Sorry, I was busy slacking…letting the mess pile up in here. In fact, i’m such a slacker that I’m posting this from bed,where I am trapped by a 2 year old who is afraid mommy will get away if he lets go of her while sleeping. 🙂
I feel like I used to have more free time for blogging and stuff. What happened?
It’s funny, CBtE is at that turnaround point (he’ll be 20 in August), CBtY is 17 and still in the throes of teenagerdom, and then I have Finny, who can’t get enough of his mama. The whole range in one household seems to make all the stages a little easier to deal with; maybe it’s because we know everything will pass eventually?
I do love the chance to go through it all one more time with the littlest one.
That is so horrible. Several years ago a high school basketball player died during a ball game in a nearby town. It was an undiagnosed heart condition.
Ya’know, I haven’t been much of a commenter/contributor here at the Pond since entering a very long compulsive/obsessive phase that started in January 2011 and has only let up recently. I wrote a five novel saga and wrestled with a sixth new one thru eight revisions before giving up on it. I started a new one but it’s boring so I’m starting to have the focus to say something related to real life now–apart from the paragraphs I throw up on Facebook. We’ll see how long my outwardness lasts…
The fantasies in my head are so much more satisfying than my real life or the current political scene.
No one else knows either. I haven’t been published since my 20’s and those were non-fiction books on highly strange esoteric subjects. But I got possessed and the romance/fantasy/science fiction saga poured out of me. The few who have read it tell me it’s great pulp fiction. It’s funny and weird and they loved the characters. But a new writer getting legitimately published these days is like winning the lottery. It only happens rarely. I write mainly for my own entertainment so I don’t really care about having an audience and I know for a fact most writers don’t get rich.
But I’m thinking during the brief respite from my obsession I might devote some energy to self-publishing them as e-books. But it’s a pretty confusing process with multiple, competing formats and platforms. It gives me a headache.
This has been the earliest spring that we can remember — about three weeks ahead of the norm. Most of the trees are either fully leafed out or starting to. Some things are coming out even earlier — yesterday I saw spiderworts and the earliest photos I have of it in prior years were between May 15 to May 25.
We’re at least 3 weeks ahead here-the leaves are unfurling and the dogwoods are in full bloom, which is usually a mid-May event here.
We’re vacationing in Maine instead of the outer banks this year, with the thought that we’ll need to escape the heat rather than drive deeper into it in July.
Sounds like a plan. We’re likely headed out west again this year. I’m hoping that it won’t be too hot. We were going to try something different but the b2 boy really wants one more trip out there.
Southwest Harbor – the quiet side of Acadia, and close to the CB’s beloved swimming hole, the Ledges. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to it. We’re using it as an excuse/motivation to get more bike riding in before our trip (as preparation for the carriage roads). I’m especially happy because everyone here is enthusiastic about going back to Maine, which doesn’t always happen.
Sounds like a great trip. Isn’t talking about vacations just the best thing ever. We’re less than 3 weeks away from starting ours (Colorado, Utah) and I am so ready.
Various trees’ leaves are starting to emerge here, but I mowed grass last Saturday, which was the only warm day we’ve had lately. The grass mowing was about 3 weeks earlier than usual.
Our five new garlic plants are up about 9-10″ so far, but now I’ve been covering them overnight due to lows of 22F.
I was happy to see that our blueberry bushes had set berries and they seemed to be ok after a couple of frosts. Last year we didn’t have a crop at all. Spring here has been really lush with blossoms and green growth so far this year.
I’m hoping our CSA farm season can start a week early this year. I feel like we’re 3 weeks ahead, and I’m wondering if that means strawberry picking will happen early. Could totally go for fresh strawberry margaritas for my birthday… 🙂
Probably so with the strawberries. Ours have little berries on them that should be ready in a couple of weeks (if the yard critters don’t eat ’em first like last year).
We got our property tax bill yesterday and we like to imagine that our resounding cries of “Thank you, thank you, thank you” carried all the way from our place to yours.
Lol ~ ours too, for the rental house, not so much. Being caught up is ever so much easier on the county cash flow. Now, if we could just get Mitch Daniels to look under the sofa cushions more often…
Yeah, it would be nice if they found a few more mistakes that would get the county enough to take care of that extensive list of high priority road work. I can’t imagine how bad the roads at the top of the list must be considering how bad our road and Four Mile Ridge are.
The gravel road we used to live on out by Yellowwood State Forest got graded once a year, whether it needed it or not. Most of the time, the neighbors took care of snow plowing and keeping the culverts free of debris.
We’re paying back for a great March…
We’ve had at least some rain pretty much every day for 10 days, and that’s also the forecast for the next 5.
Kind of cold as well – around 40 at night, max 50 daytime.
Sorry, I was busy slacking…letting the mess pile up in here. In fact, i’m such a slacker that I’m posting this from bed,where I am trapped by a 2 year old who is afraid mommy will get away if he lets go of her while sleeping. 🙂
I feel like I used to have more free time for blogging and stuff. What happened?
I feel like I used to have more free time for blogging and stuff. What happened?
Not sure but I think I’ve heard that it’s a very rare phenomenon called “life”. 🙂
Yes ~ enjoy while you can. As you are aware, they soon morph into obnoxious, angst-ridden teens, but get better eventually;-)
It’s funny, CBtE is at that turnaround point (he’ll be 20 in August), CBtY is 17 and still in the throes of teenagerdom, and then I have Finny, who can’t get enough of his mama. The whole range in one household seems to make all the stages a little easier to deal with; maybe it’s because we know everything will pass eventually?
I do love the chance to go through it all one more time with the littlest one.
I’ve got only the 13 year old version. Nothing to compare it to. 🙁
Might be getting worse before it gets better…
TGIF – and in my time zone, that means outta here soon.
Worse for sure. Better hopefully eventually. Have a good one, ask!
Also, you might want to take that goose down a peg or two; it seems to be quite out of bounds.
That is a big goose.
I imagine it thinking, where’s all the hot chicks who were supposed to be hanging out here?
Done. Apparently ‘width’ only has one w. who knew?
So I guess this means that Finny let you out of bed. 😉
Give your captor a hug for me.
New life is always a good thing.

Wow Bob, that is a fantastic shot.
Love that shot! We have a pair hanging around our house this spring. Its nice to hear their cheery song when we’re outdoors.
You might want to say a pair of what — lest some people get odd ideas about your house. 😉
Wow! That is a great shot.
Thanks everyone, new pic down-thread.
This month’s theme is Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
Click here to see ours and show us yours.
WOW!! That was Great!! Very nicely click!! Love that bird and color of them!!
paintings for sale
This sucks.
That is so horrible. Several years ago a high school basketball player died during a ball game in a nearby town. It was an undiagnosed heart condition.
Very sad.
They’re hatching, stay tuned.
The proud papa shares child rearing responsibilities!
A truly wonderful shot.
What a great capture, Bob.
Nice shot Bob!
Looks like another hatched yesterday, I’m trying to get more shots. Both parents are spending all their time feeding the hungry lot.
Ya’know, I haven’t been much of a commenter/contributor here at the Pond since entering a very long compulsive/obsessive phase that started in January 2011 and has only let up recently. I wrote a five novel saga and wrestled with a sixth new one thru eight revisions before giving up on it. I started a new one but it’s boring so I’m starting to have the focus to say something related to real life now–apart from the paragraphs I throw up on Facebook. We’ll see how long my outwardness lasts…
The fantasies in my head are so much more satisfying than my real life or the current political scene.
Good to see you back.
I had no ideat that you are a writer. Congratulations on the books.
No one else knows either. I haven’t been published since my 20’s and those were non-fiction books on highly strange esoteric subjects. But I got possessed and the romance/fantasy/science fiction saga poured out of me. The few who have read it tell me it’s great pulp fiction. It’s funny and weird and they loved the characters. But a new writer getting legitimately published these days is like winning the lottery. It only happens rarely. I write mainly for my own entertainment so I don’t really care about having an audience and I know for a fact most writers don’t get rich.
But I’m thinking during the brief respite from my obsession I might devote some energy to self-publishing them as e-books. But it’s a pretty confusing process with multiple, competing formats and platforms. It gives me a headache.
What kind of esoteric subjects?
I’m glad to see you here! Don’t be such a stranger;-)
You sound like me…how does one read your writing?
this story is amazing.
What a journey, with more than a little good luck involved! Its amazing he survived at all, let alone be reunited with his family.
click for larger
Love the bronze color.
The contrast in color between the leaves is really striking. We have yet to see any/many leaves here.
This has been the earliest spring that we can remember — about three weeks ahead of the norm. Most of the trees are either fully leafed out or starting to. Some things are coming out even earlier — yesterday I saw spiderworts and the earliest photos I have of it in prior years were between May 15 to May 25.
We’re at least 3 weeks ahead here-the leaves are unfurling and the dogwoods are in full bloom, which is usually a mid-May event here.
We’re vacationing in Maine instead of the outer banks this year, with the thought that we’ll need to escape the heat rather than drive deeper into it in July.
Sounds like a plan. We’re likely headed out west again this year. I’m hoping that it won’t be too hot. We were going to try something different but the b2 boy really wants one more trip out there.
That’s nice that he likes going there so much! I hope they have an unusually cool summer for you (and ManEe). 🙂
Where are you going in Maine? Arcadia? Somewhere on the coast?
Southwest Harbor – the quiet side of Acadia, and close to the CB’s beloved swimming hole, the Ledges. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to it. We’re using it as an excuse/motivation to get more bike riding in before our trip (as preparation for the carriage roads). I’m especially happy because everyone here is enthusiastic about going back to Maine, which doesn’t always happen.
Sounds like a great trip. Isn’t talking about vacations just the best thing ever. We’re less than 3 weeks away from starting ours (Colorado, Utah) and I am so ready.
Various trees’ leaves are starting to emerge here, but I mowed grass last Saturday, which was the only warm day we’ve had lately. The grass mowing was about 3 weeks earlier than usual.
Our five new garlic plants are up about 9-10″ so far, but now I’ve been covering them overnight due to lows of 22F.
Otherwise, just dandelions blooming.
I was happy to see that our blueberry bushes had set berries and they seemed to be ok after a couple of frosts. Last year we didn’t have a crop at all. Spring here has been really lush with blossoms and green growth so far this year.
I’m hoping our CSA farm season can start a week early this year. I feel like we’re 3 weeks ahead, and I’m wondering if that means strawberry picking will happen early. Could totally go for fresh strawberry margaritas for my birthday… 🙂
Probably so with the strawberries. Ours have little berries on them that should be ready in a couple of weeks (if the yard critters don’t eat ’em first like last year).
Mmmmm ~
Reminds me – I need to get some mulch under them.
See Booman’s earlier comment here.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I got up away early today, which means lunch is made, breakfast is eaten, and I can read a blog or two. I love when the sun comes up early…
… and NSFW?

click for larger
Meet turtle hotties in your area.
The b2 boy has one that could use a date.
Being left home alone on Saturday night must be terribly lonely for it.
Watching reruns of Loveboat is perhaps not the best plan.
We got our property tax bill yesterday and we like to imagine that our resounding cries of “Thank you, thank you, thank you” carried all the way from our place to yours.
Lol ~ ours too, for the rental house, not so much. Being caught up is ever so much easier on the county cash flow. Now, if we could just get Mitch Daniels to look under the sofa cushions more often…
And you are so very welcome:-)
Yeah, it would be nice if they found a few more mistakes that would get the county enough to take care of that extensive list of high priority road work. I can’t imagine how bad the roads at the top of the list must be considering how bad our road and Four Mile Ridge are.
The gravel road we used to live on out by Yellowwood State Forest got graded once a year, whether it needed it or not. Most of the time, the neighbors took care of snow plowing and keeping the culverts free of debris.
The state that Four Mile Ridge is in, I think we’d better off if they let it go back to gravel.
Spring is in the air…
It is beautiful here in the Hudson Valley. Warm and sunny by the lack of rain continues.
Good for you guys. Enjoy!
We’re paying back for a great March…
We’ve had at least some rain pretty much every day for 10 days, and that’s also the forecast for the next 5.
Kind of cold as well – around 40 at night, max 50 daytime.
Well hopefully* all the rain will lead to a beautiful wildflower season in the mountains.
* no more grammar guilt for me since the AP style guide just approved this usage.
Hopefully, today will fly by, I’ll get all my work done, and be playing with everyone at 4pm… 😉 nice to know my usage is now acceptable.
Tomorrow is my first ever 5k race…here’s hoping for nice weather, not too hot (can’t believe I’m saying that in April) or rainy.
Hopefully, your day is almost done.
And good luck on the race!
Thanks! I’ll have to get BooMan to take a post-race pic of me and my training buddy (Finny) so I can post it.
I’ll look forward to seeing you in all your sweaty triumph. The bonus of Finny will make the pic absolutely irresistible.
Good luck! I’ve got a 5k race in 2 weeks.
I’m feeling a big lingering sense of accomplishment today. Which is good, because it’s been raining all day and I’ve hardly done anything. 🙂
Good luck on your 5k, I think my friends and I are going to be picking another one to do before the summer hits full blast.
I saw your post-5k photo on facebook but with no Finny in it and no Finny here either. ::pouts::
I am so bad…maybe I can tempt you with some Easter egg-hunting footage from BooMans computer?
At this time tomorrow, we’ll be starting the b2 boy’s Bar Mitzvah. I’ll try and post a pic later on.
Mazel tov!
A major milestone in all your lives. Congrats!
Mazel tov! I can’t believe he’s that old already!
Btw, autocorrect wanted to make that Mazes TiVo! Oy.
Big occasion, Mazel Tov!
Add my mazel tov to the chorus!
Raining here. Finally some help for the drought. At least I got the lawn done before it all started.
No bar mitzvah pics? Sigh.
Payback for no Finny pics? 😛
And yes, I’ll take the egg hunt pics as a substitute.
I’ll do that later on. It’s moving day here at work and things are beyond crazy.
Here’s a shot in the restaurant, after the ceremony. madame boran is in the center of the room.
click for larger
A mushroom’s eye view?
… or why I use a p&s instead of a 35mm.
Wow. The Saints are gonna lose more draft picks. The franchise is in deep doo-doo.
We’ll know it’s serious when all those Stupor Bowl rings are sent to the Colts players of the day.
If games are reversed later do bookies have to make good on bets that went the other way?