And I thought Nolan Ryan vs. Robin Ventura was the funniest baseball brawl ever:
Prior to this, I had never seen a batter think to kick the catcher in the chest before charging the mound. That he went after the shortstop, too, is just icing on the cake.
What are you guys up to tonight?
Might go out for coffee with a friend to discuss job prospects. Also, catching up on the not-racist/sexist right wing:
CNN Contributor Erick Erickson: `I Kind Of Like The Idea That Women Aren’t Members Of The Masters’
National Review Writer Pens Racist Screed: `Avoid Concentrations Of Blacks,’ `Stay Out Of’ Their Neighborhoods
Don’t even try to hide it
Derbyshire of NRO (America’s Shittiest WebsiteTM) says that his piece was not satire but social commentary.
He should stick to math. He should go back to England. He’s a pussy.
I don’t use that word a lot. But no word better describes him. And it’s a word these women-hating conservatives can understand. Derbyshire is not acting like a man.
He’s probably afraid of his own shadow because it isn’t white enough.
To be fair to John Derbyshire, if he went into a majority-minority neighborhood, he would probably end up getting his ass kicked.
America’s Shittiest WebsiteTM is getting nervous.
Not a whole lot going on tonight. Big day tomorrow though! Going to play some disc golf, then heading to Detroit to go to the Tigers / BoSox game!
I was going through my photos earlier to try to find pics of me wearing my BooTrib t-shirt. I don’t have as many as I thought – as it turns out, I don’t take a lot of pictures with me in them. And in many of them, I’m wearing a hoodie or some other warmth layer (btw, you should DEFINITELY offer a BooTrib hoodie if you re-open the store).
Anyway, here are 3 that I did find.
Acadia National Park, 2009
Streetcar at AT&T Park, San Francisco, 2010
Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, 2011
It reminds me of the Urban Achievers t-shirts that people photograph themselves in in all kinds of crazy locales.
And proud we are of all of them.
Wow. How did I miss that meme until now?
I kind of do that with my tent. If I had pictures of your site’s t-shirt in all the places I have pictures of my tent, we’d have a sweet collection of photos indeed. But alas, the three I posted above are probably the best of the bunch.
Note that the BooTrib t-shirt did make the cut for my South America trip. I was down there for 2 months, and did a significant amount of backpacking, so a lot of thought went into what I took with me since I often had to carry everything for days at a time. I believe that was my only non-synthetic material shirt. I’m not sure why I didn’t end up with more pictures of me in it.
I’ve been meaning to get an Achiever shirt for Finny. I need to get on that.
Perhaps you should also order yourself an Achiever shirt to celebrate the accomplishment of that goal. Meta-achieving at its finest.
I made some more tweaks to the site. Following more advice from the ET crew, I’ve made it (or tried to anyway) so that Newbie comments are tagged with a purple note. Newbies are new members who signed up since I created the Newbie Group. This should make it easy to spot both spammers and sincere new members.
I also made it so only certain users can post diaries. I won’t explain that explicitly, but make sure to throw a lot of mojo around to diarists you like or anyone you know is a real member of the community.
That last fight from the video was something, wasn’t it?
Yeh, what the heck was that foot-grabbing and hopping all about anyway?
That appears to be a Japanese game. So, maybe this is a way to show disrespect without resorting to violence? Honestly, I have no other ideas to explain it.
Looks like a rain-delay gag maybe.
Home-baked pizza and Game Of Thrones on DVD. I was a George R.R. Martin fan way before the series.
Haven’t watched any of the TV series (don’t get HBO, for one thing), but all the hoopla did inspire me to read the books finally, straight through. I’m about halfway through book three now; while I’m still enjoying it and will finish it, I’m beginning to flag. Should I go on to books four and five? I’ve read plenty of grumbling about them being way too long and with too little happening to advance the overarching plot (assuming there is one).
Maybe take a break with another author or two and then come back?
I sometimes take long breaks and switch to other things. If you like Tolkienesque, try Elizabeth Moon’s Paks World series or for space opera, her Vatta’s War series. I enjoyed both. Moon has quite a varied background (including military) and it shows in her novels. Also, her protagonists are female, which is a nice change.
My favorite steampunk books are the Ghost Books from L.E. Modesitt, Jr. featuring a James Bond like character who’s trying to settle down (without much success) in a new career as a university professor.
Last for now is post-apocalypse with S.M. Stirling and his novels of The Change (7) where all the electricity on earth ceases to work with accompanying interesting effects on the population. He’s also doing a new super-vampire urban fantasy series called The Shadowspawn. He has a lot of chapters online at the link if you’d like a sample read.
Got lots more suggestions when you’ve exhausted these.
Thanks! My to-be-read pile is currently around 40 (50????) so I’ll hold off on asking for more just yet.
Still looking forward, though, to the next Saxon Chronicles installment from Bernard Cornwell. Go Uhtred!
Ack! I nearly forgot to mention our resident Cyberpunk! Sorry Kelly!
Do you make your own dough too? I’m always looking for different takes on it so I can improve my own.
I’m planning on reading A Song of Ice and Fire, but not until it’s finished. I’ve gotten into too many series in the past before they’re complete, and it’s just too frustrating to have to wait (and constantly re-read to refresh the memory). A friend of mine and I used to joke that Robert Jordan would probably die before he finished Wheel of Time…and as it turns out, we were right.
I’m not ambitions enough to make the dough. I start with a frozen store pizza, then embellish.
I understand about Jordan. Would have to re-familiarize myself with the gazillion characters every time a new one came out. Let’s see now, who’s the freakin’ Dragon Reborn again?
Did someone mention caterpillars recently?
Or something that vaguely might resemble them?
what am I up to? Well, at the moment I’m up to laughing like a loon over those baseball fight highlights posted by my pal BooMan. For me, the thing that puts the icing on the cake is the hyped-up Hives soundtrack- perfect! I had forgotten that the cleats-in-the-catcher’s-chest guy (premeditated but ingenious, eh?) ended up in the middle of the diamond with a bunch of guys sort of stalking him for a second, fearfully and chaotically. Who could blame them all- who knows WTF this guy’s gonna do, amirite?
Before that, I was resting, trying to help my digestive tract recover after my vacation in India. I’ve been eating a gentle diet, but after seeing this video, I pulled out the BBQ potato chips. Damn you, Boo!
What a chicken-shit game. No wonder we are so stupid.
All ten of you?
Where’s Varitek/A-Rod?
If there’s one thing Jason Varitek can’t stand, it’s a potty-mouth.