Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: (Friday March 9, 2012): Brought to you by the letter “M”
Link of the Month: The largest flower in the world.
AndiF’s Brought to You by Letter M (and U and T and T)
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Meandering Mutts
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Mendicant Mutt
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Meditating Mutt
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olivia’s Brought to you by the letter “M”
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Morning glory
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Morning Star
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Mourning dove
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Next Theme (Friday April 13, 2012): Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Recommended by wilderness wench.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Doubling your “M” pleasure.
Moonrise in Malibu

Man! Timing is everything to a capture like you’ve done here, isn’t it? A really great photo!
That`s right Indianadem.
The sun has already set, down on earth but it`s sunset coloring time on the jet contrail at possibly 40,000 feet.
Nice. 🙂
My buddy on my knee. He comes by every morning & is not fazed in the least by having a camera right in his face.
He runs up & leaps into my lap to get his
Mmm Peanuts

I`ll be back later.
I have to go feed my zoo.
He’s pretty cute, for a squirrel… 🙂
Advantageous always having a little bag of peanuts on my person whenever I am out walking for similar reasons. 😀
Image from a Monument.
My friends were camping there a few weeks ago, & woke up to this white surprise.
I`ve been there half a dozen times & it is always this magical.
Joshua Tree National Monument
A protest image I made (I believe in 2005) about the depleted Uranium being spread around the war zones in the Middle East, via bullets & bombs, & shells from Hell.
The monster refers to the idiot who started these wars & his stupid sidekick the monkey man. It also refers to the progeny of many who will be giving birth to deformed, disfigured, mentally incompetent children both here & over there, as in; what monsters have we created. (the we is the proverbial one)
This was a photographer`s model at a shoot near the exit of my local market.
I just walked up from the side & shot this.
I told the “model” it might be inspirational if he was actually playing.
Whether he could play or not, we`ll never know.
Medium Ripe
Cute with the above photo. 🙂
Mouse Heaven
I LOVE this little mousey!
I found it on our doorstep, shivering in the cold.
We took it in & made a little nest for him in a box & nursed it back to warmth & health.
After about a week, it had enough strength to be out in the great outdoors, so we put his little box out under some plants where he was concealed & fed it there for another week or so till he must have gone on his merry way.
For AndiF
How could anyone resist a little guy with tiny trees for antennae!
He gets good reception, I`m sure.
M is for multitudinous marvels.
I was wondering which photo I would comment under but, of course, you completely solved that problem by just a slight cheat (for which I am very grateful).
Next favorites are “Me” (you) and the mural.
Marine Science school Mural
(Next street over & one street down from here)
Very cool photo. It has the look of something from an earlier time.
Multiple Memories
Say when.
Helloooo back! Just stopped in and saw you had posted another amazing set. Thanks for sharing them. Great self-portrait!
Thank you Indianadem.
I usually post images in one comment but I wanted to get the comment count up, in hopes of attracting more posters to put their images up.
And I`m usually a day late in doing so myself. Hah!
Ha, thank you. It was quiet in the thread yesterday. 🙂
Well, I have discovered that I cannot successfully post comments from my work computer. I compose the comment, but when I preview or post, it just disappears. Not sure whether the IP address range is blocked here for some reason or what. Later I’ll try posting a test comment with the computer off the network and see what happens. I don’t think it’s blocked on our end, because I can post comments on other blogs and on FaceBook without any problems, and we generally don’t block much of anything, especially for people with my leven of rights.
Mimicing Meow-ers
Damascus May, 2009
Too funny,
I like the walkway.
Where is this, if I may?
This was taken in Damascus inside the “Artisanat” (“handicraft market”), on Shukri Al Qawatli street. It’s very close to the National Museum, the Army Museum, and the Sufi Tekkiye Al Suleimaniyya mosque complex built in the 16th century.
So these cats are walking around inside of history.
I did not know that orange tabbies were rarely female.
Yes, they are walking around on history, and I have always felt that way in the Middle East, especially Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. Everywhere you put your foot you are standing on history.
The orange tabby factor is a sex-linked recessive gene. It is on the X chromosome, and since a male has only one X, and no competing gene on the y, if the gene is present on the X, it will be expressed in the male. Females have two X chromosomes, so they need to have the orange tabby gene present on both X’s in order to express it. That can only happen if a female carrier of the orange tabby gene mates with an orange tabby male.
Love this shot, Hurria. Its almost as if you had choreographed it ~ kittie dancers.
It was plain, dumb luck. I took a series of shots of the two kitties, and I think they were most in sync in this one.
I fell in love with this gorgeous orange kitten and kept coming back and just hanging out sitting on the ground watching it and taking snapshots of it playing, sleeping and whatever else looked interesing. I would have asked the people if I could take it home, but couldn’t figure out how to get it out of the country and even more difficult into the U.S. The big cat is its mother. Female orange tabbies are unusual, but this was definitely the mom.
I definitely would appreciate your take on the latest development in your Syria – see my diary Syria: Game Over for Western Propaganda. BTW one of many diaries on the topic Arab Spring.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I saw that diary, but have not yet had time to read it. I’ve got it on my list for tomorrow.
As you know, I replied to your diary with a few points.
I love this one!
Thanks CG. I really lucked out that day!
What a fantastic capture!
And wasn’t it doubly nice of those cats to also pick a really interesting backdrop for the shot. Completely overturns the slander that cats are self-centered.
I have a set of shots I call Cats of Damascus. Most of them (hundreds, literally) are of that orange kitten. In most cases the cats were thoughtful enough to provide interesting backdrops. If I can think of a way to associate it with M I will put up another shot or two from another part of this little market area in which the cats were extremely considerate of this amateur snapshot-taker.
Ah, that’s a fantastic photo Hurria. 🙂
Great to see you posting!
What Miss Olivia said. Good to see you!
Thanks Olivia, and WW. I have wanted to post this shot for some time, but kept losing the opportunity. I’m glad I was able to find a way to relate it to the theme. 🙂
I haven’t travelled in about three years (my job is ruining my life!), and have fallen out of the habit of carrying my camera, so haven’t had anything new for several years.
Combos…..(which is what we fed him to get him this close.)
I am really surprised it let you get so close but very glad it did so I could enjoy this shot.
Wow. Amazing colours (love the eyes).
Great to see you posting – have missed you and your photos.
How strange. The second mouse image has disappeared along with my comment on the mouse. My cat shot and the comments have also disappeared. Wonder what happened.
Nevermind. I got confused because the first mouse picture seems to have moved down the page. Looks like everything is here after all.
or maybe Mimicking Saturn.
Mais Oui Monsieur
May I Join You?
Glad you could find some more (though it’s fine to post photos that don’t follow the theme). I’m loving these very expressive cats.
The nice thing about the cats of Damascus, as opposed to cats in a lot of other third-world cities, is that they tend to be pretty healthy and well-fed despite being mostly feral. The luckiest ones are the ones that live near butcher shops because the butchers throw scraps out for them.
March blooming
Mississippi flood wall
Madison Indiana
The Crocus are from earlier today. All the rest are “M”s from the past.
From the Dirty Dozen
Donald Sutherland, playing a fake general reviewing the troops.
“Where are you from son?”
“Never heard of it”.
Very nice.
Those Magnolias are fantastic.
There are many Madisons, but this one is a favorite of mine. Its an Ohio River city with lots of decorative ironwork that reminds me of old New Orleans. An elderly Madison lady once told me that a lot of the NOLA iron was manufactured at an old ironworks in Madison. Have no idea if there’s any truth to that or not, but it makes for a good local story, regardless.
Hope the Magnolia blossoms survive any late frosts that might come our way. They’re very sensitive to cold.
Madison iron
Here`s some old iron.
I was driving this 1931 John Deere at my house this afternoon.
Ah, that distinctive chug, chug of a Deere. Nice one!
Nice set of M you got there. 🙂
The crocus are my favorites, partially I’m really ready for us to have some color in our world.
Great set ID! Love the flowers – they’re all so pretty. 🙂
Thanks! Its good to see things in bloom after even as mild a winter as the one we’ve had this year.
ms Bu sez hi!
yoga dogs
click images to enlarge…assuming i got it right, it’s been a while :{)
How are you my friend.
I was over at your contact page on Flickr trying to comment on the “Nucleus” image.
That`s a hot shot.
Is that beauty a New dog?
Nice seeing you.
yo head.
there’s only 1 Bu. she turned 12 feb 28, and tho a bit slower she’s still active.
Well I`m happy for you she`s with you still.
Are you still running a section of the blues at your station.
If so how about a link update.
Howdy dada. And howdy Bu too. Did you and Bu have to do without snow this winter like we did?
The embers shot is especially cool.
no snow?… yer kidding. l quit keeping track after @ 84″, and our big months, march and april, are still ahead.
lots of high winds this year too. a number of days over 100 mph gusts with sustained 50 – 60 mph. small dog warning weather, def not fun.
Well that’s good about the snow — at least for everybody downstream from you that will get the benefit when all that snow melts. Not so good on the wood.
Hey d – great to see you posting, and wonderful to see Ms Bu!
Re: nucleus – is that your cooking coals?
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The top one is quite strange.
It looks like the person is levitating his complete surroundings.
Great shot.
Andi’s been levitating above her surroundings for years. 🙂
Fantastic set Jim – love the mirroring. And great to see one of your speed-skating shots.
I very much enjoyed all the great photos, thanks for the visual and textual (comments) entertainment.
We were tied up with Girls HS Basketball state tournament here in Fargo, as MS NDD’s niece was playing for the team that came in 2nd. There were lots of close games…
Hence no photos from me this time around.
Congrats on second place!
My favorite is of the begging dog.
What a beauty.
The Mourning Dove is superb.
My favorite of your set.
I never noticed pink on them.
I have a whole flock of them here every day for breakfast.
They are usually in pairs.