Here is some free advice, don’t waste your time on concentrating on the various surrogates currently being feted by the Main Stream Media (MSM) in the Republican Party’s civil war. It is much clearer to shine the light of astute political analysis on the actual political power factions within the Party that are represented by the surrogates so closely monitored by the MSM. As a disclaimer, I will note here that Ron Paul as a candidate has little or no common with the respective parties engaged in the struggle for control of the Republican Party. However candidate Paul does have a radically different ideologically driven agenda. Therefore in this respect he is not seriously chasing the Republican nomination and thus will not be included in the discussion that follows below.
There are TWO and ONLY TWO groups fighting for control of the Republican Party. The first group is the Southern Block of the Republicanized descendants of the old DIXIECRATS (AKA Southern Democrats before the Democratic Party fully integrated African American Democrats). This Southern Block originally consisted of the Dixiecrats in all of the southern states who had previously left the Democratic Party in anger and subsequently joined the Republican Party during Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign’s “Southern Strategy”. This group has been purposely mislabeled many times by the mass media mainly to confuse the public. Of late the MSM has referred to this group as Evangelical Christians, but the Evangelical Christians are essentially members of the 21st century version of the old Southern Bible belt, which in truth is just a subdivision of the original main Dixiecrat majority. This Southern Block was responsible for making their indigenous virulent uncompromising hatred of Negroes an official part of the Republican Party’s ideology just slightly least in importance to the anti-tax pledge. The incorporation of this uncompromising racialist ideology was accepted by the official Republican Party in conjunction with the mass migration of the Dixiecrat apostate population into the Republican Party as a critical part of Ronald Reagan’s “Southern Strategy”.

The second group fighting for control of the Republican Party is a powerful cabal composed of Wall Street, Domestic Corporate America, and International Foreign Interests. The action arm of this group is the majority of the large scale lobbies located in the nation’s capital. In total this group has over a trillion dollars available for any all-out “tooth and nail” national political fight. The selected presidential Republican candidate for this domestic/international cabal is Mitt Romney.

The Southern Block initially fielded three candidates seeking the Republican nomination for president. Newt Gringrich entered the lineup initially as a self-funded privateer seeking the Republican nomination. (Since there were many prime time televised debates scheduled, and Newt considering himself to be an excellent debater decided to give it a shot.) Subsequently poor debating skills and scandals eventually willowed down the initial large field of candidates seeking to secure the support of the Southern Block to the point where currently only Gingrich remains a viable candidate representing the Southern Block.

So it is the two forces symbolized and represented by Romney on one side and Gingrich on the other prepare for the final upcoming battle on Super Tuesday or perhaps the struggle will continue to the actual Republican convention.

What will victory secure for either group? Well, I’m glad you asked. The Southern Block is fighting to preserve their home base, i.e., a respected place in the future of American politics. Therefore in this sense they are fighting for the survival of their political lives, i.e., to keep alive the old adage “that one day the South will rise again”. The Southern Block was energized by the election of the nation’s first African American President. The Dixiecrat mentality views this as an immediate attack on the sovereignty of their respective state governments including their values, and “southern traditions and way of life”. Many members of the Tea Party are also rabid constituents within the Southern Block. The MSM has recently taken to calling the Southern Block the “Social Issue” oriented part of the Republican Party as the internal fighting between the presidential candidates turned toxic and “name-calling” nasty.

On the other hand the Republican establishment (including the International/Domestic Corporate Cabal) see this as an opportunity to rid the Party of the residue of Reagan’s “southern Strategy” experiment which has remained a drag on the Republican Party ever since Reagan left office. The fanatical dedication of the constituents of the Southern Block to prioritize a host of trivial “social Issues” under the Party banner has made the Republican Party a national laughing stock over the decades. Hence the Corporate Cabal group see this as a prime opportunity to jettison the Southern Block along with all of its home grown con-men from playing any significant role in a future Republican Party.

IMO under normal conditions the Corporate Cabal has more than enough power to accomplish a win in this instance, but with the added advantage of The Citizens United ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States, they should have no difficulty in securing control over the Republican Party thus changing the political landscape in America for decades to come.

The success of the Corporate Cabal’s lobby driven ALEC program in (a) electing Republican controlled legislatures in more than 30 states in 2010, and (b) getting these states to pass ALEC created voter suppression legislation demonstrates the planned reach of the Corporate Cabal into the political heart of America. In this regard they have chosen to move their headquarters from the confines of “K’ Street in Washington to the National Republican Party. This is why Gingrich and the Southern Block don’t stand a chance in the remaining rounds of this historic fight for the “soul” of the Republican Party.