Here’s an idea. Why don’t we all take our business to Office Max or our local stationary retailer until Staples stops complaining about “lactation chambers” and provides its nursing employees with reasonable break time to nurse their babies in a space that is not a bathroom and is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public. I don’t even know what the co-founder is complaining about. How many Staples employees bring their kids to work? It’s not like they provide daycare. So, maybe we should shop elsewhere just because Tom Stemberg is an a-hole. Or, maybe we should shop elsewhere because Mitt Romney helped get Staples started as a franchise and we don’t like to support ventures launched by people who strap their dogs to the roofs of their cars and go out on the interstate for 12-hour drives.
Tom Stemberg, co-founder of mega-office supply chain Staples is questioning an Obamacare provision that discourages job creation by dictating employers funnel their capital into lactation chambers.
“Do you want [farming retailer] Tractor Supply to open stores or would you rather they take their capital and do what Obamacare and its 2,700 pages dictates – which is to open a lactation chamber at every single store that they have?” he asked.
“I’m big on breastfeeding; my wife breastfed,” Stenberg added. “I’m all for that. I don’t think every retail store in America should have to go to lactation chambers, which is what Obamacare foresees.
Yeah, I see no reason to buy my printer paper and cartridges at Staples. I won’t be printing my photos there, either. Screw them.
It’s not about bringing the baby to work (although that would be nice), but about being able to pump in privacy, comfort, and cleanliness, not in a public bathroom stall.
yes. I was thinking about what an a-hole this guy is and how he doesn’t even have daycare for nursing mothers. But, you’re right. Most mothers are pumping.
Also, really? Lactation chambers?? Can they dehumanize it even more?
So somebody make this guy a sandwich in the men’s room and see if he’d like to eat it.
No? You want a special gustation chamber?
Bathroom sandwiches for everyone!!
What the hell is he talking about?
The dog thing – what a complete f***ing ass he is.
Romney wasn’t aware that carrying an animal on top of his car was illegal? What’s that old saying about ignorance of the law and excuses? And did this guy have no common sense at all?
(That last question is rhetorical.)
Order your office supplies at! All our dogs ride inside.
Ink & Toner Cartridges
Copy Paper
Please forgive the spam, but I could not resist! I promise that I am a long time
lurkerreader.Staples doesn’t offer much these days. evidently decided to carry only their own brand a few years back,
Office Max and Office Depot and independents are much better