I see from the old cafe that everyone is enjoying some form of early summer this week…I went running in a tank top last night after work, it was so warm out. And saw my first bluebell along the river trail.
We’re trying not to think too hard about what these temperatures might mean for our July weather patterns…I think Maine or Canada will be on our list for possible summer trips.
Hope everyone is off to a good start this week. One of my cousin”s boys is having surgery this morning to remove one brain tumor and assess what to do about the larger, deeper one. A week ago, they didn’t even know he was sick. And he is a couple of years younger than CBtY. I’m hoping everything goes well for him this morning, and that they get better news than they’re expecting.
On a happier note, Finny has become a champion sleeper after 2 years of multiple night wakings. Let’s hear it for fresh air and getting older!
What a shock to hear about your cousin’s son. Hope all goes smoothly with his surgery. Congratulations on making it through the Finn Man’s period of early insomnia!
Quick update on my cousin’s son (I haven’t wanted to talk about it): after extensive mapping of the tumors (astrocytoma), they determined that the second one was too large and too close to the speech and motor coordination centers for surgery. He will start chemo and radiation on Tuesday, and is doing well enough that they sent him home until then. I went and saw them at the hospital, and he looks totally fine…and his family is hanging in there.
The “good” news is hat there are no masses in his spinal column. I think the hope is that they might be able to shrink the tumor enough to consider surgery.
The weather gods have really been fickle this season. Maybe we need to sacrifice a chicken or something. One of my cousins was traveling from Bakersfield to San Diego and ran into a bunch of snow on the way. Will request nicer atmospheric conditions for you next time I see the oracle (if its not drunk or high).
I have to admit that as much as I hate hot weather, I’m really enjoying the early return of color. We’ve got tons of wildflowers, the maples, serviceberries, redbud and dogwoods are flowering, and the poplars are leafing out.
We’re seeing the return of many of our summer bird friends. Some are already building nests! !!
We’re looking at the low 30s & 20s at night next week, which causes me some worries for them.
Really? Golly. I’m sorry to hear it.
They’re just starting to bloom here. Very early indeed. It’s nice to see the color, though. We’re still mainly brown & grey.
It looked like that storm with the ugly purple cell showing in the radar hit you dead on last night around 8. I hope it didn’t do any damage. All we got from that one was rain; plenty of thunder and lightning in the second on through, though.
It rained really hard about that time. No damage that I could see, though (except for flower blossoms). The county fire dept. radio reported one funnel cloud a couple of miles north and a bit east of here. They didn’t see any damage there, so maybe it didn’t touch down before dissipating.
Always happy to see a honeybee (if that’s what that critter is)! Seems like there are way too few around. Without them, we’d all probably be eating pond scum or maybe Soylent Green.
Had a little accident with the (7 month old) car late yesterday. I hit what looked like a wolf but was probably a large coyote. I was traveling on the highway in an area of mountains. I think that the coyote/wolf was okay, the car not so much. It looks like something took a bite out of the front of the car. You can actually see the engine while standing on the drivers side. Now comes the insurance company fun, the inspection is later today. Sigh.
They are pretty common around here — though shy. When I lived without running water they used to come around & clean up the stuff from my chamber pots. Yum yum!
Thanks, CG. I got a preliminary check yesterday. The body shop guy will call for additional funds if needed. Maybe in a week and a half I’ll have it back.
I went running yesterday afternoon, And then BooMan and Finny and I rode our bikes to the grocery store to pick up dinner…and came home and watched a movie until 11. I’m still tired, but I can’t sleep.
What a surprise to arrive at the local funeral home with condolences, only to find that the recently departed was someone with the same name as an old friend of mine. It turned out ok, since there were people I knew there to chat with and the family seemed to appreciate that I stopped by. Happy that my friend is still among us, too. You wouldn’t think that’d happen in such a small county as ours;-)
I’m ok with the usual crowd here. Yeah, I know on occasion, wackiness intrudes… Maybe CabinGirl (your alter ego) will give us an opinion when she drops in;-)
I still have the link, but it stopped working quite a while ago. Omir, if you’re lurking, hope all is well with you ~ thanx for all the 4s. Miss your presence here:-(
Mrs. ID is reading the quite lengthy Steve Jobs bio and gives me updates whenever she can get my attention.
In other news, our shared cell phone has apparently tired of life in the alternate universe it was visiting and showed up yesterday morning inside my parents old secretary where we stash the AA batteries and extra house keys. At least now we don’t have to worry that a bunch of frat boys found it and were calling who-knows-where on our dime. She just knew she’d lost it at the IU Ballet.
on March 25, 2012 at 3:27 pm
To all:
I meant no offense by suggesting that Cabin Girl and Wilderness Wench were the same person…I really thought it was the same person logging in under different name… Y’all already know that I am an idiot!
I’ve made an error or two, maybe three… in the history of my blogging comments.
I tell folks I’ve met in person who are anti-internet (ie “you can’t trust what information you get…”) and ignorant of how blogs work, that it’s like moving to a small town in rural ND. Once you’ve moved there it wouldn’t take many weeks to sort out who’s reliable and who’s full of it.
Yeah, I’ve noticed not many of them coincide with my thinking…
But then lately I’ve been having trouble having the patience to deal with Dem friends who get nearly all their news from the TV. This whole MSM propaganda scheme just continues to amaze me with its ability to implant its message on the 8-tracks of the non-internet minds.
You have to set the width if your picture is bigger than 500 pixels. Otherwise, you can leave the width attribute off.
Of course first you have to have picture uploaded in order to get the url. You need to have an account on a photo posting host like photobucket, flickr or picassa.
we don’t have to vurry about any more of them thar “summer” temps for the time being. And actually rather assuring March still has a bit of kick to it. Seems the lion will roar for now.
Fargo, North Dakota (Airport)
Updated: 6 min 53 sec ago
Scattered Clouds
44 °F
Scattered Clouds
Windchill: 35 °F
Humidity: 53%
Dew Point: 28 °F
Wind: 24 mph from the SE
That seems reassuringly normal for March. I was really beginning to wonder. For us, some frosty temps tonight.
“Indianapolis Area
Get ready for a cold night ahead! A Frost Advisory is in effect for Indianapolis Tuesday morning. Most of Central Indiana is under a Frost Advisory or Freeze Warning as overnight lows dip down to around freezing. Remember to protect any outside plants and bring the pets inside.”
Ha! Like the cats ever spent a moment outdoors when they didn’t choose to;-)
Oddly, Sniff who usually sleeps inside chose last night to sleep out in his doghouse. I guess he enjoyed the brisk temps (though it only got down 37 last night).
I see from the old cafe that everyone is enjoying some form of early summer this week…I went running in a tank top last night after work, it was so warm out. And saw my first bluebell along the river trail.
We’re trying not to think too hard about what these temperatures might mean for our July weather patterns…I think Maine or Canada will be on our list for possible summer trips.
Hope everyone is off to a good start this week. One of my cousin”s boys is having surgery this morning to remove one brain tumor and assess what to do about the larger, deeper one. A week ago, they didn’t even know he was sick. And he is a couple of years younger than CBtY. I’m hoping everything goes well for him this morning, and that they get better news than they’re expecting.
On a happier note, Finny has become a champion sleeper after 2 years of multiple night wakings. Let’s hear it for fresh air and getting older!
Healing thoughts to your cousin’s son. Yay for Finn!
What a shock to hear about your cousin’s son. Hope all goes smoothly with his surgery. Congratulations on making it through the Finn Man’s period of early insomnia!
So sorry about your cousin’s son. Hoping for the best news possible.
Quick update on my cousin’s son (I haven’t wanted to talk about it): after extensive mapping of the tumors (astrocytoma), they determined that the second one was too large and too close to the speech and motor coordination centers for surgery. He will start chemo and radiation on Tuesday, and is doing well enough that they sent him home until then. I went and saw them at the hospital, and he looks totally fine…and his family is hanging in there.
The “good” news is hat there are no masses in his spinal column. I think the hope is that they might be able to shrink the tumor enough to consider surgery.
Thank you for the update. Sending good thoughts his way. His youth is a plus!
I didn’t read the front page, and now I see that Boo has linked to the same article there.
It has been freakishly warm this winter/spring. Not looking forward to what this might mean in July. Drought, anyone?
We had snow on Sunday & sleet/hail yesterday. You can have it back now
The weather gods have really been fickle this season. Maybe we need to sacrifice a chicken or something. One of my cousins was traveling from Bakersfield to San Diego and ran into a bunch of snow on the way. Will request nicer atmospheric conditions for you next time I see the oracle (if its not drunk or high).
AndiF’s photo above reminds me of an old Euell Gibbons book, Stalking The Wild
AsparagusDaffodil:-)Sniff says: More like Stalking the Wildly Slow Macro-Photo Taker.
Sniff talks?!!
click for larger
Pretty neat!
That blue water looks pretty good to me right now, too. It’s another warm one here.
We’ve got daffodils opening– weeks early!
I may do my annual head-shearing a little early this year.
And now: chores!
And the insects are already out in force. It’s all way too soon.
Looks like we’ll be back to 40s & 50s again this weekend. We’ll see what happens.
We’re going back to 60s and 70s.
I have to admit that as much as I hate hot weather, I’m really enjoying the early return of color. We’ve got tons of wildflowers, the maples, serviceberries, redbud and dogwoods are flowering, and the poplars are leafing out.
That sounds really wonderful.
We’re seeing the return of many of our summer bird friends. Some are already building nests! !!
We’re looking at the low 30s & 20s at night next week, which causes me some worries for them.
The times they are a-changin’ for sure.
The rain returned here last night and sounded pretty heavy at times. The daffs in our yard are finished:-(
Really? Golly. I’m sorry to hear it.
They’re just starting to bloom here. Very early indeed. It’s nice to see the color, though. We’re still mainly brown & grey.
It looked like that storm with the ugly purple cell showing in the radar hit you dead on last night around 8. I hope it didn’t do any damage. All we got from that one was rain; plenty of thunder and lightning in the second on through, though.
It rained really hard about that time. No damage that I could see, though (except for flower blossoms). The county fire dept. radio reported one funnel cloud a couple of miles north and a bit east of here. They didn’t see any damage there, so maybe it didn’t touch down before dissipating.
I’m glad it was just rain. That’s all the happened here — other than some maple “helicopters” crashing. 🙂
… dive in head first.
click for larger
Love this photo, Jim! A reminder of the essential things.
Always happy to see a honeybee (if that’s what that critter is)! Seems like there are way too few around. Without them, we’d all probably be eating pond scum or maybe Soylent Green.
Not a world worth living in.
Had a little accident with the (7 month old) car late yesterday. I hit what looked like a wolf but was probably a large coyote. I was traveling on the highway in an area of mountains. I think that the coyote/wolf was okay, the car not so much. It looks like something took a bite out of the front of the car. You can actually see the engine while standing on the drivers side. Now comes the insurance company fun, the inspection is later today. Sigh.
I’m sorry to hear about this, b2! Hope you have another vehicle to use.
We don’t have wolves here, but we do have big coyotes (unlike the Western type).
Apparently you’re OK yourself, so that’s good.
Thanks ww! Yeah, we’ve got an old car that I’ll be driving for a while.
Around here its mostly whitetail deer in the headlights damage, with an occasional wild turkey thrown in. Glad you’re ok!
Thanks ID! I managed to find something less common. I think that he was only lightly hit though.
Let’s hope so.
They are pretty common around here — though shy. When I lived without running water they used to come around & clean up the stuff from my chamber pots. Yum yum!
I wonder if they’re expanding their range?
Such a bummer. I’m glad, though, the damage was just to the car.
No damage other than the car. Hopefully the won’t find anything else when they start taking it apart.
I hope the insurance claim process goes smoothly.
I’m surprised to hear it was a ooyote, I never really think of them as an east coast animal.
Thanks, CG. I got a preliminary check yesterday. The body shop guy will call for additional funds if needed. Maybe in a week and a half I’ll have it back.
In case there’s still any doubt that we’re 2 different people ..
I went running yesterday afternoon, And then BooMan and Finny and I rode our bikes to the grocery store to pick up dinner…and came home and watched a movie until 11. I’m still tired, but I can’t sleep.
What a surprise to arrive at the local funeral home with condolences, only to find that the recently departed was someone with the same name as an old friend of mine. It turned out ok, since there were people I knew there to chat with and the family seemed to appreciate that I stopped by. Happy that my friend is still among us, too. You wouldn’t think that’d happen in such a small county as ours;-)
Well, we’ll all be there sooner or later.
Aside: I’m wondering if we shouldn’t suspend the robo-rating just for the time being? We’re giving TU status where it might not be appropriate.
Just a thought.
I’m ok with the usual crowd here. Yeah, I know on occasion, wackiness intrudes… Maybe CabinGirl (your alter ego) will give us an opinion when she drops in;-)
ID, I wouldn’t wish the role of my alter ego on anyone. Least of all CG.
I’m already finding it tough to keep TU status and I’ve been around the pond for awhile. Who are the lucky ones who get thrown all those 4’s?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Drop in at the cafe’ more often, Oui. It used to be known as The Welcome Wagon.
Also: please leave a tip jar with your excellent diaries.
I don’t know how much we need to worry about it…I have superpowers to smite anyone who might abuse such a thing, you know…
That was me, on BooMan’s computer. Sorry, BooMan!
“Just so everyone understands, I have superpower!”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’ve long lost the link to the roborater and now do it the old fashioned way.
I still have the link, but it stopped working quite a while ago. Omir, if you’re lurking, hope all is well with you ~ thanx for all the 4s. Miss your presence here:-(
me too
Tonight’s forecast:
How do you post a picture?
I still lookup the info in superscalar’s diary from 2005 – How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer)
I use the straightforward code: [img width=”” src=””] {replace [ ] by < >}
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Mrs. ID is reading the quite lengthy Steve Jobs bio and gives me updates whenever she can get my attention.
In other news, our shared cell phone has apparently tired of life in the alternate universe it was visiting and showed up yesterday morning inside my parents old secretary where we stash the AA batteries and extra house keys. At least now we don’t have to worry that a bunch of frat boys found it and were calling who-knows-where on our dime. She just knew she’d lost it at the IU Ballet.
To all:
I meant no offense by suggesting that Cabin Girl and Wilderness Wench were the same person…I really thought it was the same person logging in under different name… Y’all already know that I am an idiot!
I’ve made an error or two, maybe three… in the history of my blogging comments.
I tell folks I’ve met in person who are anti-internet (ie “you can’t trust what information you get…”) and ignorant of how blogs work, that it’s like moving to a small town in rural ND. Once you’ve moved there it wouldn’t take many weeks to sort out who’s reliable and who’s full of it.
For me, you start now with a clean slate.
I’m looking forward to see your photo…
Best to disregard LfA’s main page comments, too.
Yeah, I’ve noticed not many of them coincide with my thinking…
But then lately I’ve been having trouble having the patience to deal with Dem friends who get nearly all their news from the TV. This whole MSM propaganda scheme just continues to amaze me with its ability to implant its message on the 8-tracks of the non-internet minds.
It’s horrendous. History’s most successful experiment in social engineering. Ugh.
Already forgotten!
Thank you–I wanted to post a picture of my favorite horse–she passed away last November–but I still can’t figure it out.
Here’s an example of the code:
<img src=”http://www.thumbnail_code.jpg” width=”500″>
You have to set the width if your picture is bigger than 500 pixels. Otherwise, you can leave the width attribute off.
Of course first you have to have picture uploaded in order to get the url. You need to have an account on a photo posting host like photobucket, flickr or picassa.
And also very much sympathy on the death of your horse. I hope you can figure out how to post the picture as I would very much like to see your horse.
waiting for something to happen?
click for larger
So that’s where caterpillars come from.
I guess they do look more like cat pillars than cat kin. 🙂
we don’t have to vurry about any more of them thar “summer” temps for the time being. And actually rather assuring March still has a bit of kick to it. Seems the lion will roar for now.
Fargo, North Dakota (Airport)
Updated: 6 min 53 sec ago
Scattered Clouds
44 °F
Scattered Clouds
Windchill: 35 °F
Humidity: 53%
Dew Point: 28 °F
Wind: 24 mph from the SE
Wind Gust: 39 mph
Yep. We’re squarely back into cold, snow, and freezing rain territory. Last week I was walking in the woods in sandals, shorts, and t-shirt.
It’s going down to -16 C / 3 F with windchill tonight.
Yeah, that’s a quite startling reversal. I’m surprised how extensive an area our two week summer covered.
That seems reassuringly normal for March. I was really beginning to wonder. For us, some frosty temps tonight.
“Indianapolis Area
Get ready for a cold night ahead! A Frost Advisory is in effect for Indianapolis Tuesday morning. Most of Central Indiana is under a Frost Advisory or Freeze Warning as overnight lows dip down to around freezing. Remember to protect any outside plants and bring the pets inside.”
Ha! Like the cats ever spent a moment outdoors when they didn’t choose to;-)
Oddly, Sniff who usually sleeps inside chose last night to sleep out in his doghouse. I guess he enjoyed the brisk temps (though it only got down 37 last night).
Higher temps than we’ve got here in the Hudson Valley. Break out the umbrella drinks.
Wow. The Recent Diaries list is looking pretty trashy today.
A veritable spam blizzard.
I cleaned that up this morning. I need a programmer.
Would that my expertise was in that direction. Sad to say, it isn’t.
I think BooMan should do something about that.