I don’t know why CNN employs Dana Loesch. I really don’t. She’s a rage-filled idiot with nothing to offer. She thinks MSNBC’s Martin Bashir shouldn’t be allowed to comment on politics because he’s British. But doesn’t CNN air Piers Morgan every night at 9 o’clock?
I am no fan of Piers Morgan, but what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Right?
She’s kind of right. They do never “understand it.” Any foreign professor I had always called American media a “disgrace” and it was something they didn’t understand in the sense of, “Why the fuck do you Americans put up with this drivel?”
Yet The Daily Fail and The Sun are two big-selling U.K. papers.
Dear CNN: This is not News; This is News
She thinks MSNBC’s Martin Bashir shouldn’t be allowed to comment on politics because he’s British.
Look on the bright side, she’s on the same side of those over zealous Obama supporters who said Greenwald has/had no business criticizing President Obama because he lives in Brazil. Except those over zealous supporters should know better since a five second Teh Google search will tell them why Greenwald lives in Brazil.
people don’t like Greenwald because he’s a hack … who also happens to live in Brazil
A hack who points out inconvenient truths? Do you know why he lives in Brazil?
inconvenient truths … right
I don’t particularly care why he lives in Brazil, people can live wherever they want. There Americans all over the globe.
Glenn Greenwald: Life Beyond Borders
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
To be fair, I’ve never understood the seeming infatuation of Village media for Brits who will tell us how fucked up we are. It’s not a new phenomenon: witness Hitchens, Sullivan, and Alexander Cockburn, among others. One or two I could understand, but you’d think in a pool of 300 million people they think they just can’t find any Americans who understand our own political system.
Pining for the next de Toqueville? I dunno.
Was Cockburn ever the object of fascination? Even fellow-travelers at The Nation seem to loathe him, and it’s not like he pops up as a talk-show guest. I might put Niall Ferguson on the list instead.
Cockburn is a douche. No one on the left should support him considering his climate change “skepticism.”
Then again, since the much heralded “British empire” is no more– perhaps criticism by educated Brits has some credibility.
She appears quite cute. That’s reason enough for a cable net.