Hey, guess what, the old cafe here link goes to a very nice blow up of today’s photo, the Loch Ness Monster has moved to Indiana, by AndiF, I’m guessing…
This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
If I get enough of a moment to breathe tomorrow, I’ll scour my archives for something appropriate to the theme. More likely, I’ll end up enjoying what others here choose to share.
Of course he jumped — he always does but he’s always also very careful about how far off the ground he is beforehand. One of our dogs, though, once fell off a log going over a fairly deep ravine and we rushed up expecting to see his broken body … but instead he popped up over the edge with a “hey did you see the cool thing I just did” expression.
Happy VD to you too! I’m snuggled up with my toddler sweetie, waiting for the heat to kick on before I get out of bed.
I guess I should get up and wrap my little surprises for all the fellas. I got the Patti Smith book for CBtE, Hunger Game for CBtY, and A you’re Adorable for Finny. Plus chocolate treats and something for BooMan, of course. 😉
I’m so psyched – I’m crazy busy at work for the next couple of days, but it’s because I have a 4-day weekend ahead-yay! Followed by 3 days at work and an advisory board in Florida Friday and Saturday. I’m hoping it warms up…
Hi WW. I love take shots of the light on the creeks. The patterns are always changing and always fascinating.
It hasn’t been very much of a challenge to remember warmer days here since that’s mostly what we’ve had this winter (biggest snow so far: 1 1/2 inch). We had some really cold days over the weekend but by Tuesday we were back in the 40s.
I know why this weather gets to me. I miss winter … with qualifications: I like snow but not huge amounts and colder temps but not when they get below the 20s. And all this mud and mush and gray and brown is really ugly.
We just had rain here today, and it’s supposed toward backup and dry out tomorrow.
Good thing, because I started my couch to 5k before the rain hit his morning…and the race is the third week in April. I need all the good weather I can get. Do you think I’ll make it?
It’s made me feel guilty to complain about the brief blasts of cold weather we’ve had. And yet, I’m still wishing the warmer weather would just get going and bring spring with it.
What races are you going to do? My friends from work and I picked our because it was sort of in the middle for all of us geographically. That, and I thought I might be ready in time. I’m a little afraid I’m too out of shape to make it. 😉
We’ve had 50 degree weather here this weekend, and it looks like it will lt most of the week.
We’ve been on a Robert Altman movie marathon the last few months. Saw M*A*S*H last night, its one of my all-time favorites. I remember a handful of people who made derogatory remarks and walked out of the theater the first time I saw it. I think those folks have been breeding excessively ever since.
There were little green sprouts showing up on the forest floor but then we had some really cold temps about a week ago and everything stopped. I expect that the current warm stretch will bring things out again.
We’re looking at some 50s and mostly 40s here (with a few below freezing lows) through next week so it looks like we’ll get through February (usually our snowiest month) with only an inch or so of snow total. Really unbelievable.
Several inches! Wow. I feel like Ahnold’s wife on the day he quite steroids!
Wow. What will the daffodils do? Our csa farm here is having trouble with the winter greens in the hoop house starting to bolt from all the warm weather.
I think I’m giving up on snow after this weekend (I have to travel for work on Friday, so that’s the most likely day for us to get a blizzard all winter, you know).
I’m so glad today is my last office day this week…
Old cafe here
Lucky you! I’ll be here all week. 🙁
Hopefully today’s meeting will be painless.
Hey, guess what, the old cafe here link goes to a very nice blow up of today’s photo, the Loch Ness Monster has moved to Indiana, by AndiF, I’m guessing…
And I’m guessing that monster will not be found among the three or four trees growing in ND. 😛
Hah! When you come to visit me I’ll take you to the Pembina Forest, let you loose on a trail, and see if you can find your way back out again…
Maybe so but I’m betting I still won’t see any cypress trees or knees.
Hmmm, I’ll keep and eye out and let you know;)
Tomorrow is Flog day and the theme is What is it?
This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
Looking forward to it!
If I get enough of a moment to breathe tomorrow, I’ll scour my archives for something appropriate to the theme. More likely, I’ll end up enjoying what others here choose to share.
Come guess and add your own What is it? by clicking here.
How did you make that blue font?
Use the span tag with the style attribute.
<span style=”color: blue;”>What is it?</span>
gets you What is it?
You can do different point sizes and fonts as well.
<span style=”color: blue; font-size: 16pt; font-family: Times New Roman”>What is it?</span>
What is it?
Now that’s a protest! Good on the firefighters of Belgium!
Grandchildren in da house and just found out there will be another one in late summer. Pizza all around!
Congrats all around!
Thanks NDD!
Mazel tov!
Congratulations! That’s great news! 🙂
Thanks everyone! The gender issue is to be a surprise, like the other grandkids. As usual, we’ll be happy with whomever shows up;-)
click for larger
Don’t jump!
Of course he jumped — he always does but he’s always also very careful about how far off the ground he is beforehand. One of our dogs, though, once fell off a log going over a fairly deep ravine and we rushed up expecting to see his broken body … but instead he popped up over the edge with a “hey did you see the cool thing I just did” expression.
Yikes! That must have been frightening.
It was but fortunately only for us. It never seems to affect him at all.
“Here’s the WW-I flying ace…”
to all you sweethearts. 🙂
Happy VD to you too! I’m snuggled up with my toddler sweetie, waiting for the heat to kick on before I get out of bed.
I guess I should get up and wrap my little surprises for all the fellas. I got the Patti Smith book for CBtE, Hunger Game for CBtY, and A you’re Adorable for Finny. Plus chocolate treats and something for BooMan, of course. 😉
I’m so psyched – I’m crazy busy at work for the next couple of days, but it’s because I have a 4-day weekend ahead-yay! Followed by 3 days at work and an advisory board in Florida Friday and Saturday. I’m hoping it warms up…
How are things out your way?
Happy VD to ya!
roseNeomarica for everyone!Our Walking Iris favored us with 2 blooms this morning.
Wow. Amazing. Lucky you!
It seems like years since I’ve seen an iris.
click for larger
Great photo, Andi. Just beautiful! A reminder of warmer days.
It’s good to know you’ve got more time for photography now.
Greetings to The Pond from the Catskills. Still waiting for winter here.
Hi WW. I love take shots of the light on the creeks. The patterns are always changing and always fascinating.
It hasn’t been very much of a challenge to remember warmer days here since that’s mostly what we’ve had this winter (biggest snow so far: 1 1/2 inch). We had some really cold days over the weekend but by Tuesday we were back in the 40s.
Something about this weather depresses me deeply. Not sure what.
I used to like taking those creek shots too. I don’t have time for it any more. Pas mal! Maybe some day.
Something about this weather depresses me deeply. Not sure what.
I used to like taking those creek shots too. I don’t have time for it any more. Pas mal! Maybe some day.
I know why this weather gets to me. I miss winter … with qualifications: I like snow but not huge amounts and colder temps but not when they get below the 20s. And all this mud and mush and gray and brown is really ugly.
I hope you have time for some photography soon.
I hope so too.
At least I had time to double-post.
Hey, I like it – lots of intriguing elements.
(However, your “carried” remains my favorite, due to the near limitless psychedelic effects.)
Thanks. Now I feel like I’ve got a challenge to find one you’ll like even better. 🙂
dkos’ Operation Hilarity. Does Ricky really need our help?
He was my senator…no.
I think Boo put out a BCWYWF on that question. I agree.
The return of winter. It’s snowing here now. Or is it the start of winter?
The start of winter!
Now stop that before someone gets hurt.
It was actually strange to see the snow. Usually I’m sick of it by now but this time there was actually some novelty to it.
We just had rain here today, and it’s supposed toward backup and dry out tomorrow.
Good thing, because I started my couch to 5k before the rain hit his morning…and the race is the third week in April. I need all the good weather I can get. Do you think I’ll make it?
Cool. I’m looking forward to doing some races this year. Apparently, the weather is going to stay in the 40s/50s for the forseeable future.
Same weather here. It looks like this is really going to be the Winter of No Winter.
It’s made me feel guilty to complain about the brief blasts of cold weather we’ve had. And yet, I’m still wishing the warmer weather would just get going and bring spring with it.
Yeah I’m really ready for the green stuff. Gray and brown accented with mud is not my idea of great exterior decorating.
What races are you going to do? My friends from work and I picked our because it was sort of in the middle for all of us geographically. That, and I thought I might be ready in time. I’m a little afraid I’m too out of shape to make it. 😉
We’ve had 50 degree weather here this weekend, and it looks like it will lt most of the week.
I haven’t enrolled in any yet. I’ll have to check the running.com site and see what’s coming up. I like the 5k races.
We’ve been on a Robert Altman movie marathon the last few months. Saw M*A*S*H last night, its one of my all-time favorites. I remember a handful of people who made derogatory remarks and walked out of the theater the first time I saw it. I think those folks have been breeding excessively ever since.
click for larger
I love the texture of those leaves. Things must be starting to sprout in your neck of the woods.
There were little green sprouts showing up on the forest floor but then we had some really cold temps about a week ago and everything stopped. I expect that the current warm stretch will bring things out again.
We’re supposed to see 60 by the end of the week. I noticed yesterday that our ferns are starting up. Amazing for February.
We’re seeing the ‘teens up here tonight, apparently.
Chance of snow for the rest of the week, with a rainy finale on Fri.
Hope everyone’s doing well.
We’re looking at some 50s and mostly 40s here (with a few below freezing lows) through next week so it looks like we’ll get through February (usually our snowiest month) with only an inch or so of snow total. Really unbelievable.
Such a pretty shot! A nice reminder of what we’ll be seeing in a little while. (We’ve got a little snow on the ground now.)
I’m jealous of your snow. I’ve really missed it … and I’m really tired of all the mud.
I’m sorry about the mud.
I’ll see if I can’t post a picture for you. So you get the virtual snow, I get the virtual pack.
I’ll look forward to that.
Hopefully not too much will fall. I can’t say that I’m missing it much.
We did get some snow this afternoon. The barn cat laid on it & it melted.
Big news for the ‘hood from NOAA:
Several inches! Wow. I feel like Ahnold’s wife on the day he quite steroids!
Wow. What will the daffodils do? Our csa farm here is having trouble with the winter greens in the hoop house starting to bolt from all the warm weather.
I think I’m giving up on snow after this weekend (I have to travel for work on Friday, so that’s the most likely day for us to get a blizzard all winter, you know).