WASHINGTON — Facing vocal opposition from religious leaders and an escalating political fight, the White House sought on Tuesday to ease mounting objections to a new administration rule that would require health insurance plans — including those offered by Catholic universities and charities — to offer birth control to women free of charge….
Please note that this is an “escalating political fight” even though polls show that clear majorities of Americans — and Catholics — support birth control coverage. The leadership of the Catholic Church is peeved, but rank-and-file Catholics aren’t. So why is this a firestorm?
It’s a firestorm, I think, because the American political elite teems with high-profile right-wing Catholics — among them converts such as Newt Gingrich, Robert Bork, Sam Brownback, Laura Ingraham, Lawrence Kudlow, and Ramesh Ponnuru. There’s been a concerted effort in recent years to win influential wingers over to the Catholic Church (Father John McCloskey, a prime mover in this effort, was described in a 2002 Slate article as “The Catholic Church’s K Street lobbyist”); the effort seems to be the political equivalent of Scientology’s focus on converting famous entertainers.
When you combine all these wingnut Catholic converts with birth Catholics who are prominent right-wingers (William Bennett, Scalia/Thomas/Roberts), you get a Catholic-winger noise machine that can convey the sense within the Beltway that Catholics believe a certain thing when, in fact, only prominent right-wing Catholic pols and pundits believe it in great numbers.
This is a great mechanism for fooling easily spooked non-right-wing Catholics such as Cokie Roberts and E.J. Dionne — both of whom have engaged in fretful hand-wringing about the terrible political misjudgment President Obama has allegedly made. Well, it really does looks like a terrible decision — if the only Catholics you encounter regularly are your Georgetown cocktail party pals.
(X-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
It’s a Brer Rabbit moment.
So I click on your link, which is about the HHS regulations, and I see a link to a story about Komen, which makes my brain go “click.”
The Right’s War on Contraception and Women in General is already on people’s minds right now.
I agree completely, it’s all Brer Rabbit. Most people didn’t know that ObamaCare gets them free contraception, and already the Republicans are taking it away from them. It’s a brilliant way to educate the public and allow Republicans to position themselves in the worst way possible.
More Brer Rabbit.
Um, Americans of every faith and political persuasion are against health insurance that pays for contraceptives? Way to win the women over after the Komen thing.
Boehner and the Republicans are grasping at any straw to try and capture a narrative that they think will pull their party out of the mud.
Does anyone really believe that Boehner has so much passion for this issue that he is making that “very rare speech on the House floor” to fight for his party’s principles?
No, I didn’t think so either.
Kudlow is a Catholic? And Ponnuru high-profile? I bet no more than 2 people in my local church even knows Ponnuru’s name.
It doesn’t matter if your fellow churchgoers don’t know Ponnuru — what matters is that Cokie and E.J. know him. Then they tell us what Catholics think, based on their exhaustive survey of their friends.
Of course they are the only ones that matter!! The all sit around Sally Quinn’s parlor, drinking expensive booze, lamenting the great unwashed masses!
and Mark Shields who went on Lawrence’s show last night and said it was a devastating mistake on the administration’s part
Rachel had a terrific segment on this issue last night: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#46304423
Good post. And be sure to add Mark Shields to the apparently easily spooked non-right-wing Catholics.
Here’s Mark Shields on The Last Word last night, explaining his previous pronouncement on PBS’s News Hour that “the fallout is cataclysmic for the White House and for the President.”
Mark Shields come in about 2:45.
My recent post …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
According to the Catholic Church the ONLY marriage that is recognized is one officiated by a approved priest and witnessed by two practicing catholics. By this definition, Newt wasn’t really married.
Talk about hypocritical! I cannot for the life of me understand why lawyers for gay rights don’t protest the amicus briefs from the Chatholic church. You’re not supposed to be an amicus if you don’t have a dog in the fight … and to the Catholic Church, these guys won’t be married anydamnway!
Charlie Pierce on why the Church has been getting beaten up the past decade, in response to something “pre-eminent Catholic scholar George Weigel” said on Chris Matthews. Hilarious:
While you’re clearly right about the divide between the Catholic hierarchy and the American Catholic population, that doesn’t mean that the elite group, the bishops, don’t have any masses behind them. The great religious right hordes, who are mainly evangelical but include a significant minority of Catholics, are right there with the bishops.
Also, I’ve been struck by how many older, institutional liberals in DC and in the media – add Mark Shields to the mix – are terrified of crossing the bishops. I think it’s a generational thing: they’re still thinking in terms of John F. Kennedy’s electoral coalition.
Perhaps Obama calculated that Santorum needed a helping hand to win the GOP nomination. This is a Great issue for Santorum to fight for and win the GOP nomination. The general election? Not so much. Perhaps Obama figures he is more vulnerable to Romney on the economy. With Santorum he just loses the wingnuts – and he was never going to get them anyway.
Santorum on the ballot will affect dem GOTV; the issue is a great motivator and will affect down ticket races.
My understanding is the Thomas was an Episcopalian who converted to Catholic.
But you are correct. It looks to me like the Catholic Bishops were looking to pick a fight with Obama. It’s clearly not a real fight with the Catholic laity.