I recently saw some video footage of Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on stage together and I thought they looked good together. Their statures, physiques, and overall appearances seemed to complement each other. Visually, at least, they looked like a good ticket. Considering the fact that Romney’s campaign has no grassroots component, the optics become vitally important. His campaign has to look right because it is going to be run entirely on television, mainly through advertising. Paul Ryan fits that bill a lot better than Mitch Daniels, Bobby Jindal, or Chris Christie. But, when it comes to selecting a running mate, optics are not the only consideration. I don’t know the law in Wisconsin, but it’s often against the law to appear on the ballot for two separate federal offices. It’s possible that Paul Ryan would have to give up his House seat in order to run for vice-president. Should the ticket lose, that would be a big sacrifice for Ryan and the movement he is leading.

But who else can make a plausible running mate? Santorum and Gingrich are fighting to force themselves onto the ticket, but Romney will not pick them willingly. The other presidential candidates flamed out in embarrassing fashion. Marco Rubio is a crook. The only other sitting senator that ever seems to get mentioned is John Thune of South Dakota, but I think that’s more for his tall stature and jutting jaw than for his brains or campaigning ability.

Romney could choose South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley or New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, but picking untested rookie governors is probably not at the top of Romney’s priority list. Plus, Gov. Haley has some tax and relationship issues.

I think Romney’s best option among elected officials are Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, and Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio. But I don’t think any of these choices are very good.

Mitch Daniels reinforces Romney’s unhip milquetoast image. And his ties to the Bush economic team are a problem. Plus, his family didn’t want him to run for president.

Bobby Jindal reminds everyone of Kenneth from 30 Rock. He’s awkward and not very good on the stump.

Chris Christie is a great attack dog, but he’s on the record as saying he’s not prepared to be president. Also, speaking as a Jersey Boy myself I can tell you firsthand that our abrasive bombastic style goes over like a lead balloon in the Midwest. Finally, Chris Christie is morbidly obese. His health cannot be very good.

Rob Portman is almost synonymous with Bush’s failed economic policies. He’s also a boring politician in the Mitch Daniels/CPA mold. I think he’s the best choice though. Romney needs to win Ohio. And Portman’s strengths (he understands the federal budget and trade issues) reinforce what Romney’s trying to sell the public. Portman doesn’t have any embarrassing personal problems that I’m aware of. And, while he won’t excite the base of the party, he won’t alienate them either. Finally, he won’t upstage Romney the way Palin upstaged McCain.

So, I’d go with Portman, but I’d actually try to do something else. I’d try to find someone in business or the military to put on the ticket. The CEO of an admired company would be ideal. Mark Zuckerberg???