(This is slightly old news, because 5 days ago I wrote this and then found that I had been defenestrated on his blog by a digital attempt to eliminate spammers, Since I am now apparently “persona est grata” once again, here it is.)
I mean…even the ReDumblicans are beginning to understand.
Critics say RNC was in tank for Mitt Romney
By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 4/6/12 4:27 AM EDT Updated: 4/6/12 3:17 PM EDT
The Republican National Committee was supposed to play the part of umpire in the GOP presidential primary, but some Republicans are grumbling that the committee wasn’t just calling balls and strikes.
Critics, including supporters of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and even neutral Republicans, argue that the national party took steps that helped tilt the contest toward Mitt Romney — an allegation that the RNC rejects but is taking very seriously.The list of specific grievances ranges from issues that even the party acknowledges are legitimate to those that they dismiss as desperate fixations from Romney’s flailing rivals.
For example, the committee agrees that some states that went for Romney jumped the line in the primary schedule, a violation of party rules. But RNC defenders shrug off other complaints, that they undercut Santorum and Gingrich by formatting a delegate tracking list to pad Romney’s tally, by forming a fundraising alliance this week with Romney and by highlighting a rule that would block an unlikely path to the nomination for Gingrich.
And it’s possible there will be other clashes in the coming weeks, with the RNC signaling Thursday its opposition to a push by Santorum backers in Texas to alter the rules surrounding that state’s May 29 primary to help the former Pennsylvania senator.
Critics of the RNC’s handling of the primary are so sensitive to signs that the committee may be pulling for Romney that they’ve even detected evidence of favoritism in the staff ties between his campaign and the RNC — though some concede such speculation veers more toward conspiracy theory than legitimate concern.
Still, taken together, the perception that the primary wasn’t a fair fight could damage the party’s standing with the big donors and grass-roots activists it needs to rally this fall to defeat President Barack Obama. And if Obama wins reelection, that angst could create problems for the RNC and particularly for its chairman, Reince Priebus.
“The chatter is that the fix is in, and that’s created a great deal of consternation,” said Michael Steele, Priebus’s predecessor as RNC
Read on.
“The chatter is that the fix is in.”
No more need be said.
Watch the news.
The candidate who gets the best press wins.
Every time.
So should you.
Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win. Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home. The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year.
Now lemme see…let’s sum this up, OK?
1-The fix was in for Romney in the primaries.
2-The fixers were the Republican establishment.
3-“I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year.”-Joe Scarborough.
So if they don’t think that Romney can win yet they fixed the primaries so that he would, then the fixers were fixing four more years for O’Bomber.
Is there any other conclusion that can be drawn here?
I think not.
What think you?
“Prince Rebus” is more like it!!!
Riddle me this:
Who’s writing this shit?
Charles Dickens?
God trying to equal him?
It’s well over 12 hours after I posted this incontrovertible proof of the ongoing political fix system, and so far none of the political and media junkies on this site…people who pretty much make a life out of obsessing over who’s gonna win the election, who’s not and why…have chimed in.
Accepting the inevitable truth of such a thing would ruin their jones, and addiction is hard to quit. There’s more than one kind of “fix” going on, if you get my drift.
Cold turkey, folks.
Try it.
It ain’t just for the day after Thanksgiving.
Bet on it.
Betcha can’t do it.
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
I stopped going to the state nominating conventions as soon as I noticed the state level candidates were a done deal before the delegates arrived. It’s all hoopla for the media here. I suppose I’d attend if I was still a party animal, but aged out of those activities many, many moons ago.
Plus…I imagine that they are very lame parties.
Uhhh…both the political parties and the parties thrown by said political parties.
Come hang out with latin and jazz musicians, Indiana. It’s all a party, of sorts. Hell, we “play” for a living!!!