Rush Limbaugh mocked the Republican establishment on his radio show Wednesday for being “shocked” by Rick Santorum’s three-state win, saying, “I can’t believe how insulated they are.”
“They’re literally shocked. The Republican establishment had no idea this was percolating out there. I can’t believe how insulated they are,” Limbaugh said. “To look at the reaction they’re having today, to see how shocked they are that Rick Santorum has come out of what they thought was an impossible position equivalent to nowhere, is an incredible thing.”
Hard to argue with that. The Republican Establishment deserves even more mockery.
Speaking of mocking the Republican establishment…
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Hey, this Saringan fellow can really write. According to my research this comes from a site called Karma Decay ( Not sure what “Reverse image search of (beta)” but there’s more of his stuff there.
Whether it’s Santorum’s win or Boehner’s faux outcry over the Admin’s stance on birth control access the writing is on the wall as we see the economy warming. Mitt has been a one-trick pony as a candidate and his tricky deaf ear economics are no longer passing the smell test for the GOP at large.
The great fallback rally of social issues will be what we’ll hear filling the airwaves and Santorum is just the guy to beat the drum.
Looks like it’s the GOP establishment’s turn to be Sally Quinn. (“None of my friends voted for him!”)
At the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Obama said something I’d been wanting to hear for a long time:
“They make a big election about small things.”
Obama understands how they operate.
It’s just so sad because there are lots of little things to really enjoy when Obama acts Presidential. I can’t decide whether this clip of Obama and The Marshmellow Gun or the First Lady and Jimmy Fallon meeting the Let’s Move challenge in the White House is best.
LOL! I do not agree with Rush Limbaugh. In a way I do; after all, over a year and a half ago I thought, “There’s no way they nominate Mitt Romney after what I saw them do in 2010. They’re still too deluded and believe their own crap of not being right-wing enough. And they will throw Romney and their chances off a cliff to prove it. Bachmann will run, she’s perfect (though part of me doubted they’d nominate a woman…I’m in their circles, been there done that, they don’t want women running their churches, let alone being president)”
But at the other end, you have to remember that Rush has something at stake as well. He’s the one who’s been pimping Santorum, for one. For two, losing is good for his business. The base always has something to stay angry at — Hollywood, black people, gay people, atheists, Muslims…w/e — but it’s not like where the fomenting rage that Obama drives them. Rush enjoys Obama being president, I’m sure. His life doesn’t change no matter who’s in office.
He’s the one who’s been pimping Santorum, for one.
So Rusty has dropped Newt like Newt dropped his previous two wives?
“Bachmann will run, she’s perfect (though part of me doubted they’d nominate a woman… “
And yet that’s not the reason. The reason is that she blew it. Surely at one time they would have been more than happy to nominate Sarah Palin, and I believe she’s a woman. Hell, they would have ate the corn out of her shit.
I know it’s not the reason, but way back before the primaries kicked off — even the debates — I thought it’d be a hindrance. But yes, when her polling dropped she started whipping out the crazy which she previously kept down fairly well. After all, without her, T-Paw may have been viable. Ok, who am I kidding…that dude was never viable.
The Republican establishment deserves more mockery AND more shockery.
You agree with Rush only at a superficial level.
He believes the GOP establishment has failed to understand the rustic wisdom of the conservative base; you mock the GOP establishment for not understanding how insane that base has become.