In my opinion, in this case, there can’t be enough gangsterism. I don’t know why this was the breaking point instead of dozens of other lost battles in the War on Women over the last two years, but I’m glad people finally woke up and realized that the Republicans are using the majorities they won in 2010 to absolutely savage women’s rights and health. The Komen Foundation decision was the least of it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
So ThinkProgress reporting that Ari Fleisher had been secretly advising the Komen foundation on the ways it can stop funding for PP without the PR nightmare.
Seems Komen foundation wasted their money.
EXCLUSIVE: Ari Fleischer Secretly Helped Guide Komen Strategy On Planned Parenthood
I guess it would be too much to ask CNN to actually do some journalism and ask their CNN contributor some hard questions!
That little weasel.
On another subject, you want watch all the Super Bowl commercials right now if you want.
Go here.
yeah, bout the only thing worth watching for me is the commercials. I’m not much of a football watcher anyway and I’m not some crazed Madonna fan either. So I have no plans to watch the game at all.
I am a Giants fan, so I will be ignoring the commercials.
I’m rooting for the Giants. Brady’s wife acting like a Mrs. Tebow made me sick that letter was the last straw.
Is Puppy Bowl going to be on this year?
Yes they are having a Puppy Bowl marathon on Animal Planet. I’ll be tuning in this year for the first time. I don’t want to be left out of the talk around the water cooler. 🙂
any way to watch this, or the bowl itself, without a teevee [which autofill wants me to write teepee]?
Try Animal Planets website.
thanks. and the Super Bowl itself?
I think, unfortunately, people have become accustomed to rightwingers subjecting PP to rightwing politics. But Komen for the Cure was/is supposedly a non-partisan charity with a commitment to women’s health. That the mask was ripped off and they were revealed as just another group of wealthy rightwingers out to subjugate women in general and poor women in particular was such a betrayal. And it felt like it.
showed great leadership on this.
I am starting to be moderately hopeful that it isn’t that people finally woke up to this, but that we have reached a tipping point with social media where people have woken up in general. We’ve seen it in the Occupy coverage, the SOPA / PIPA fight, and now this – people are figuring out that there is some serious bullshit going down, and we’re not powerless to stop it if we can act together.
agree with you completely . WI for starters
Regarding the Media Matters article: SGK is not truly a private organization since they’re tax-exempt.
that’s inaccurate. one can be a private organization and tax-exempt. There are a number of designations. I have worked for several tax-exempt, private charities. Most were 501(c)(3), tax exempt but not allowed to lobby congress.
I hope you are right about people waking up. I live deep in Red-state-istan (Texas) and I am not really seeing it in “the low information” voter types. They appear to me to be going about their daily lives oblivious to the all out blitzkrieg being launched by the right on labor in Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, etc……
Of course you make reference to the assault on women’s health and don’t forget the assault on voting rights by recently rewarded wingers that took over statehouses and state leges in 2010.
It really is something if you remove yourself from the issues and only look at the tactic is masterful. It is overwhelming our ability to respond with limited media resources and organization.
My hope is the far right sees this as their last chance due to changing demographics and are making a last great charge and that we are able to withstand it and then turn the tide.
Maybe that is why all the aforementioned efforts really are reductions in citizens rights, they need to weaken the opposition as much as possible.
Not sure what they see (they think they “create their own reality” ), but it clearly is a desperate last-ditch effort, which is good for the long term, but it’s very important to minimize damage in the short term as well
The Komen story has so many moving parts of hilarity, i don’t know where to start. let me see if I can list them all.
#1: it’s another classic example of the Tea Party’s reverse-Midas touch, in which everything you touch turns to shit. While Nancy Brinker (also a republican) is getting the brunt of criticism, it’s my understanding that the driving force behind the decision was Karen Handel, a failed Tea Party candidate for Governor or Georgia. And just like Christine O’Donnell, the debt ceiling debacle, and the Keystone XL, their drive to force every issue blew up in their faces. Again.
#2: There is nothing Komen can do to fix their self-inflicted problem. Now that they’ve restored funding, the anti-abortion crowd is as outraged and furious as the pro-choice crowd was. And, Komen has thoroughly undermined their standing with the choice people too, many of who will no longer support them simply due to the knowledge of SGK’s politics. They have lost trust fro, both camps.
#3: and all this broke during the weekend that the “Pink Ribbons” documentary is being released. This documentary points out that with billions raised by organizations like Komen, the breast cancer rate has only gotten WORSE. This will draw more unwanted attention to:
#4: Komen’s not-so-kosher admin costs, which are VERY VERY high for a nonprofit. General rule of thumb is less than 10% should go to admin.
SO yeah, way to go, Komen. Maybe spend less money on Brinker’s helmet hair and a little more on some brains.
very nice! and “restore funding” for now but will get rejected in the next round, that’s obvious to donors so it’s not going to lure donors back. what is the % for admin in SKF?
nearly 12%, but it’s easy to play with the numbers. Some sites say that as much as 20% goes to admin.
guess they saw the opportunity for a lucrative scam.