Hacking into emails and voicemails seems to be considered normal journalistic practice by the Murdoch Family. They even claim that it is in the public interest. I enjoyed this word salad, from the article:
The family’s print and broadcast interests, however, are markedly different. Sky News, unlike the newspapers involved in the scandal, is not directly controlled by the Murdoch family. It is operated by the satellite broadcaster BSkyB, in which the News Corporation global media empire has 39.1 percent stake.
But word that a broadcaster part-owned by Mr. Murdoch, and overseen by his son James, who stepped down as chairman of BSkyB only two days ago, was now confronting a hacking issue, will likely sharpen the focus on allegations of wrongdoing within the financially significant television operations of Mr. Murdoch’s worldwide operations.
Sky News is not directly controlled by the Murdoch family and James Murdoch stepped down as chairman of BSkyB only two days ago. I understand what they’re trying to say, but it’s a little like wondering what the definition of ‘is’ is. The bottom line is that the Murdoch Family is a criminal enterprise. Anything they touch becomes crooked and dishonest.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The bit about the chip-hacking (in Australia, and now Israel?) so that subscribers could pirate feeds is even bigger, and has a tangible price tag.
So, is the Justice Department looking into violations of the Corrupt Foreign Practices Act? Unhappily, I bet they aren’t. Eric Holder is a corporate pussy, and it’s much easier to go after pot-growers and whistle-blowers (it saddens me to say).