Month: February 2012

Please Support Booman Tribune

Our readers were very generous over the holiday season. I thank you for relieving a lot of the stress I was feeling during December. It’s wonderful to have loyal group of supporters who value what we do here enough to make...

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RMoney Pays No Gift Taxes on $100M

Yeah, he did it again (video from Lawrence O’Donnell’s The Last Word): The idea that someone could pay zero gift taxes on contributions to a $100 million trust fund may surprise people who have heard arguments that...

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Bill Maher Slams Romney Better than Anyone

Bill Maher gets to the essence with why people do hate and should hate Mitt Romney for his wealth. Romney really is very different from other American icons like Steve Jobs and Walt Disney. Maher points out in this new campaign...

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Romney’s Giant Blunder

Mitt Romney managed to infuriate the left and demoralize the right when he told CNN’s Soledad O’Brien that he didn’t care about the very poor and that the federal programs that serve them are working just fine....

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Romney Caught in Another Lie Re: Finances

In my opinion, when a man promises to do something and then does the exact opposite that makes him a Liar (and I make no apology for the Capital L). In 2007, Mitt Romney promised that his family trusts that hold his stock...

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