I hate to see Don Cornelius go out like this. Apparently, he has killed himself.
So much awesome. I don’t know why people complained so much in the 1970’s. Who cares about high interest rates when you’ve got Soul Train?
RIP, Don Cornelius. You were a genius.
The Pips’ outfits are so “seventies.”
Chaka is stunning.
Man, someone send me a news update bout this today too. When I first heard it I thought he had just died of maybe an illness, but then I realized it was from suicide and I was just saddened.
Man, this is like losing fam. There is 2 things that are institutions at almost all African American celebrations or weddings or any function where there is dancing…the big one is “Soul Train Line”.
Check this out. I thought it was a fake because the language seems strangely modern, but I think it’s real.
Very sad. Another icon who shaped our culture gone. He will be missed.
A cultural icon whose impact is hard to calculate because of the imitators his show had. One that had lots of positive effects in the 1970s was a show sponsored by the South Carolina Employment Security Commission called Job Man Caravan. At a time that there were employers having to comply with newly court-enforced EEO requirements, letting folks know which employers were actively pursuing affirmative action got a lot of folks jobs they might not have applied for because of old assumptions. Those folks now might not connect that early opportunity with Soul Train, but there it is.
Five things black folks learned from Don Cornelius.