I need a nap. But I also would like to know how much violence against women Mitt Romney and the Republicans are willing to tolerate.
Also, how much violence against gays and undocumented workers do Romney and the Republicans support?
Maybe we could write it all up in a bill and have a vote.
Rubio: I’ll Say No If Romney Asks Me To Join Ticket
So either Rubio thinks a)Romney gonna lose in November and he doesn’t want the “taint” of Romney and he doesn’t want to be tarred with it or b)he wants to be at the top of the ticket in 2016 or at the bottom of the ticket with say Jeb Bush?
The presidential and VP nominees can’t be from the same state, lamh. So, no, not with Jeb Bush.
Hmmm, ok, then I guess I could see him just not convinced that Romney will win and not wanted to be tainted with the loss.
That seems probable. There’s also the matter of his petty larceny against the Florida Republican Party.
Where does it say that? It’s not in Article 2, is it in some other law or do you mean it’s just politically stupid?
Which I believe it is by the way.
It’s not technically unconstitutional for the candidates themselves, but the state electors can’t split their ballots for a president and VP nominee from their own state.
So, in the case of Florida (which has a lot of EC votes), only being able to vote for the President or the Vice President (but not both on the same ticket) could be enough to deny a majority of EC votes to the ticket. The President could win the electoral college, but get saddled with a Vice President from the other party in a close election (like ’00 or 04).
That’s why Cheney had to switch his voter registration to Wyoming in 2000. Texas electors would have been forced to vote for Lieberman for Vice President.
I guess it is unconstitutional, from the 12th Amendment:
Wouldn’t that just mean that electors from their home state can’t vote for them? Politically speaking, that would discourage a same-state ticket, especially from a big swing state like Florida. But it wouldn’t bar it, would it?
now that you say that, I’m totally confused
Either way, other than being politically stupid, I don’t see the problem with having the President and Vice President from the same state. Apparently, it’s not possible but I could be wrong.
Right, it’s what I said (perhaps poorly). It’s a restriction on home state electors, not the candidates themselves.
Obama could have run with Durbin, and both would have been elected no problem, as the margin of victory in the electoral college was large enough to make up for the 20-odd vice presidential votes that would be forced to go to Palin from Illinois.
But unless you’re sure you’re gonna win in a landslide, you wouldn’t want to risk winning the election only to see the other party’s vice president be elected with you over statutory bullshit.
how much violence against gays and undocumented workers do Romney and the Republicans support?
…all of it?
At minimum, as much as it takes to satisfy the bloodlust of the base. And I would say that there is no maximum. It knows no bounds.
Man, the Romney campaign is such hot mess sometimes that I can’t believe it’s so close in some polls. It just amazes me that the anti-Obama is so intense that it could actually be the only reason Romney wins in November.
“Romney’s misfire on plant closings”
It’s not violence against women. It’s violence against sluts. It’s only 99% of women.
I just want Christie to run as Veep.
He would be a nice addition as he is cruel to the poor.
Ugh, I really, really can’t stand Mitt Romney. This may be the most dislike I have ever had for a politician since Palin. I still dislike Palin, I just don’t even care enough to go to the trouble of actively disliking her. And no, this pic doesn’t seem to be photoshopped…Bastard!
Andrew Kaczynski