If the following wasn’t spoken by someone who is acting in direct service to the Permanent Government, the PermaGov media would pounce on it as a “gaffe.”
As it is, it’s just another hint about what is soon to come.
US President Barack Obama held a line of fundraisers for his presidential campaign on Thursday. At one of the events, a woman interrupted his comments on foreign policy to yell, “Use your leadership! No war in Iran!”
Obama calmly responded, “Nobody’s announced a war, young lady. You’re jumping the gun a little bit.”
“…a little bit.”
Bet on it.
Over and out.
Feel free.
But he’s fooled you all.
Remember the National Defense Authorization Act.
It offers a potential Pearl Harbor for what is left of American freedom.
Your candidate signed it.
I thought this was a progressive blog.
Doublethink in action.
Sorry, folks.
Four more years of this shit and you won’t be able to take a crap in peace.
Back to the really important stuff. Like long discussions of who’s gonna end up being the Republican tomato can in November and great arguments regarding which judges will score the fight for the tomato can
didatejust to make it look good.Sad.
Me thinks you think Obama is so stupid that he would allow Israel, the right wing Greater Israel uber alles Likudniks, to take the US into another war that would ignite the Middle East and raise gas prices astronomically and create long lines at the pump, a Carter redux.
Cheap gas is not only an American birthright, but a barometer for winners and losers in American presidential elections.
You bet on it.
Rc’ed for finally having the courage to talk about the Middle East.
Courage is not my weak suit.
Again…you, like so many other people here, seem to think that Barack Obama is “in charge” of what happens. He is not.
For example…here is one possibility.
Obama said in that same speech referenced above, “As President of the United States, I don’t bluff.”
But of course, he does bluff. It’s part of the poker game of politics, and eliminating it would mean certain defeat. Saying “I don’t bluff’ is an integral part of the bluff process. This guy is a good basketball player. He has a point guard mentality. Can you imagine a point guard who does not use feints? Usually the smallest, quickest and often the smartest player on the court? Please.
But…and here is where it gets dangerous…what if his bluff is called?
Which bluff?
Any bluff.
The public bluff that he is ready to wage war on Iran if Israel launches a pre-emptive attack?
The more than likely bluff that has not been publicized because of political considerations? The one that he has implied…or more likely, clearly stated…to Israel that he will not support a preemptive attack?
And what if one of those statements is not a bluff?
What then?
Which one?
How to choose, how to choose…
Call the bluff is how to choose.
Israeli leadership is fairly certain…correctly or not, it doesn’t really matter…that Iran as a nuclear power means the end of israel as they know it. They quite obviously do not like that idea, and a large portion of the Israeli power structure seems to think that economic sanctions and covert ops like murdering scientists and placing worms in the Iranian computer system are just stopgap measures.
Thus they are very near to calling the possible Obama bluff. Why not? A guaranteed loss of power in the future or the chance…no matter how small…of winning today. Which choice is more likely?
If and when that happens…and the Israelis have been very clever at pushing American political buttons, carefully and successfully choosing when to make their moves so that American leaders are relatively powerless politically in terms of crossing them…if and when that happens at a politically dangerous time for Obama, will he be forced to once again admit his bluff as has happened so many times in the past 4 years? (Think N.D.A.A. or his many cave-ins to Republican pressure for all you need to know on that account.)
Or will he for the first time back his shit up and say “Nope. Sorry. Yo Yo. You’re on your own.”
People bet racehorses on their previous performances. This one’s no good in the mud; that one likes to come from behind and so on.
How much would you bet on Obama standing up to a called bluff?
And how much would the Israelis bet on his habit of folding?
You bet your life.
Either way.
My bet? Given that his corporate military-industrial supporters, his corporate financial world supporters and his corporate “political” advisers will mostly all be telling him that it would be good for the country, that oil prices are in grave danger of toppling the economy, that if he wants four more years he cannot be seen as weak?
My bet?
Israel attacks and the U.S. supports.
Just as it’s always been.
Go Israel…the only nation on earth with balls.
Balls are not enough. If they were, bull elephants would rule the world.
But…oh, I forgot.
You are a “radical right-winger.”
That means that you fly around in little counter-clockwise circles, of course. And you somehow think that because you are flying in counter-clockwise fashion, that means that time is running backwards. Back to the good ol’ days.
I got news fer ya, Mr. Liberty.
These are the good ol’ days.
Your pathetic wishview?
Versus the sad truth of the matter.
“Balls” die just as easily as do any other feature.
Bet on it.
Welcome to the tar pits.
Of course, “balls”, as used here, is a figurative term, not referring to actual testicles. For example, in some ways, my wife has more “balls” than I do…it refers to a strength of character, a will to win.
But you already knew that.
Sorry Gilroy, but it is everyone’s hope that Obama is bluffing and that any perceived weakness will rather derive from his inability to stand up to Israel, to again appear, as Booman once put it, as Netanyahu’s poodle.
An attack of Iran by Israel (and the US will not go along) will create a deep economic crisis in the US or world for which Obama will be blamed. The pain at the pump alone will damn him, let alone the prospect of a return of recession and high unemployment, just before a presidential election. Obama’s inability to control Netanyahu is a weakness which will doom his reelection chances. Romney or even Santorum might look like better leaders to the American electorate.
So looking weak by not enacting a bluff is less important than being perceived as being led by the nose into another Middle East war that severely hurts the US economy. That’s weakness.