I have been writing here since the Dean/Kerry primaries about how the media-controlled electoral fix operates, and more often than not I get outraged cries of “Oh!!! That’s impossible!!!” or some such variant on the same general Idea.

“That’s too complicated!!!”

“It just can’t happen!!!”

“Not here in the good ol’, red, white and blue U.S.A.!!!”

And so on and so forth. Etc., etc. etc., etc., etc., clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, fucking clomp.

Just recently I posted something called Station WTFU Once Again Tries To Talk Some Sense Here in which I once again brought up this fix idea and Booman, who is so deeply invested in our ongoing national political farce/reality show/talk show that he cannot see the digital woods for the faux trees…pooh-poohed the idea every which way that he could.

I also posted a comment on Steve M.’s article What I Got Wrong About Etch-A-Sketch-Gate comparing the whole deal to a Punch and Judy show and received a comment that posited a wonderfully leftiness point of view.

I think it’s probably more complicated than that.

“I think” and “probably” being two of the leftiness brands for the idea “I don’t want to believe that and I have no proof, so I’ll cover my rear end with some ifs, ands and buts.”

So it goes here in leftiness land.

But today?

Today is a red-letter day in FixWorld, USA.

Today they have decided that the fix is so well in that they can publicly write about it without fear of awakening the torpid bunnies of the public.

Read on for more.
From Howard Kurtz, CNN insider and “Washington bureau chief” of The Daily Breast…errrr, Beast…and Newsweak, whatever the fuck that title means in the reality show newsworld.

Here’s his spin. I’d be tempted to call it “audacious” if I didn’t think that he’s actually so bone-deep stupid that he is totally unaware of what he is saying about his own system.

(By the way…I looked up the word “smug” in the dictionary and guess what image I found.

Photobucket Yup. Mistah Kurtz. Nice wig, Mr. K.!!! Really.)

Read on…

Television News and the Incredibly Shrinking 2012 Campaign

When Mitt Romney was winning the Illinois primary on Tuesday night, Bill O’Reilly moved from a short discussion of the contest to segments on whether Barack Obama is pushing the country toward socialism and whether he’s been tough enough on Iran. Sean Hannity led off his show with another debate on whether Bill Maher is a bad guy.

It wasn’t just Fox. On MSNBC, Ed Schultz devoted half his program to the killing of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.

The next morning, the campaign wasn’t among the top three stories billboarded by the Today show, which included: “What is it about this two-year-old that has more than three million people logging on to YouTube to watch her?”

Nor did the 2012 election make the top three at Good Morning America, which trumpeted this story: “Bikini model busted. The international swimsuit star back behind bars right now.”

None of this is coincidental. At the cable news networks, including CNN, the only one to provide continuous primary coverage on Tuesday, the word is out that the presidential campaign is sending the ratings south.

Television, in short, has pretty much decided the race is over, Mitt Romney has won, the thing is boring everyone to death, and it’s time, at least for now, to move on. The campaign is occupying less front-page real estate in the major papers as well.

What happened?

The end of the debates is a major factor. They were produced by the networks and functioned as a kind of continuous reality show, from Rick Perry’s “oops” moment to Newt Gingrich beating up on John King. Now they’re history.


There it is, folks. Direct from the ass’s mouth to your brains.

“…the word is out that the presidential campaign is sending the ratings south. Television, in short, has pretty much decided the race is over…”


Now there are some half-truths floating around in this backwater garbage. Yes, it is about the ratings, and yes, it was and will remain a “continuous reality show,” at least until Obama is safely back in the Oral Office and the scam is well set up for another four years or so. But the real deal? The media continuously and very effectively dissed every candidate other than Mitt Romney right from the get-go. Now most of them were pretty easy targets anyway, but really…Gingrich is a high-level political pro and Ron Paul has a great deal to say that resonates with large segments of the American public. Large enough to pose a real threat to both parties, which is why he got the super-silent treatment for as long as they could manage to do so. Don’t wanna git them marks all stirred up, right?

They could just as easily made R-Money,…errr, Romney…his haircut, his dog and his multi-multi-millions look as foolish as any of the other candidates if they so desired, but they didn’t.


Because he is the designated loser in this scam, that’s why. The safe loser. The loser who could, if necessities dictated, be slotted into the winner’s circle without posing any threat whatsoever to the status quo.

Bet on it.

In more semi-conscious commentary, Mistah Kurtz (“The horror! The horror!”) goes on to say:

…substance is a tough sell in today’s short-attention-span media environment.

OH yes!!! Indeed. And who created that “media environment?”


The corporate owners of said media created it, and they did so quite consciously. Get `em into short-attention-span land and you can sell `em anything. If you can sell Cap’n Crunch cereal, you can sell Cap’n Obama and Cap’n Romney.

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket


Sorry folks…I really am, y’know…but there it is.

Bet on it.

A fix that is in so deep, they don’t even have to hide it anymore.

WWF America.

In your heart of hearts you know who’s gonna win…you just watch it for the show.


Actually you watch it because you can’t stop watching it. It’s an addiction. But let’s leave that sad fact alone for a while. It upsets too many sleeple.


So once again…wake the fuck up.

You been had.


And even worse…you’re being had a little deeper each time.

Yes you are.

Enjoy, folks.

It’s all you’re getting until you walk away from the scam.

Bet on that as well.

Step away from the (s)electoral scam with your brains in the air!

Over and out…Captain In The Crunch signing off once again.
