I guess Marc Theissen just doesn’t want to accept that Marco Rubio is a two-bit grifter and a thief. Yet, unlike the case with Sarah Palin, Rubio’s record is well-documented. The reason there is a whispering campaign in Washington DC against selecting Rubio as a running mate is because people know he’s a grifter and a thief. They read about it in their newspapers. That the Florida voters decided to elect a crook as their senator (and their governor) is somewhat inexplicable, but that changes nothing when it comes to sending Rubio out to face a national audience and press corp.

The most confusing thing of all is that Marco Rubio was stealing from the Republican Party. Ordinarily, that would be something that would annoy Republicans. I know I wouldn’t be impressed by a Democrat who used the party’s credit cards to buy liquor and make repairs on their SUV.

And that’s totally aside from his naked corruption when he served as Speaker of the House in Florida.

I don’t dispute that Sen. Rubio has some things to recommend him as a vice-presidential candidate, but so did Sarah Palin. They’re both attractive and telegenic. The Tea Party base of the GOP loves them both. They each bring some strength among key demographics. But Romney will spend a lot of time trying to explain Rubio’s record in the Florida House if he is stupid enough to go with him as his running-mate.

And he’ll also have deal with the birthers. And the fact that Rubio has consistently lied about when he parents left Cuba. They did not flee Castro’s revolution, as Rubio would like you to believe. Theissen tried to clean that mess up, too.