Who chooses a Mormon to defend the rights and honor of the Holy Catholic Church?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Considering the money support coming from Utah I half expected Romney to pour all his outrage into the Prop 8 turnover.
I saw a report on CNN that Warren Jeffs is still directing his lost souls all the way from prison and certainly he would have an opinion or two on birth control access. Funny that Romney would side with Jeffs on the one hand or with the Catholic Church which has led a charge to debase the Mormom religion as illigitimate.
I guess it’s just easier to throw in with the good ol boys’ than it is to stand up for the women in your life.
this is happening now because the republicans have nothing.
They. Have. NOTHING. Their preferred nominee just had his ass handed to him in three states by an unelectable moral scold. The Romneybot3000’s other opponent, the Man of 1000 Bad Ideas, refuses to go away. The economy, as shitty as it is, is getting better. Osama bin laden is dead. Health insurance reform, as timid as the changes have been, is beginning to take effect. Komen, another nasty black eye.
the ads are beginning to write themselves: “US credit downgrade due to GOP debt ceiling obstruction”.
So it’s all grasping at straws, sheer panic. I’m enjoying it.
I don’t understand why they feel they should panic right now; the election is months away and their panic reactions might do irreparable damage. I suppose they feel they must win every news cycle. It would be fitting if the same short-term thinking that makes GOP governance so bad, loses them the campaign.
They panic because the children they have running this train can’t see beyond their nose. Eric Erickson is very typical of this.
When you are young and inexperienced, what is is what will aways be. With the decimation of his believe structure in the political arena, he is in a state of panic all the time … therefore, everyone else who is in his volcanic little circle is ALSO in a state of panic.
Anyone who has ever herded cows knows what happens when 2 or 3 out of a hundred panic -> STAMPEDE.
Really, if you guys had ever been around teenagers as the adult in the house, you’d understand a lot better.
Romney and Santorum Have Much in Common
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Booman Tribune ~ Why This is Happening Now
People who think Obama is a Black Kenyan Muslim Atheist Terrorist?
People who think Obama is a Black Kenyan Muslim Atheist Terrorist?
Can’t forget Marxist!!!!!! And anti-Colonialist!
I thought the American Revolution was anti-colonialist?
Well, yeah, but that was different.
because you were the colonised rather than the colonisers?
Comments from panel on MSNBC this morning that Mitt appeared dazed and confused today before a crowd…all this when he has to win over the unfriendly crowd over at CPAC. He’ll be lucky if all he has is a brain freeze moment.
Reboot! Reboot!
Reboot! Reboo — aw hell, it’s starting smoking and sparking.
“Been Dazed and Confused for so long it’s not true.
Wanted a voter, never bargained for you.
Lots of people talk and few of them know,
soul of a voter was created below.”
Humble apologies to Jake Holmes, Jimmy Page or whoever really wrote it.
Another Mormon?