Does anyone seriously think that the president is disinterested in the professionalism of the Secret Service? His life is in their hands. Would you like it if your paid bodyguards were more interested in playing with prostitutes than in protecting you? Yet, Sarah Palin can never miss an opportunity to try to score some political points. It turns out that one of the Secret Service supervisors who lost his job over his behavior in Colombia was once assigned to Gov. Palin. And he wasn’t very professional about that responsibility either. He wrote on his Facebook page that he was “checking [Palin] out, if you know what I mean.” This was all the opening Palin needed to launch a truly tasteless attack on the president:
“Well, this agent who was kind of ridiculous there in posting pictures and comments about checking someone out,” Palin told Greta van Susteren on her FOX News program. “Well check this out, bodyguard — you’re fired. And I hope his wife sends him to the doghouse. As long as he’s not eating the dog, along with his former boss. Greta, you know, a lot of people will just, I guess say that this is boys being boys. And boys will be boys, but they shouldn’t be in positions of authority.”
“It’s a symptom of government run amok, though, Greta,” Palin said on the Thursday broadcast of “On the Record” on FOX News. “Who is minding the store here? And when it comes to this particular issue of Secret Service, again, playing with the taxpayer’s dime and playing with prostitutes and checking out those whom they are guarding.”
“You know, the President, for one, he better be wary there when Secret Service is accompanying his family on vacation. They may be checking out the First Lady, instead of guarding her. I say that not just tongue in cheek, but I say that seriously,” Palin said.
“The president, the CEO of this operation called our federal government, has got to start cracking down on these agencies. He is the head of the administrative branch and all of these different departments in the administration that now people are seeing things that are so amiss within these departments. The buck stops with the president. And he’s really got to start cracking down and seeing some heads roll. He has to get rid of these people at the head of these agencies where so many things, obviously, are amiss,” she said.
This really has it all, doesn’t it? She attacks the president for eating dog. The president revealed in Dreams From My Father that he was fed dog when he was a very young boy in Indonesia. He didn’t like it. The Republicans think this information is supposed to inoculate Mitt Romney from charges of animal cruelty. How stupid is that?
Then Palin goes to an obvious place. The prostitution scandal in the Secret Service is evidence of “government run amok” and wasting taxpayer dollars. By what logic?
Of course, this is the president’s fault. He isn’t minding the store. He’s not cracking down. He needs to start firing people from all kinds of agencies because the Secret Service had a scandal. Never mind that the people responsible have already been sacked.
But the most classless thing Palin said was about the president’s family.
“You know, the President, for one, he better be wary there when Secret Service is accompanying his family on vacation. They may be checking out the First Lady, instead of guarding her. I say that not just tongue in cheek, but I say that seriously,” Palin said.
Why even say that?
I get that Palin experienced that kind of treatment. She’s not wrong. She just has no sense of decorum or decency.
Are we forever going to be plagued by this cancer?
You can thank Cranky McSame(John McCain) and William the Bloody(Bill Kristol) for that!!
Well yeah, but when will it stop? I thought for sure that maybe once the nomination was over people would stop caring.
I’m waiting for the suggestion that secret service protection be paid for by payroll deduction from the President’s salary. That would seem to be a logical extension of Tea Party philosophy.
That Secret Service agent was checking out Palin on Dubya’s watch, no?
and hired under the watch of George H.W. Bush.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
John McCain is the gift that keeps giving.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“Sarah Palin can never miss an opportunity to
try to score some political points.““Sarah Palin can never miss an opportunity to exhibit her deranged, spittle-flecked obsession with the President.”
And Sarah, FLOTUS is a lady. She’s not a-winkin’ and a-flashin’ for attention from every boorish horndog out there.
Sure, the rest of it is predictably stupid political point-scoring, and the dog reference is just going to seem bizarre to anyone outside the echo chamber. But I actually think this is a pretty reasonable thing to say, especially given Palin’s personal experience. As you say, she’s not wrong. And while it would ordinarily be tasteless to invoke hypothetical threats to the president and his family, that is the topic here.
I notice, however, that Palin didn’t say a word about why this president, among all the others we’ve had, has been deluged with a historic number of death threats. She bears a lot of responsibility for it.
By-the-by. It seems we are still footing the bill for Newt Gingrich’s Secret Service detail. Are we protecting Santorum too? When do these welfare cheats get off looting the federal dime?
sre you certain they even have/had ss protection?
it would not appear to be part of the ss’s purview until120 days prior to the election:
frankly, l’d be surprised if they’ve been following the clown posse around prior to the convention and…ya know… the selection of an actual candidate.
perhaps l’m mistaken, but l would posit that the onus for security is the responsibility of the primary challengers up to the 120 day period, barring some sort of major kerfuffle; and stupid banality doesn’t count,imo.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
thanks, oui. certainly not what l expected, but then, these guys are master manipulators aren’t they… rant and rave about excessive govt spending but suck the teat for all it’s worth when it comes to their personal agenda.
fuck em all.
Please remember that Palin was too big of a coward to make an endorsement in the primary. Todd endorsed Newt.
Palin never seemed to understand that the president is supposed to serve everyone not just the vocal base of his/her party.
Palin didn’t seem to understand that the term for governor was four years, not two.
Ending a statement with “…but I say that seriously.” without an ounce of irony is a sign that she just said something incredibly stupid.
Every war story I’ve read has featured prostitutes – you know, like a ship hitting port after months at sea. Would Palin like to take a stand on coming down hard on the sailors and other military men who are “playing with the taxpayer’s dime and playing with prostitutes”?
And, since this has been taking place for millennia, does that indicate that governments have always been running amok, even under Republican presidents?