I have arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I see that there has been a little eruption of stupidity and buffoonishness in my absence. They really ought to stop polling Republicans about the president’s birth certificate and religion and evolution and start polling them about really basic questions like “does the Sun rise in the West” and “is the moon made of cheese?” I don’t have any reason to believe that the Republicans would do better if we asked them non-political questions.
Oh, and I see we’re operating under a tornado watch here in Grand Rapids. I guess that’s my welcome to the Midwest.
Does Emptywheel know you are in her general vicinity?
Isn’t the real question what kind of cheese the moon is made of? I vote for Swiss, which is what it certainly looks like, though some claim it’s Stilton (probably English ppl)
I’d like to point out that your welcome included dinner and a cold one.
Just sayin’.
an associate of mine posted a birther conspiracy piece on his FB page today. I was too busy to jump in, but may make time today.
What’s so frustrating is that there are some very real things to complain about wrt Obama. the Goldman Sachs ties. Monsanto at the FDA. Assassinating American citizens without due process. Whistleblower policies. Substantive stuff.
Every time I see this birth certificate shit, I lose respect for the person promoting it. And, they never point out that McCain was born in Panama, or that Mitt Romney is his family’s anchor baby allowing them to come back to the country they fled, so they could pursue their polygamous lifestyle.
Which every government and treasury on both sides of the Atlantic have…
My heart weeps for some terrorist douchebag who tried to blow up a plane.
No wait, my heart really weeps for douchebag NSA grunts who want to leak crap to the Washington Post and New York Times. Such patriots.
You’ve got less than nothing.
Maybe this is stuff you don’t care about, and that is fine for you. But the point of my comment is not about my annoyance with these individual items, but that the whole birther conspiracy is idiotic.
You must have missed the paragraph that read “Every time I see this birth certificate shit, I lose respect for the person promoting it. And, they never point out that McCain was born in Panama, or that Mitt Romney is his family’s anchor baby allowing them to come back to the country they fled, so they could pursue their polygamous lifestyle. ” I thought it was kinda hard to miss, but I understand that reading comprehension is difficult for a lot of people, so no biggie.