They, of course, decided to hold the press conference announcing that charges will be pressed against George Zimmerman for causing the death of Trayvon Martin during the time CabinGirl and I scheduled for our second or third date since the birth of our son. So, do me a favor and fill me in on the details so I can be up to speed quickly when I get back.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OT, But AP tweeting that Zimmerman is in custody and will be charged with 2nd degree murder:
Hmm wondering if KKKlanity is sweating and getting advice from Greta!
Breaking News: Official: Zimmerman is in custody and will be charged with 2nd-degree murder
Press conference at the top of the hour
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Zimmerman also has a new lawyer who is more seasoned and more media saavy…wonder if KKKlanity helped him out with that?
Is the new lawyer Mark Levin?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Good luck. Hope you guys get rip roaringly drunk and enjoy the sunlight. I know how much your social life suffers with kids.
Basically the DA charged Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder. I expected a manslaughter charge but I’ll take it. I hope she doesn’t let him plead to a lesser charge.
Al Sharpton is not my favorite person in the world, but he’s good at bringing issues to national prominence. If there’s somebody else who wants to do this, I’ll all for it. But until then the people who don’t like him can kiss my grits. His issues shouldn’t cloud the real injustice here.
I wonder what Fox News’ reaction or how the wingnut blogosphere will react? I’ll expect someone will compare this to a lynching. You know cause the justice system is not for people who shoot young black kids. My money is on Dan Riehl.
Brent Mozel, can’t spell his name. I think he said that yesterday or today before the charges were announced.
Al Sharpton talking about justice is like the Pope talking about child welfare.
Yes, how dare they schedule the press conference when you are busy! LOL… (I’m sure you can watch it on YouTube or elsewhere if you really need to see it).
Now on to bigger things.. the Circus sideshow really gets started now. Easy to predict this case will go on for months. Lamestream media and talk radio will be all over this like a bad suit.
Perfect for the POTUS race– this will divert attention to more important issues, like pending economic collapse.
“Witnesses” will be brought forth. However, to my knowledge, there are no witnesses, save for those who heard the screams, screams that BTW, Zimmerman claims are his.(he must have a rather high voice).
Race will continue to be a huge factor.. this is not going to be pretty.
Howard Fineman tweeted that once again FL becomes a hot bead issue in campaign. Personally, I don’t think the case will have any thing on the campaign. I think the people who would hold this against Obama are already people inclined not to vote for him.
It’s more likely to me to have this case be a bigger problem for the GOP nominee to try to defend without insulting base or ignoring center.
I think the White House has said that the President is done speaking about the case.
And properly so as it becomes an active trial. I hope he will speak after the trial. No matter which way it goes.
Flor becomes part of the political story because of ALEC and the NRA and the role of Stand Your Ground bills in 24 states.
Check out the Bloomberg speech on Stand Your Ground yesterday, that wouldn’t have happened without the Martin murder’s spotlight on the problem. The stats are in and as Bloomberg pointed to, the law has not made people safer, there is now double and more the amount of homicides in states that have the laws and vigilantism has created a nightmare for law enforcement and the communities they serve.
So anyone else wondering if TPTB at Fox are a little perturbed by how much KKKlanity has become a part of this case, not just from his usual daily racist ranting, but now to know that he actually spoke with GZ and that if what his former lawyers alleged that he was getting some sort of counsel from KKKlanity is true.
KKKlanity is opionion at Fox right, not news so no privalege is warranted right?
Maybe it’s just me, but this seems to have some parallels to the OJ case – with the sides flipped. If so, I wonder what the political impact will be (racial polarization during the re-election campaign of the first Black president).
Get lots of popcorn ready – this is going to be a humdinger…
Zimmerman will go before a single Judge for an initial hearing concerning the validity of the charges entered against him by the prosecutor’s office, in this case second degree murder. If at that time Zimmerman enters a plea of self-defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, the judge will have to decide if the defendent (Zimmerman)was justified in using deadly force under the provisions of Florida’s “stand your ground” law.
If at this time the Judge decides THAT ZIMMERMAN’S situation is covered under the the “stand your ground” law and that Zimmerman acted properly in accordance with the provisions of the law; then the Judge will be obligated to RELEASE ZIMMERMAN from all charges, and he will immediately be freed of all charges in the death of Trayvon Martin.
If Zimmerman is released by the Judge under the self-defense provisions of the “stand your ground” law, the prosecutor still has the right to appeal the Judge’s ruling. Florida prosecutors have already won some 7appeals citing inappropriate use of the “stand your ground” law this year so far, so the judge’s ruling in Zimmerman’s favor is not locked in stone. On the other hand if the Judge agrees with the proscution, then Zimmerman will be bound over for trial for second degree murder.
Stay tuned…….
Did Trayvon have a right to “stand his ground” when accosted or does that law only apply to people with guns?
Serious question…can a broken nose be healed with no bruising in 45 days???
What?! You and Cabin Girl?! You’re married?
Shit…I guess I really am clueless…
We’d noticed.