Update [2012-2-11 6:21:15 by Oui]: Of course after all denials yesterday, the Free Syrian Army now claims the twin deadly terror attacks in the city of Aleppo. The United States has confirmed it is in collusion for the purposeful overthrow of Assad with AQAU (Al-Qaeda of Arab Uprising). Nice going guys, perhaps this will be a gamechanger for Western policy of military intervention in Syria. I should have changed the title of my previous diary “Obama In Bed with Israel and Neocons” to Obama in bed with Saudi funded extreme Islamists of the Salafist jihadists. What an embarrassment to Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and the Obama administration. When will they accept, the Saudi regime is the most dangerous for U.S. national security? Speaking of regime change …
- U.S. intelligence reports indicate that the bombings came on the orders of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian who assumed leadership of al-Qaeda after the last year’s death of Osama bin Laden.
Rebel FSA spokesman claims Aleppo bombings
ALEPPO, Syria (Telegraph) – SYRIA’s conflict escalated to reach the country’s second city of Aleppo when explosions tore through a police station and an intelligence headquarters, claiming 28 lives and 175 wounded.
State television reported that “car bombs” exploded at two locations in Aleppo, showing graphic pictures of corpses and wrecked buildings. The blasts targeted a police station and the local headquarters of the Department of Military Intelligence.
Colonel Malik al-Kurdi, deputy commander of the FSA, confirmed that rebels were responsible, saying that security personnel in the two locations had been kept under surveillance.
“When they were gathering in a square to go to the mosques and repress demonstrations, two groups from the FSA targeted the two buildings with small arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire,” he told BBC Arabic.
“After violent clashes, there was an explosion inside the Military Intelligence building. At first we didn’t know what it was, but we think it was the regime trying to stop the operation of the FSA.”
Military Intelligence, commanded by General Abdul Fatah Kudsiyeh, has been a key instrument of state repression since Syria’s conflict began 11 months ago. As one of the country’s five intelligence agencies, it forms a central pillar of the security apparatus that keeps Mr Assad in power.
Another rebel spokesman, Colonel Maher Nouaimi, claimed that Mr Assad’s “criminal regime” had itself carried out the Aleppo bombings in order to “steer attention away from what it is doing in Homs”.
I previously covered the propaganda of the so-called London Observatory, a site and spokesperson most often quoted in the Western press for the atrocities and body count in Syria. This spokesperson Mousab Azzawi doesn’t care whether the body is a military or Alawite murdered by the Sunni insurgents or the civilians killed by the Assad regime. It’s just a numbers game to get into the Western media outlets. The original website is in Arabic and is no supporter of military intervention in Syria. See the video from RT – Russia Today.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."