What happens when you make people aggressively stupid? I think we have reached another Stupid or Evil moment. How many people really are so stupid that they don’t know how hormonal birth control works? And how many people know precisely how it works but simply don’t care about making themselves look stupid if they can call someone a slut?

Imagine if people were arguing that a man could avoid impregnating his girlfriend by getting up each morning, going into the bathroom, and putting on a condom for a minute to two. You’d need 28-31 condoms a month (depending on the month) to utilize this form of birth control. It wouldn’t matter how many times you had sex as long as you put that condom on each morning while you brushed your teeth.

Would anyone dare make this argument in public? I’m beginning to think the answer to this question is ‘yes.’ The mighty right-wing wurlitzer doesn’t care about influencing the portion of the public that is acquainted with reality. They’re after the nearly insensate.

A woman says that a friend of hers lost an ovary because she couldn’t afford to pay for the Pill. The response is that the woman telling this story is having so much sex that she can’t afford the Pill. That has so little relationship to the underlying facts that anyone paying attention is left to wonder “what the f*ck are you talking about?”

It’s kind of like invading Iraq because a bunch of non-Iraqis who were trained in Afghanistan attacked this country.

It’s kind of like if the Democrats responded to the Republicans’ tax plan by asking why Paul Ryan has sex with llamas behind the big barn.