I want to hear Mitt Romney answer yes or no: do you agree, Governor, with Allen West?
As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.).
West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he’s “heard” that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported. West wouldn’t elaborate beyond that, however, and didn’t offer up any names. There are currently 190 House Democrats.
Say you agree, Mitt, and you’re as much of a McCarthyite as the man who’s been seriously proposed as your running mate not only by Sarah Palin and Herman Cain but by Nikki Haley (at least until she walked back the recommendation).
Say you disagree, however, and you incur the wrath of your entire party’s base — you know, the folks whose votes you need in November to have any chance of victory? The base, needless to say, thinks every liberal is a communist and would probably say that West, if anything, low-balled his estimate.
Please, someone: ask the candidate. I really want to hear him answer this.
UPDATE: We now learn what West was referring to:
“I believe there are about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party: It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” West said at an event Tuesday, according to a partial YouTube video and his campaign manager, Tim Edson, who was there.
Um, really? Charlie Rangel is a card-carrying communist?
(X-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
I don’t like communists even a tiny little bit, but I kind of wish we had one or two in Congress just to keep things interesting. I’m trying to decide what the best kind of communist would be. Maybe someone who loves and admires Fidel Castro like the manager of the Miami Marlins. Or maybe some brainwashed transplant from Pyongyang who only speaks (in Korean) about the wonderful merits of Dear Leader. Anything will do as long as its not some liberals arts major from Bates…or whatever.
Communists operating as a minority party in electoral democracies have done a lot of good things. Certain cities in Italy were run by the Reds for years, and they really built up a reputation for good government. CPs are part of effective, liberal governing coalitions all over the world. Give them public-works and -services portfolios, and they throw themselves right into the task.
Sure, they’d set up the secret police processing operation in a heartbeat if the Soviet Union were to rise again and take over the world, but that’s not going to happen anyway. “In the meantime,” sure, they’re fine with organizing farmers markets and running the Little League.
yeah, I’m not interested in assigning portfolios to communists. I’m more in this for the entertainment value. If we had proportional elections and a few communists slipped in that would be different.
In this country, all a communist can do is give a funny speech.
I mean, that’s pretty much true for the socialists, too, but they aren’t dunderheads.
What a coincidence!! I happen to have in my hand three dirty bar napkins and an empty Hershey Bar wrapper, upon which are written the names of 66 U.S. House member that I have “heard” are members of the Nazi Party; and some of whom like to dress up in funny hats and wear their mother’s lingerie. Now I can’t elaborate just yet, and I can’t name names, but the evidence is strong.
Now, I will pick a time and a place when I deem it appropriate to fully release these napkins and candy wrapper for public scrutiny. But until that time, feel free to spread this information far and wide on as many media sources as possible. Because this information is too important to our nation’s survival to delay serious public discussion.
Of course, when Allen West says he’s “heard” something, he’s referring to the voices in his head.
That’s what happens when ordinary wingnuts who drank the Kool-Aid get elected instead of the cynical elites who ladled it out.
I miss communism. Rather, I miss the fear of communism among the capitalist elites. It encouraged them not to be such assholes, knowing there was an hostile alternative political philosophy out there. After the Soviet Union fell, they got cocky. Something is going to have to save capitalism from itself again.
Is he channeling Joe McCarthy?
sounds like it, but he hasn’t figured out we’re in the age of video yet.
Sort of OT but just as crazy, MO rep responding on why they haven’t impeached President Obama yet (presumably on the grounds of Occupying the Oval Office While Black as one TPM commenter points out)
In the clip I saw last night, West said “Democrat Party”, not “Democratic Party”. Why does the media need to prettify his language?
I’d be happy if the media quoted it as “Democrat Party [sic]”.
I’d also like the press to investigate further the GOP members’ inability to distinguish farm animals from women. And is there really a GOP Farm Animal Caucus? How many members are there?