I know for a fact that Assrocket lived through the Bush years and yet he writes this:


Have we ever had an administration like Barack Obama’s? An administration that tries to benefit from pitting Americans against one another? An administration that uses its billion-dollar slush fund, not to mention the resources of the Executive Branch, to demonize private citizens who disagree with its policies? An administration that uses hate as an instrument of domestic politics? I don’t believe that there is any precedent in American history for the mean-spiritedness that now emanates from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Does anyone else remember Joe Wilson? Does anyone remember Karl Rove’s election strategy for the 2002 and 2004 elections? Didn’t that have something to do with demonizing private citizens who disagreed with the war in Iraq and using hate as an instrument of domestic politics? The Obama administration picks on two rich billionaires (the Koch brothers) who, more than anyone else, are responsible for destroying the public’s awareness of the seriousness of climate change, and this is in any way comparable to questioning the patriotism of a hundred million people?

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh is picking on one lonely Georgetown law student for speaking her mind about birth control and women’s health. He calls her a slut and a prostitute and asks her to post videos of her sexual encounters on the internet so he can watch them. Rush Limbaugh may not be the president, but he is the leader of the Republican Party. And this is what the right always does to private citizens who speak up. Remember the granite countertops?