Some apologies are harder to accept than others.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Some “help” is better refused than others. It ain’t the birth control users that are the prostitutes, it’s the paid traitors.
We’re ducking and covering here in Louisville. So far, so good, but there are tornadoes – plural – on the ground…
Had Kerry won Ohio in 2004, right now we’d be living under President Romney or McCain as Senator Obama/Clinton and former VP Edwards battled it out in the primaries. Kerry would have been a one-termer who oversaw the American withdrawal in the face of the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad and the renewed discrediting of Democrats on national security, uncontrolled Republican obstruction in Washington, and the catastrophic collapse of the housing bubble and the banking sector.
Fuck Ken Mehlman straight to hell, but I can live with our existing reality.
2000 was the Election of Great Consequence, the one we had to have, and it didn’t have much to do with gay stuff. Whole different set of bad actors to blame on that one.
In fairness and full disclosure, Democratic Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Has to also be taken into consideration.
Interesting hypothetical. I don’t know if events would have played out as you describe.
Look at what the SOFA of 2008, and the obvious defeat of the Republicans and ascension of a pro-withdrawal candidate did for internal Iraqi politics and security. Mightn’t a Kerry victory and an earlier release of a withdrawal timeline have done the same thing? Remember, the civil war and ethnic cleansing didn’t really get started until well after the 2005 elections.
And then there’s the financial crash itself. Does President Kerry’s Treasury Department let that happen? Do they preempt state financial regulation, and refuse to regulate those novel financial instruments themselves? Does the economy go into the toilet and guarantee the victory of the opposition party, as it did in the real 2008?
Have you never met the Democratic Party before? What the hell are you talking about?
Go find me a single “good western liberal” anywhere in the world in power pre-crash who did anything to stop the problem. You think President Kerry and Fed Chair Summers would have been on the case?
Have you never met the Democratic Party before?
I sure have. Why, I know them well enough to know that they are made up of factions representing a wide diversity of opinion, such that yammerings about “the Democratic Party” in general are all-but-useless in telling us what any particular Democrat’s term in office would be like.
I have to ask you, my emotional little friend, have YOU never met the Democratic Party before?
Go find me a single “good western liberal” anywhere in the world in power pre-crash who did anything to stop the problem.?
Barney Frank, who as Chairman of the House Banking Committee ushered through a raft of regulations in 2007. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?
Your hero worship is not my problem. Barney Frank’s record is a known quantity. And while I have no doubt he would have chased down new protections for homeowners and credit card users, consumer protection wouldn’t have done anything in 2005-07 to stop every major financial institution on two continents except for JP Morgan from going insolvent simultaneously.
Heck, the Democrats could have likely been in the senate minority the whole four years anyway, even if they were somehow on top of things. There is no political path that changes anything. It ends the same way.
And for the record, I think you’re a gigantic fucking douchebag and an internet poseur, and I find you tedious now on the same level as Arthur Gilroy and Calvin. Don’t expect further responses.
If Ken Mehlman was really sorry, he’d commit suicide.and
And no, I’m NOT going to apologize for that. Fuck him, fuck the horse he rode in on, and I hope he never ever has a partner. I hope he dies sad, destitute, and alone.
I’ll eat diarrhea before I accept an apology from any of those scumbags.
He should go down like Atwater, another forgotten nonentity.
So Mittens response to Rush-bo’s bs is “it’s not the language I would have used..” really, that’s as strong as Mittens can get??? I hope the next question posed to Mittens is “well what fuckin’ language would you use guv’na”.
These men are fuckin’ cowards!
He’d use French. He’s fluent with a Parisian accent. Quite beautiful actually.
Ken, a group apology doesn’t cut it in your personal 12 step program. Spend the rest of your life seeking out and asking forgiveness from each person you hurt.