Rather than asking whether we are better off today than we were four years ago, we really should be asking whether the Republican Party is more or less dysfunctional and deranged than it was four years ago. By almost any measure, we’re better off than we were when Barack Obama was inaugurated, but that is not the most important question. Elections are choices. And the choice isn’t between sticking with Barack Obama or going back to the land of Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales and John Bolton. We’d be fortunate to have that choice.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
In the last 3 years there have been several Black Republicans that I know who have switched party affiliation – and it had nothing to do with racial fidelity with Obama (racial fidelity is anathema to Black Republicans). It’s that the GOP has so flipped its lid (2010 midterms was the final straw) that even they had to get out of Dodge. The folk I know are probably the least-loopy Republicans so it’s not a representative sample, but it’s something I’ve never seen before, so there’s that.
Did they hold a gun to their own heads as they made their escape?
In a blaze of glory…
And yet, “better off today than four years ago” is a relative question, one I couldn’t answer yea or nay. Four years ago I was just hitting bottom, with nothing left but for the unemployment to run out. Career crashed, divorced, living in a tent.
Sure, I’ve a nice place to live now, but it’s basically the generosity of a divorced career crashed buddy whose house is in foreclosure and we could find ourselves on the street any day now. I’ve been a post “99er” for over ninety-nine weeks and regardless the happy smily face everyone paints there’s no work around here so my income is essentially nothing.
So, yea, nay… nothing’s really changed.
Things will get better for you when you change what you are doing to make it so. If there are no jobs where you are currently living, then start applying for jobs in another city where jobs are plentiful that you could relocate to. You obviously have access to the internet so I would start right there. Most job postings are online now. There are plenty of organizations like Goodwill and Salvation Army that have temporary living resources to help you get reestablished in a new city. Where there is a will there’s a way! Don’t give up!
Thank you for the sentiment, but… the white side of my family has lived right here for seven generations, the red side for uncounted millennia. Your comment is so well written I can’t figure out if you are sincere or a typical tea bagger asshole, but there’s nothing that pisses me off more than newcomer telling me to leave my home.
Think about it, how would you feel about me telling all you white dogs to go back to where-ever it is you came from and take the politics that have destroyed the country with you?
Each person has his opinion and freedom of choice.
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