Ugly hatred expressed by Tea Party members and Republicans in California. The mob mentality, in a previous century these people came together wearing hoods.

The ‘clash of civilizations’ and the death of an Iraqi mother in San Diego

…This kind of hate is nothing new for San Diego.

(Mondoweiss) –  In 2010, a plan to build a mosque in nearby Temecula resulted in a series of protest  demonstrations by local nut-jobs. A woman in a hijab was hauled off a Southwest Airlines flight in at San Diego airport in 2011 by TSA agents, and told the captain didn’t “feel comfortable” with her on the flight: this was around the same time braying demagogue Peter King (R-New York) was holding hearings on the “Muslim fifth column in America.” Last year, a similar “go back to where you came from” message was delivered by someone who repeatedly punched a Muslim cab driver, who had been observed praying. See here, here, and here for more evidence of the climate of hate darkening the otherwise sunny skies of this California redoubt of bigotry and military families.

If you want some idea of what’s going on in Southern California, these days, take a look at this video of a demonstration in Yorba Linda, where an inter-religious charity event for the homeless was surrounded by hundreds of screeching banshees, screaming their hatred of Muslims. And lest you think this is just a fringe phenomenon, note that no less than three elected officials addressed this hate-fest: congressmen Ed Royce and Gary Miller, and Villa Park councilwoman Debra Pauly – all three of them Republicans, naturally.

Why Are People Surprised Orange County Has Anti-Muslim Loons?

Of course on the same YouTube video page, our local Dutch politician Geert Wilders making furor in the US amongst the right wing elements who are funding Islamophobia throughout the Western World.  

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

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