RIP, Don Cornelius
I hate to see Don Cornelius go out like this. Apparently, he has killed himself. So much awesome. I don’t know why people complained so much in the 1970’s. Who cares about high interest rates when you’ve got...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Feb 1, 2012 |
I hate to see Don Cornelius go out like this. Apparently, he has killed himself. So much awesome. I don’t know why people complained so much in the 1970’s. Who cares about high interest rates when you’ve got...
Read MorePosted by tjwalker | Feb 1, 2012 |
Mitt Romney is to be commended for his honesty. This ranks right up there with “I like being able to fire people,” and “corporations are people, my friend.” Romney has shown that while he may have the...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Feb 1, 2012 |
Mitt Romney committed another gaffe this morning while he was talking to Soledad O’Brien of CNN. Now, some people are going to say that he’s being taken out of context, but I want to focus on the first one and a half...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Feb 1, 2012 |
I’m trying to think of the right analogy to describe David Frum’s dilemma. He’s like a man who has disembarked from a train and is standing on the station platform watching as the train slowly disappears over...
Read MorePosted by Oui | Feb 1, 2012 |
. Romney Forces Crush Gingrich in Florida Ad Wars (Mother Jones) – Quoting a “source monitoring the Sunshine State ad war,” Politico reports that the Romney campaign and pro-Romney super-PAC Restore Our Future...
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