Personally touched by an abusive son-in-law and a wrecked marriage of my daughter, I’m caring for my grandson (5 yrs. old now) for a few hours every week. The former son-in-law and my daughter have joined custody of the child after a lengthy court battle. During these last 5 years I have been trying to understand the cause of abuse and am fearful for the welfare and safety of my grandson. With much interest I have followed the mystery of the “disappearance” of Susan Powell in Utah in 2009. I was not surprised when I read of the final event a few days ago – Horrific details emerge in Josh Powell double-murder and suicide. Powell’s sister, attorney, social worker called 911 during explosion. Detailed timeline of events surrounding Josh Powell, Susan Cox Powell.

Abuse has many faces. What I recognize in Josh Powell is a mental disturbance, controlling personality, pathological liar, anger, victim and perpetrator roles change, destruction of Susan Cox-Powell’s world/remembrance and a distorted form of religion: Church of the Latter Day Saints. What I recognise in my former son-in-law are these very same traits. There is a family history of mental illness: borderline by his maternal grandmother and a fundamental form of protestantism.

I found this article with an amazing similarity in the patriarchal, woman unfriendly form of worship in the conservative LSD and Catholic churches. Reasons for leaving the LDS church. Romney and Santorum should team up well together and please their evangelical and teabagger base. Yes, a very distinct political view from the Obama administration. Will evil make a comeback in November 2012?

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."