From Bloomberg News comes this report about a Morgan Stanley Executive who stabbed a cab driver after refusing to pay a $204 cab fare. But that’s not all …

Mohamed Ammar said the banker attacked him Dec. 22 with a 2½-inch blade and used racial slurs after a 40-mile ride from New York to the banker’s $3.4 million Darien, Connecticut home.

Jennings, who had attended a bank holiday party at a boutique hotel in Manhattan before hailing the cab, refused to pay the $204 fare upon arriving in his driveway, the driver said. When Ammar threatened to call the local police, Jennings said they wouldn’t do anything to help because he pays $10,000 in taxes, according to a report by the Darien police department.

Ammar, a native of Egypt, said he then backed out of the driveway to seek a police officer. The banker called him an expletive and said “I’m going to kill you. You should go back to your country,” according to the report, filed in state court in Stamford. A fight ensued as they drove through Darien, and Jennings, 45, allegedly cut Ammar, 44, police said.

Jennings, after returning for a 2 week vacation in Florida, turned himself in to the Darrien, CN police, and is now out of jail after paying a $9500 bond. I suspect he’ll get a plea bargain down to a misdemeanor and receive a suspended sentence with maybe some community service work added on. Mr. Amar can always file a lawsuit against Jennings, but I imagine that Jennings can afford a higher priced lawyer to stall the lawsuit well until the next decade.

Now co-head of North American fixed-income capital markets, he worked his way up from associate; vice president, and then principal, for debt capital markets; to executive director for investment banking and then managing director for fixed income capital markets. He is a graduate of Williams College and received a master’s in business from Northwestern University.

Now imagine how this story would have been reported had Jennings been a young African American male “gangster” or really anyone who didn’t work for Wall Street since 1993? Word to the wise. If you’re a cab driver in NYC, I wouldn’t pick up any well dressed white men you see hanging around Wall Street. You could be risking more than getting stiffed on your cab fare.