Breaking News: Official: Zimmerman is in custody and will be charged with 2nd-degree murder
Press conference at the top of the hour
UPDATE: George Zimmerman to be charged in Trayvon Martin shooting, official says
The Washington Post reports that the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin shooting has decided to file criminal charges against George Zimmerman. The newspaper’s website cites an anonymous source close to the investigation. Another report, from ABC News, said the announcement is planned for 6 p.m. in Jacksonville.
The Post did not report what charge special prosecutor Angela Corey intends to file, but Sanford police classified the shooting as a possible manslaughter. The Orlando Sentinel was unable to confirm the Post’s report. Corey imposed a news blackout and has refused for more than a week to answer questions.
and read the thrashy comments by this cultivated nation. Some of the comments in the last hour.
- “Any blood spilled because of this racially charged atmosphere belongs to obama, jackson, sharpton, and the main stream media. What is now happening in this country is deplorable and disgusting.
“Live like a gangster, die like a gangster. No sympathy from me.
“Wouldn’t it be nice someday, if blacks would just consider themselves Americans, no longer “African” Americans? Their racist mindset will end up destroying the very country that restored their freedom, while clinging to the continent that sold them into slavery.
“It is what it is …… BLACK savages acting like, uh, BLACK savages! What do you you really expect from the perverted BLACK subculture that continues to infest society like an intrusion of cockroaches? ……. coming to neighborhood near you …. perhaps YOUR neighborhood!
“If the poop really hits the fan down there,it won’t last long.Those “good old boys” know how to keep the folk in line when necessary.
“…………..if obamma had a son, he would look like Eric Holder
“Don’t say any-thang negative or true about the “anointed minority” ….. the savages will burn down your neighborhood!
“Isn’t diversity just wonderful?
Sanford police car shot near Trayvon Martin scene
SANFORD, Fla. – A Sanford police car parked near the Trayvon Martin shooting scene was found Tuesday morning with several bullet holes in it, according to authorities.
The cruiser was parked across the street from the Retreat at Twin Lakes apartment complex in the parking lot of Bentley Elementary School. Sanford police said the marked vehicle was shot around 4:30 a.m. by “unknown persons.”
Police said no one was inside the cruiser, but gunfire shattered a passenger window and at least two bullets pierced the front windshield. Witnesses said they heard six shots.
George Zimmerman creates website for supporters
George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February, has started a website and is soliciting donations, MSNBC.com reports.
TheRealGeorgeZimmerman.com is a basic five-page website with an American flag background and several short messages from Zimmerman to his supporters. According to MSNBC, Zimmerman’s attorneys confirmed that the website is legitimate.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Too bad…for everybody…that the cops didn’t do their job well in the first place. This situation probably would never have escalated to the societal cluster-fuck that it has now become. And what blew it up, really? The media and its equation…an accurate equation, on plentiful evidence besides this foolishness…of blood, race and profit.
Who was “wrong” and who was “right” that night? Most likely somewhere in the middle of that particular equation between two people. But all wrong? First the cops…no, first the society, then the government, then the cops and then the media, followed closely by the roiling assholes on both sides of the question that have called for yet more blood.
And now we have a story that will have legs well into November, especially if George Zimmerman proves to be the asshole that he is beginning to resemble in his recent actions. I almost expect to see him popping up on some dreary reality show or lame right-wing radio program. It will continue to fester well into the life and death question of who/what will rule this country for the next four years. If Romney is serious about winning…something that I seriously doubt, actually (See my various “fix” posts before whatever is happening to this site stopped me from being able to post articles.)…and Obama doesn’t manage to get on top of this story better than saying Trayvon Martin looked like he could have been his son, Romney could win any number of white votes. They won’t be votes that will come from Obama’s likely tally but rather voters who would not have voted otherwise. And the percentages will begin to lean rightward.
Obama has about two weeks to get his act together here, and Romney has about two weeks to take a stand that could potentially win him millions of votes. Maybe three.
P.S. Was George Zimmerman “wrong” to be carrying a gun? Not unless he was also wrong in being a neighborhood watch kind of guy, which is a question that is itself ripe for debate. But if you grant the necessity for “neighborhood watches” in the first place…and they happen in all kinds of neighborhoods that are not adequately policed in this messed-up society, all-minority neighborhoods just as often if not more so than places like Sanford or totally European-American areas…if you recognize that necessity then you must also recognize the plain fact that anyone who is involved in such an activity and is not carrying a weapon could easily be categorized as suicidally insane. Interfering with the actions of criminals who are almost certainly capable of violence and probably carrying a weapon? Even if said “interference” only means sitting in a car and observing? Hell, if someone were to sit in a car on literally thousands of not particularly busy NYC area side streets for more than about 10 or 15 minutes without getting out..night or day, it would make no difference…that person would be under serious surveillance by the street people.
Bet on it.
And if he or she didn’t fit a certain demographic visually…right vehicle, right race, right age, right style…the need for self-defense could appear at any instant. My son, one of my brothers and I all look and dress as if we might be off-duty or undercover cops, and I cannot tell you how many times we have driven down hard streets and watched as the street guys paid us real attention. Walking? Parking for any length of time? Not on your life!!! And this is not a “racial” thing, either. We’re all kinda Celtic-looking and we get the same kind of attention on hard South Boston Irish streets and hard NYC-area Italian neighborhood streets as we do anywhere else. It’s just the way the streets work. Do the work that George Zimmerman appears to have been doing while unarmed? Never happen. Not as far as I am concerned it wouldn’t.
So there it is.
Blame the society.
Blame the government.
Blame the media.
Blame the cops.
Then…and only then…take a look at the products of those various forces.
Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
A fuck-up just waiting to happen. All over America.
Bet on it.
Great comment AG, putting issue in right perspective.
As I read between the lines from Zimmerman’s biography and his jobs/education/failures this was a train wreck waiting to happen. Add Trayvon Martin in the mix with his personal issues, aims in life in the same geographic area where George Zimmerman kept watch …
As I see it, Robert Zimmerman has tried as a parent to give George a second and third chance in life after he screwed up because of anger issues. Hearing the same from his two lawyers that there may be a mental problem, George should have been in protective custody for his personal safety and that of society. There was no racist motive involved!
Guns and mental problems are a deadly mix, killing sprees are a resultant and the innocent bystander as collateral damage.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Diary updated:
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Recently I also lost the TU status, a quick visit and participation in the Froggy Bottom Cafe fixed the problem. In the pond there used to be more cohesion and mojo’s going around. I’m not happy with the present situation, otherwise shoot Booman a line with the request to have him publish your diary. It has been done before.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
See my latest email, please.
I missed it.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
NRA sponsors the “Back To The Wild, Wild West” movement. Here, one of their more eloquent spokespersons extols the virtues of the philosophy.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."