Breaking News: Official: Zimmerman is in custody and will be charged with 2nd-degree murder

Press conference at the top of the hour

UPDATE: George Zimmerman to be charged in Trayvon Martin shooting, official says

The Washington Post reports that the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin shooting has decided to file criminal charges against George Zimmerman. The newspaper’s website cites an anonymous source close to the investigation. Another report, from ABC News, said the announcement is planned for 6 p.m. in Jacksonville.

The Post did not report what charge special prosecutor Angela Corey intends to file, but Sanford police classified the shooting as a possible manslaughter. The Orlando Sentinel was unable to confirm the Post’s report. Corey imposed a news blackout and has refused for more than a week to answer questions.

Wrong Police Tactics on George Zimmerman


and read the thrashy comments by this cultivated nation. Some of the comments in the last hour.

    “Any blood spilled because of this racially charged atmosphere belongs to obama, jackson, sharpton, and the main stream media. What is now happening in this country is deplorable and disgusting.

    “Live like a gangster, die like a gangster. No sympathy from me.

    “Wouldn’t it be nice someday, if blacks would just consider themselves Americans, no longer “African” Americans?  Their racist mindset will end up destroying the very country that restored their freedom, while clinging to the continent that sold them into slavery.

    “It is what it is ……  BLACK savages acting like, uh, BLACK savages! What do you you really expect from the perverted BLACK subculture that continues to infest society like an intrusion of cockroaches?  ……. coming to neighborhood near you …. perhaps YOUR neighborhood!

    “If the poop really hits the fan down there,it won’t last long.Those “good old boys” know how to keep the folk in line when necessary.

    “…………..if obamma had a son, he would look like Eric Holder

    “Don’t say any-thang negative or true about the “anointed minority” ….. the savages will burn down your neighborhood!

    “Isn’t diversity just wonderful?

Sanford police car shot near Trayvon Martin scene

SANFORD, Fla. –  A Sanford police car parked near the Trayvon Martin shooting scene was found Tuesday morning with several bullet holes in it, according to authorities.

The cruiser was parked across the street from the Retreat at Twin Lakes apartment complex in the parking lot of Bentley Elementary School.  Sanford police said the marked vehicle was shot around 4:30 a.m. by “unknown persons.”

Police said no one was inside the cruiser, but gunfire shattered a passenger window and at least two bullets pierced the front windshield.  Witnesses said they heard six shots.  

George Zimmerman creates website for supporters

George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February, has started a website and is soliciting donations, MSNBC.com reports.

TheRealGeorgeZimmerman.com is a basic five-page website with an American flag background and several short messages from Zimmerman to his supporters. According to MSNBC, Zimmerman’s attorneys confirmed that the website is legitimate.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."