North Korea failed with its attempted launch of a long range ballistic missile. India, however did not. It’s missile, the Agri-5 was launched successfully yesterday, making its nuclear arsenal more of a threat to Russia, Pakistan and China, and a challenge to US Forces deployed in the Indian Ocean should relations between our two countries ever break down:
Defence Minister A K Antony congratulated the team for “the immaculate success” of the Agni-5, hailing the efforts of “numerous unsung scientists of DRDO who have worked relentlessly years together to bring the nation to this threshold”.
The DRDO chief told Business Standard the Agni-5 was not just a long-range rocket. “This missile incorporates unique technologies that will allow us to have multiple variants. We can achieve short ranges, higher ranges… all with the same missile,” he said.
Although the DRDO calls the Agni-5 an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), its range of 5,000 km puts it — by most conventional measures —in the class of intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), which have ranges of 3,000-5,500 km. The Agni-5’s range is carefully calibrated; it can reach targets anywhere except for America and Australia. This would allow it to strike all of India’s potential adversaries, even as friendly capitals in Western Europe and the US stay out of range. DRDO sources say that, in case of need, the Agni-5 could easily be ramped up into an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with a range of more than 5,500 km.
The world, facing the challenges of resource shortages, ethnic and religious conflicts, economic problems and climate change just became a more dangerous place. This is not to disparage India, but this technological advance in missile technology combined with its already existing nuclear program automatically makes India a regional military superpower with the ability to threaten the dominance of the US military in the region, as well as its traditional rivals in China and Pakistan.
Bringing itself to parity with China is probably best in terms of future negotiations between the two.
I’m assuming that climate change doesn’t fuck them over enough to prevent them becoming the future world powers since the Republicans are determined to collapse the country.
Some glaciers on Asia’s Karakoram mountains added mass
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I saw that when it came out. What’s your point?
Accelerating desertification in the subcontinent is a very likely outcome of climate change and increased glaciation in some areas (matched by decreased in others) is not going to offset that.
Well done, India’s leadership and its people. China must recognize India as a rising power with full capabilities of human destruction. Pakistan is wise to revert from ISI support of terror groups wanting Kashmir. Karzai would be wise to accept India as its natural ally … a game changer, no?
India’s poverty and illiteracy.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Remember when Clinton slapped sanctions on both India and Pakistan for their illicit nuclear programs? And then Dubya decided all was forgiven?
This is, to be sure, an unwelcome development. But the US, with thousands of warheads, a history of using nukes, and a subsequent history of using nuclear disarmament primarily as a tool for entrenching its own nuclear superiority, has absolutely no moral authority on this issue. None.
I know you are technically right that we have a history of using nukes, but that was nearly 70 years ago when we dropped 2 during a declared war. You make it sound like we’ve been dropping nukes left and right for decades.
Iran of the Shah, Israel, South Africa and Pakistan. More recently India.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
what does that have to do with anything I just said?
Stretches your responsibility to adhere to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. A matter of historical fact of abuse by the U.S.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
still has nothing to do with what I said originally