What happens when you make people aggressively stupid? I think we have reached another Stupid or Evil moment. How many people really are so stupid that they don’t know how hormonal birth control works? And how many people know precisely how it works but simply don’t care about making themselves look stupid if they can call someone a slut?
Imagine if people were arguing that a man could avoid impregnating his girlfriend by getting up each morning, going into the bathroom, and putting on a condom for a minute to two. You’d need 28-31 condoms a month (depending on the month) to utilize this form of birth control. It wouldn’t matter how many times you had sex as long as you put that condom on each morning while you brushed your teeth.
Would anyone dare make this argument in public? I’m beginning to think the answer to this question is ‘yes.’ The mighty right-wing wurlitzer doesn’t care about influencing the portion of the public that is acquainted with reality. They’re after the nearly insensate.
A woman says that a friend of hers lost an ovary because she couldn’t afford to pay for the Pill. The response is that the woman telling this story is having so much sex that she can’t afford the Pill. That has so little relationship to the underlying facts that anyone paying attention is left to wonder “what the f*ck are you talking about?”
It’s kind of like invading Iraq because a bunch of non-Iraqis who were trained in Afghanistan attacked this country.
It’s kind of like if the Democrats responded to the Republicans’ tax plan by asking why Paul Ryan has sex with llamas behind the big barn.
I’ll be fascinated to see if or how the Right rallies around Rush. They are so invested in their sense of victimhood, that they will likely rally around the Pilonidal Cyst of Freedom out of reflex.
I think it makes sense to keep hammering Rush – not to get him off the air – but to make him a symbol of resistance to the Great Liberal Conspiracy.
Tie this fat bastard around the GOP like an anvil.
Thanks for showing your cohort the way, Pam.
It’s kind of like invading Iran because a bunch of non-Iranians who were trained in Israel claim the opposite of what is plain as fucking day.
Even the wing-nuttiest of neo-cons has not called for an invasion of Iran. Are you applying for a stupid badge yourself?
I’ve been wondering that about Paul Ryan for a while, finally it’s being addressed on the intertubz
It’s more common than you might think in the Upper Midwest. You don’t want to know.
Ok, so I jump in to tell you that you’re KILLIING me with the llama / big barn thing, only to see you dissing the upper Midwest. Putz.
Let me just point out that the big barn of lore was located in a suburb in Pennsylvania….
You and I both know that the big barn was located somewhere near Portage, Michigan.
Please. It was’t West Chester, and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of the town, but it wasn’t in Portage, or anywhere else in MI.
Further, I don’t know how you can say such terrible things about llamas. Really.
Yes and no. WW and I are discussing a real event.
to know about those barns…
yes, on second thought, I don’t want to know
It’s about agreeing with your tribe’s leader no matter what.
Finally. Now if John King would just get it.
These wingnutty people are in a panic. They don’t read or hear what is actually being said, but wait for Limbaugh and his ilk to reconfigure facts into hysteria, then run with it. If you read any of the comments from the people on Republican sites, they use the same language and talking points that Rush did. It’s like the bleating of sheep.
So it was a slow weekend and my niece decided to go to the Rep caucus with her new son in law. She reported back the room was filled with old white dudes with bib overalls and rubber boots dipped in green cow…
Mingling with them were the Ron Paul rasta boys cheering Paul’s pot stance followed by a group of purity girls…
Line of the day was the rasta boys huddled together at the end, one on the pay phone, ring ring “Mom, hey can you come pick me up I’m hungry”
How many people really are so stupid that they don’t know how hormonal birth control works?
When I think of groups that don’t use birth control, two come to mind: religious conservatives and angry old people.
That’s most of the Republican base, isn’t it?
A lot of people don’t know how it works; Rachel Maddow got some of the science wrong before as well. But on the level of Rush’s and the right’s misunderstanding? I have no idea. But I have always made it a point to know what birth control my gf’s are on.
I was going to say something like this. To understand how the pill works actually requires a fair bit of biology knowlage, and a lot of people are simply not interested. Thats noting against those people, but to sneer at them simply for not knowing how it works is sitting on a pretty damn high horse. Do you know how asprin works?
Basicly people know that if they take the pill they dont get pregnant, and thats it.
Anyway Rush dosen’t give 2 shits how the pill works or how anyone takes it. He knows what he said was BS and doesn’t care. His ratings were dropping and he needed to get onto the news to get his listeners back, so he said some fuck stupid angry things and made sure it was reported by his media contacts, and then sat back and let the free advertising from outraged people roll in and all his listeners flock back to support their friend Rush against the evil librul empire.
The worst thing everyone could have done to Rush was just shrug their shoulders and say So what?” Now he even has the GOP having to defend his ludicrous position and comments that even he doesn’t believe and other are reporting it the way Rush said it becasue they know it will piss “liberals” off and thats all they care about.
Everyone who is ranting about what this jackass said is a fool.
The Republicans are having trouble creating distance from his comments and we’re foolish to hammer this home?
As for understanding the pill, you don’t need to understand the biological reason that the Pill works. You just need to understand that it is a pill taken once a day, every day.
i was looking at it from the perspective of Limbaugh. The guy has 15 million listeners on a good day, he knows that if he stays on the air the advertisers will either be back or will be replaced by new ones. And it has cemented his hold over the GOP making him more powerful. In a rational world he would be off the air.
I agree that from the wider political standpoint hitting the GOP with Limbaugh is the right move since they are terrified of breaking ties with him and it was an angle that I hadn’t concidered. But nothing in this really hurts Limbaugh
Foolish to hit back on this? When the bloated one’s advertisers are departing in disgusted* droves? When the head of Georgetown University, a decidedly Catholic institution, comes to Sandra Fluke’s defense?
Not to mention that David Frum has actually pushed back at Rush’s “the other side does it too!” defenders:
I about fell out of my chair. Even allowing for the waves of sanity that have been breaking over Frum lately, it’s a stunner to hear that from anyone on the right.
Which in itself is a sad, sad commentary.
*See, for example, the comments by the head of Carbonite; it wasn’t just the economic hit that motivated him:
But Paul Ryan DOES have sex with llamas. There’s a rumor going around, and he hasn’t addressed it, so until I see a denial, it has to be true.
At the very least it would be irresponsible to speculate.