly less badly … So what you have is an almost complete guarantee that if these are the candidates, Barack Obama will be reelected.”
Or, with more punch:
I asked a veteran Republican member of Congress what this year looked like from Capitol Hill following the President’s workman-like State Of The Union address. “A year from now, the president will make the same speech, and the House leaders will still think what they’re doing matters, and the Senate will still be where everything goes to die. No change except I’ll say, ‘Mitt who?’”
So, yeah, there is some upside for Romney in looking relatively sane and presidential compared to the Newtser, but his main rationale for being the president is getting pretty tarnished. He’s not inspiring much confidence.
I hope Newt stays in to the bloody end and then gives a nasty speech at the GOP convention that insults everyone and their mothers.
Well hopefully, what the House is doing in a year will matter. Because the landscape in the House could be quite a bit different come next year’s SOTU.
Here’s where I get to be the pessimist. Even though I feel good about winning back the House, the best outcome of the elections will still leave us being ruled by the Senate minority Republicans.
There’s the reconciliation bill with what could be sweeping tax rate reforms. And then the Dream Act will likely be passed, once the 5-7 necessary GOP senators see Obama win Hispanic voters 3-1 this fall.
So that’s two things for sure. Nothing on climate change, in all likelihood, that’s all being cobbled together piecewise on the executive side. A bipartisan effort to do more of that internet piracy and copyright shit will be back, once the lobbyists work out the messaging kinks. A lot of jawboning about infrastructure, though little action compared to the size of the issue. And then healthcare cost controls and something that can be called education reform, whatever that means, maybe?
It’s not ’09-10, but that’s alright for a dysfunctional senate. The most important thing is to win 2012 big enough that the Republicans can’t flip the House back again in 2014. Keeping the House for Obama’s last two years would be a big deal with the health insurance exchanges coming online in 2014, and the Afghanistan war being officially lost that year as well. Once “political reconciliation” with the Taliban is established, and the war on terror over, that’s the best chance to resolve the Gitmo and detainee problem.
And then the Dream Act will likely be passed, once the 5-7 necessary GOP senators see Obama win Hispanic voters 3-1 this fall.
The GOP is facing a demographic apocalypse and all it’s doing is doubling down on coded appeals to white racism and xenophobia. Why would the party change based on one more election?
And yet, two thirds of the senate voted to repeal don’t ask don’t tell.
When it’s over, it’s over. And it’s gonna be over once the President wins Arizona this fall and takes Texas down to the wire.
I admire your optimism. May it be so.
The most important thing is to win 2012 big enough that the Republicans can’t flip the House back again in 2014.
How big is that? Afaik the Dem loss to the GOP in 2010 broke all the records going back a hundred years or more. Thing about the House is, it’s all up for grabs every 2 years. These days, the voting public is so cranky and fickle, there’s no such thing as a predictable election anymore. But I hope you’re right.
I don’t think you are being pessimistic, I think you are being a realist. There is just no scenario where things improve in the Senate enough to matter.
I am a pessimist/realist on the Senate as well. But to add one more point to Joe’s list above, don’t forget that whoever wins will probably have the chance to make at least one Supreme Court pick, possibly more.
I’m a pessimist on everything. I think it’s going to be a GOP sweep in November.
I’m afraid you’re right.
Which means you can blame Harry Reid, if we still have a majority. Because if he can’t get the Democrats to change the Senate rules, then he’s satisfied with the crappy status quo.
I’m gonna be sick to my stomach about the outcome until Sugarcrash Wednesday. I feel guardedly optimistic about the House, but it’s gonna be neck-and-neck, and will probably come down to who’s on top in the news cycle a week out from Super Tuesday. And that is a set of circumstances that does not inspire confidence, thank you very much, voting American public.
I hope Newt stays in to the bloody end and then gives a nasty speech at the GOP convention that insults everyone and their mothers.
Me too. But Newt’s going to get crushed today, crushed in Nevada (Mormons), crushed in Maine (New Englanders), crushed on Super Tuesday (money). He’s toast. Florida was his last chance to make Romney seem weak, and he blew it.
You’re probably right.
However, we just saw Palin and Cain jump in on Gingrich’s side. It’s probably too little, too late to help Gingrich win Florida, but it indicates that February may not be the month when everyone consolidates around Romney. There is still vociferous resistance to his candidacy. Unless Newt drops out tonight or tomorrow, he’ll still be the receptacle for that resistance. Every time it has looked as if Romney was going to sew this thing up, the base has turned somewhere else. In that sense, winning Florida might solve nothing for Romney.
I don’t think he’s going to continue to be the receptacle for resistance if he looks like a big loser. He’s going to be Herman Cain post-scandal. Crazy-base voters want to delude themselves into thinking they’ve found someone who can smite all, and not suffer a scratch. As soon as the hoped-for hero gets some serious wounds, that’s it. That’s what happened to Palin.
Which is not to say that the crazy base won’t drop Gingrich and desperately cleave to someone else they think will vanquish all. Santorum? Trump running third party? Some nutjob from the Constitution Party? It’s possible.
I seriously wonder what kind of cachet Palin has left to offer anybody. Fox News still treats her with a certain amount of seriousness, but since her movie tanked it’s been painfully obvious that she doesn’t command near the amount of respect that she did just a year ago. And Cain? those people were never going to vote for him anyway, and now that he’s been out of the limelight for a month or two, in hindsight even the GOP dipshits are probably feeling a little sheepish for having supported him, if only during private moments. So I don’t see either of these endorsements helping Newt in the slightest–and I desperately wish I could.
It comes down to funding, I guess. I don’t know how committed Newt’s new friends are, but if $10 in superPAC money is already in the mix, well, what’s another 5 or 10 when you have more money than you could count in the entirety of 10 lifetimes? It’d be pretty interesting to see an entire presidential primary campaign run on uncoordinated ads from third parties, but we may be witnessing that soon, unless Newt can cobble together a successful Santorum-style C.U.M. Bomb fundraising event.
Which brings us to Ricky himself. If he can stay afloat in the cash game, he may yet live to see a real defection from the hopeless back-and-forth between Newt and Mitt. He’s really the only genuine conservative in the race (Ron Paul doesn’t count bc of his drug and foreign policy positions), and the only one with nothing to apologize for to the conservative base. He’s Catholic, but that’s about it. He’s stuck it out this long, and given his proven record of tenacity in the face of irrefutable defeat, it’s a fair bet that he’s going to keep pushing on until he’s forced to quit. There’s a slight chance that he picks up the not-Mitt mantle after Florida.
I live in Maine and I can honestly say that I have no idea what will happen here between Gingrich and Romney. It is like the little tag on the teabag is up here in our CD2.
Every time Romney gets some momentum as the “inevitable” nominee, the base of the party has reacted adversely and sought out an alternative. Now, maybe a torrent of money has finally sealed the deal, because if Newt isn’t really competitive in Florida, hard to see how he comes back.
What’s different about primary Obama and GE Obama? They look the same to me.
The various Obamas “look the same to you?” Well yeah…they are the same if all you are doing is “looking.” His “looks” are all he has to offer. He is a male model spokesman for the PermaGov, and people like you continue to buy his commercials. When he’s through they might consider running Ashton Kutcher. He wears a suit well and he can read a script, too.
Obama has not solved…or even effectively tried to oppose…the U.S. financial system’s totally kleptocratic ways. Instead he has installed Wall St. front men like Timothy Geithner in positions of power, bailed out banks that are criminally complicit in the ongoing collapse of this country’s economy and in general made big motions with one hand while double dealing under the table with the other.
He has caved in time and again to the wishes of the Republicans over the last four years, all the while saying “I tried!!!” He didn’t try hard enough, seabe. Not nearly hard enough. I no longer believe his line of bullshit.
He has not ended our warlike ways throughout the world. Instead he has tactically withdrawn troops in some places in order to have them available for redeployment elsewhere. Not only that, he has not really withdrawn our miltary from Iraq. Instead he has simply changed classifications. Contractors and covert operators are troops, too.
In a speech during the New Hampshire primaries…and many other times as well…he promised to “restore our moral standing in the world.”
Instead he has instituted a drone-based war that kills impersonally. A drone-based war that is now in the process of being deployed against its own citizens in the new United States of Surveillance. And when drones won’t do? Well, that’s alright. There are always Seal killer teams and the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the U.S. to arrest and imprison anyone in the world…U.S. citizens as well…without a trial and with no recourse whatsoever. If he had stated these things as his goals and policies during the primaries and election, do you really think that he would have won? Please. Get real.
Our “moral standing” is at an all-time low in the world. We are a deadbeat nation that cannot pay its debts, a deadbeat nation that sends its enormous armies into battle after battle because that’s the only way that we can keep our creditors from pulling the plug on us.
Other than that…yeah, he’s been a real hit.
Wake the fuck up.
“Various” Obama’s…again, where are the various Obama’s? He’s doing exactly what he said he would do. If you believe different, if you believe that the Obama in the WH isn’t what he campaigned on, you’re the one who’s “been had.” Considering you’re still looking for a hero in Ron Paul, this isn’t exactly surprising.
Refute what I said, point by point.
I dare ya.
Obama didn’t bail out the banks, the Fed did, which is what its job is: to be the lender of last resort, and to keep them running. If you want to watch them fail, multiply Lehman by 1000x. Nonetheless, if you want to argue he bailed out the banks…fine. He advocated doing so in the primary, and made McCain look like an idiot in the process. But it’s what he did during the campaign. So, same Obama.
This is what he campaigned on. He never said he was going to end the MIC, or even remotely come close to do battle with it. He did oppose the Iraq War, and he did vow to end it. And sorry, he has ended it. If you thought ending it meant that all American interests left 100%, you “been had.”
I’d say he’s done this as well as any president of the American Empire would or could. Empires are always going to be hated, for good reason, in the places of our imperialism. It’s the inevitability of empire and capitalism.
Again, he specifically stated he would pursue this war aggressively and that his goal was to destroy Al Qaeda. You must not have been listening.
We’re paying interest, so we’re most certainly paying our debts. If you think it’s in the interest of this country to ever pay down its debt…well, you been had by the Galtian Overlords who insist on it.
No. The Fed can just print more money. If China tomorrow decided it wouldn’t buy up treasuries — which would allow their currency to float, which is not what they want because it would destroy their economic growth that’s dependent on exports — the Fed could take their place.
So…not sure where primary Obama was different than president Obama.
I include selections from Obama’s various primary speeches below. If you think that anything that he said he was going to do has been adequately done over the past four years, you are absolutely deluded.
Cooperation among Democrats and Republicans?
A tamed insurance/pharmacological/health care industry?
An end to end the tax breaks for corporations?
A better educational system?
Freedom from “the tyranny of oil?”
Restore our moral standing in the world?
Eliminate “the undue influence of lobbyists?”
Some economic breaks for the middle and working classes?
Heal this nation?
Understand that “the struggles facing working families can’t be solved by spending billions of dollars on more tax breaks for big corporations and wealthy CEOs, but by giving the middle-class a tax break, and investing in our crumbling infrastructure, and transforming how we use energy, and improving our schools, and renewing our commitment to science and innovation?”
Where have you been the last four years?
He has failed, seabe. Failed. If he was ever serious about any of these things, he has failed. If he wasn’t…it’s even worse.
He has cooperated in the building of a surveillance state that is even worse than the one that Bush II started. There are thousands of people in the streets protesting what is going down and there would be more thousands if the Intelligence system-allied urban police forces were not kicking asses and taking names.
Where has he succeeded?
In withdrawing troops from Iraq? Watch what happens there. The hatred of America throughout the Islamic world is only growing. That wasn’t a “successful withdrawal,” it was a tactical retreat so that when the Iran thing blows up we’ll have some troops available. Iraq is a ruined country. We destroyed it. They’re not gonna bother us for at least a decade. That’s not a victory, it’s just a massive Fallujah.
Read these and weep.
No…read these high-sounding speeches and think, goddamnit!
Think about the low-down truth of the matter.
New Hampshire, 1/8/08
Souith Carolina, 1/28/08
Minnesota, 6/3/08
Wisconsin, 2/12/08
“Cheers, applause” my ass!!!
It’s been a four year-long shell game, and now he’s about to get four more years.
Cheer and applaud all you want, seabe.
Four years from now you are going to be be cheering out of the other side of your mouth. If of course we make it that far.
Bet on it.
I don’t have the time or the inclination to rebut your comment point by point. However, I’m willing to address it in a general sense. I’ll take just one of your quotes.
Now I hope you are willing to be fair and stipulate that Obama made comments in January and February of 2008 without knowing that he’d take over in January 2009 in the midst of an economic collapse that would ultimately destroy 8 million jobs. But if you look at the American Recovery Act, you will see that he immediately gave the middle class numerous tax breaks and credits. And their taxes have remained low. He immediately spent $100 billion on schools. He immediately spent $50 billion on energy improvements and investments, including $27 billion on renewables. As for our crumbling infrastructure, the bill rebuilt every bridge over Rte 202 in my county. There was $28 billion just for highway and bridge construction, and over a hundred billion in infrastructure. Another $7.6 billion went to straight to scientific research.
So, he kept his promises in that particular quote.
You know, you ignore whatever doesn’t interest you, so you probably don’t even know about shit like this. But if Obama has failed in some areas, that’s to be expected. He hasn’t depolarized the two parties, although I can’t see how that is his fault except so far as he probably shouldn’t have promised that he could. He hasn’t reduced corporate influence, although he would have if not for the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.
But, you know, I’m biased since I am mostly concerned about what Obama has done for the “very poor.”
He gave every citizen of this country a subsidy to buy health insurance and made sure no one could be denied coverage or lose their coverage because they got sick. He vastly reduced the crack/powder cocaine disparity. He created the Consumer Financial Protection Agency which is about to seriously start kicking the asses of the worst assholes in our country.
And he’s going after the banks.
He did end the war in Iraq. He didn’t turn the place into a paradise. Sorry, not his fault.
He killed bin-Laden, which you don’t care about, but can’t be termed anything but a success.
He saved the auto industry and GM, instead of being chopped up and sold off is now the Number 1 care company in he world again.
He’s presided over 23 straight months of job growth.
I’m not seeing too many broken promises.
Take gay rights:
Pretty much a home run there.
Two pro-choice women on the Supreme Court (bonus points for picking New Yawkers).
Anyway, you get the point. The man’s record is awesome.
4 years later…the rich are richer and the rest of us are poorer. Go to the supermarket or the gas station and do the math.
4 years later…the rich are richer, the largest corporate interests are still operating an ongoing keletocracy and the rest of us are poorer. Numbers lie. What is plain to see on the streets of this country does not.
I dunno about your local infrastructure, but here inna Bronx? I can’t even drive my car because of the potholes; the MTA is a day-to-day coin flip, rail travel around the country is almost as expensive as flying and takes longer and gas prices…an important part of “infrastructure” if there’s no other way to get to work…are spiking.
Gimme a break. We are “using energy” like a forest fire uses wood. “Using energy?” How much “energy” is being expended in wars of economic imperialism? Let’s light off a few more trillion dollars worth of “energy” in a war with Iran soon. Get real.
Riiiight….improving our schools. Which are more and more holding tanks for the poor and breeding tanks for the middle class/working class/manager class. Nothing more. Nothing more. I am an almost daily eyewitness to this, and you will be too once your kid hits the system.
OH yes!!! Just so long as that “science and innovation” has war uses.
Oh. I thought that Bill Clinton’s massive failures…NAFTA being the worst of of many…were the reason that you so passionately opposed Hillary Clinton.
I thought that I was talking to someone else, I guess.
“This man” is in the midst of a process that is going to create a surveillance state where the workers work, the owners own and anybody who doesn’t buy into the drill will be eliminated one way or the other.
Nicely, though.
He does have good manners.
P.S. Do you ever get out of the house, Booman? Can you not see with your own eyes the truth of what I am saying here or are you so bound up in consuming progressive pap and arguing with anything that is not churned from the progressive disinfo mill that you can’t see what is happening in front of your face?
P.P.S. Have you checked out the recent murder rate spike in Philadelphia? Good move, getting outta there. Leave it to the graduates of Obama’s “improved school systems” to kill the fuck out of each other so’s gentrification can speed up over the next four years. People don’t murder other people when things are going well, Booman. They only do it when they have been driven mad by unconscionable poverty and a broken societal system.
Of fail!!!
Nice, Booman.
Whatever happened to you?
Where’s the old “Frogwalk ’em to the gallows” Booman?
Miss ya.
Yeah. Let’s see.
On every measure of violent crime it is down sharply since Obama became president even though that corresponds exactly with the economic downturn.
Oh wait, and there’s this:
The crime rate is down across the board.
But, hey, that contradicts your experience I guess. So, never mind.
Yes. It “contradicts” what I see, Booman. I have no real faith in numbers that are generated by the same forces to which those numbers relate any more than I would take a seller’s uncorroborated statements on the worth of his car or house. Neither should you. There are literally trillions of dollars at stake here, and money is a massively corrupting influence at that level.
The old saying?
“Don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining.”
This just in from a one-time editor of the Wall Street Journal, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and one of the founders of Reaganomics. Everybody’s seeing the scam, Booman. Except for an…ahem…select few like yourself.
Wake up and smell the decaf.
There’s nothing in it.
Just numbers.
“The emperor has no clothes, and sooner or later this will be recognized.”
We are nearing the same place in which the U.S.S.R. found itself just before it fell apart. All hype, no pravda.
Bet on it.
Economic numbers, crime numbers, poll numbers…all just more head-pissing.
Get a fucking umbrella.
It’s a hard rain gonna fall eventually.
Bet on that as well.
You ready?
I don’ theen so, señor.
Not even close.
Oh, yes, and we’re moving out of Afghanistan and even pulling 10,000 troops out of Europe that will probably never be replaced. Our whole “imperial” orientation is being moved from the Middle East and Central Asia to the Pacific Rim.
And for the kleptocrats, some cause for alarm.
From the “kleptocrats” link above:
When a leftiness bible’s publisher has to add that kind of caveat to a story, you just know there’s more to come. She knows damned well how the Feds work because she works for them. In the left-wing publicity department.
Lemme rephrase that first paragraph in another context.
Yesiree Bob there, Bunky. That there was a good ‘un, wasn’t it???!!!
Gimme a break.
By the way…whatever happened to that “crusading official lawyer” who was s’pose to to look into alla that funny business in the Butch II Administration during the runup to the Iraq invasion and the Valerie Plame action? Whut wuz his name again? Oh yeah…Fixgerald?
Oh. No…Fitzgerald. So sorry!
Whut happened there?
Same trillions at stake.
Same kinda coverup.
Are you that naive, Booman? Or are you a willing participant in the scam.
Say it ain’t so, Joe!!! Say it ain’t so.
Booman…I am delighted you are so busy that you “don’t have the time or the inclination to rebut [my] comment[s] point by point.” Only I don’t believe that this is about available time. You have time enough to post other things. It’s more about “inclination,” because you are not inclined to lose an argument. You have no real argument here other than parroting the talking points and wishful figures of the Obama wing of the PermaGov. Just as I said to seabe…c’mon now, Booman. Speak up!!! Refute my arguments and my own take on the utter failure of this administration; don’t just throw off some little governmental factoid and walk away.
My own take on the reasons behind your positioning? You are now in the business of supporting Barack Obama. You are being paid to take advertising…upwards of 20 large/small and well positioned/not-so-well positioned ads at 10:30AM EST on 2/2/12…and you are looking for hits in order to make a profit. That’s all well and good except that this is a microcosm of the same thing that is wrong with Big Media. So-called “unpopular” positions do not attract as many viewers as do “popular” ones. And the feedback system begins.
This can be seen quite clearly in the Ron Paul/media phenomenon, but it exists right on up and down the entire media system in this country. Numbers become all that matter in terms of coverage because they are where the profit lies. Not reason, not truth, not correctness on any level. Just numbers. You have not been “had,” you have just been “added.”
Just as it’s always been, Booman.
Just as it’s always been.
Welcome to the minor leagues.
Got eyes to be a major league player?
Impress the scouts, baby.
Impress the scouts.
So it goes.
Later…but not very soon…
You are calling me a sell-out who is only interested in making a buck?
That’s your conclusion after witnessing what I do for seven years?
Seven years of financial sacrifice on my part? Seven years of operating at a loss?
The last three years spent alienating most of the people in a position to offer me a better living because I don’t shy away from calling them out on their thirst for page-views?
You’re talking to someone who walked away from corporate life to organize some of the poorest and most hopeless neighborhoods in the country.
I spent more time responding to your argument than was warranted, and you reward me by insulting me.
Your views are indefensible, Booman. You are supporting the economically-dictated foreign policy that has put us in mortal danger, a domestic economic structure that is reaping vast rewards from our troubles and people now in power who are essentially simply putting a kinder, gentler, “more intelligent” face on our continuing Blood For Oil wars.
I don’t think that you are a “sell-out” because that term implies a conscious effort and it appears to me that you are totally unconscious of what you are doing. But the point remains. You are now part of the commercial, advertising-supported media and as far as I am concerned if interests like that find your site to be a viable vehicle for their sales then they find it to be no kind of a danger to the status quo as it stands today in America.
And the American status quo…the consumerist, hypnomedia-controlled, economic imperialist, PermaGov-ruled status quo…sucks!!!
You don’t see it that way?
So it goes and WTFU.
Got a new baby?
That changes everything.
Been there, made that mistake. I didn’t realize what was happening either. I learned eventually, though. The hard way.
I wish you better luck.
The kid came out great and I do not regret making the compromises that I felt I had to make in order to raise him. But I now realize that I did not have to make those compromises. The Booman that started this site…the one that wanted the war criminals of the Bush II era frog-marched out of office and into prison or worse? He’s been replaced by someone who supports the same kind of international criminality and domestic kleptocracy (although admittedly done on a higher, slicker, more efficient level) in the name of…in the name of what, Booman? Maturity? Partisanship? Style? What?
I am not exactly alone in pointing out the evils of the current regime. Read Noam Chomsky. Read Matt Taibbi. Read Arthur Silber, Chris Floyd, James Wolcott and others. Read Counterpunch, fer chrissakes! You have moved so far towards “the center”…a center that is way to the right on the real scale of things (Witness the signing of the NDAA for all you need to know on that account.)…that you are now practically unrecognizable.
So it goes.
Ever rightward.
So it goes.
You combine the political idealism of a Mt. Holyoke sophomore with the political sophistication and conspiratorial bent of every close-her-down drunk at every dive-bar in the USA.
It’s a depressing spectacle at this point.
Just a left-wing version of Brig. Gen. Jack Ripper.
Purity of essence, Mandrake.
Which Mt. Holyoke sophomore? I’d like to meet her.
You know…I am really saying very little that is not also being said on many levels by people like Noam Chomsky.
I got yer “close-her-down drunk.”
Right here!!!
Call me an elitist, if you want. An idealist. A futurist.
But not some kind of fool.
You are walking around wearing two right shoes. No wonder youre going in circles.
Who’s the fool, exactly?
I would be happier if you just spoke plainly, Booman. At least I’d know to whom I was speaking. Do you believe that a permanent war system and ongoing exploitation of the citizens of less well armed countries is the only way …or even the best way…to sustain the people of United States? If so, stand the fuck up and say it.
If not?
Then stop supporting Barack Obama, because that is precisely what he is doing.
You can no longer have it both ways. Wanna be a “pragmatist?” Like Henry Kissinger? Fine. I disagree, but at least we could then speak about the reality of the situation.
Too many lies.
If you don’t want to be called some kind of fool then stop making a fool out of yourself by, for example, extolling the virtues of the Clinton Family one day and condemning the entire system the next. Never mind that your predictive powers are nonexistent, as evidenced by your record of being wrong about what will happen.
Yes, after eight years of NATO-expansion and financial deregulation under Clinton, somehow Hillary was going to bring the shithammer down not only on the Republicans but on they whole system?
And then to move from the Clintons, who at least had a credible record of giving a shit most of the time, to the white supremacist cesspool of the Ron Paul campaign? Oh, he’s a sweet old man, alright. So sweet that Anonymous went after his ass today just to expose the whole farce. How embarrassingly stupid and naive you must feel.
But, hey, you sold out women’s rights and the whole Civil Rights Movement just so you could live with yourself for the four weeks you could sustain a plausible argument that Ron Paul was the Man of the Moment. You can’t get that back.
You claim to give a shit about our civil liberties but women’s privacy means nothing to you. Cry me a river.
You seem to be under the impression that U.S. foreign policy is solely driven by a lust for oil but then you complain that oil prices are too high. And you never articulate why we shouldn’t care about the oil supply. The president ends a war and announces the end of another? You say it’s not good enough. He brings down the crime rate, you don’t believe the statistics. He makes a move against the banks, you compare it to the Warren Commission.
And do me a favor. Don’t try to use my son in an argument against me again. My patience is at an end.
Mine too.
C’mon now, seabe. Speak up!!! Refute those quotes and my own take on the utter failure of this administration to back them up once Obama was elected, please.
Or…just go away and sulk.
I’ll take your silence for the latter.
Delusions Of Obama The Idiot