This is one of the most egregiously awful things I have read in a long time. It would have never occurred to me that Karin McQuillan is a Jewish name so I at first thought I’d discovered a rare Irish Catholic with truly weird hangups about Obama’s attitude towards Israel. I expect that kind of thing from evangelicals, but I didn’t have her pegged right so it doesn’t matter. This is a woman who appears to be in the employ of Big Oil. She claims she is a “retired psychoanalyst” and Peace Corp veteran. I don’t know who she is. I just know she’s crazy and hateful and paranoid (or she is well-paid to appear so).
She appears to believe that Hillary Rosen truthfully pointed out that Ann Romney has never worked one day for a paycheck in her entire life because Barack Obama told her to do so. And the reason Obama instructed her to make this observation is because Obama had a terrible mother, a terrible father, lousy grandparents, and a pedophile for a mentor. And all of them were communists.
I’m feeling more despondent about the fact that there is an audience for this stuff than about the fact that is being written in the first place. What’s most interesting is the intersection in her work between extreme pro-settler rhetoric, climate change denial, and paranoid tea-party style polemics against the president.
Truly I’d like to know, who is paying this woman?
Your first link doesn’t work right.
Truly I’d like to know, who is paying this woman?
The Koch Brothers? Netanyahu?
How about now?
Yes, thanks!
Dissing President Obama, writing pro-Republican right-wing rhetoric on Israel and criticizing the Liberal Jewish community … not so difficult to understand who her paymaster is. Uri Geller even suggested she was fictional, non-existent in real life. Perhaps a writer for CAMERA?
and very interesting, Karin McQuillan as member of Holocaust Museum Watch and more HMWatch
« click for story
Mrs. Karin A. McQuillan from Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Links to JHTP member Karin McQuillan … Jackson Hole Tea Party
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yeah, and climate science denial. For me, that’s the red flag.
how many people read “american thinker”? Is it that influential a magazine? does it have a huge readership? or is it more like a niche mag for dead-enders?
It’s more wingnut welfare. For the more hateful GOPers, if that is possible.
Citing Rush to support her argument, no problem there.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I get that Ann Romney worked hard to raise a family. But how many domestic staff and child minders did she have to help her compared to the US average?
“It would have never occurred to me that Karin McQuillan is a Jewish name so I at first thought I’d discovered a rare Irish Catholic with truly weird hangups about Obama’s attitude towards Israel.”
Where did you get the idea that most people who have truly weird hangups about Obama’s attitude towards Israel are Jewish? I think you’ll find the great majority of them are Christian, or at least that’s what they call themselves.
I said in the next sentence that I expect that from evangelicals. In other words, most people who have weird hangups about the president’s views on Israel are Christian, but not Catholic.
Hmmm. Ranch at Jackson Hole.
Who’s paying her? Someone who knows Dick Cheney?
She is described as a “retired psychotherapist”. I cannot determine where she was trained. Therefore, I assume that her alma mater is a piece of crap, possibly a correspondence or trade school. Remember that Dr. Laura has a doctorate in physiology, and is a practicing advice fascist on the radio. This woman probably has a similarly dodgy academic background.
Let’s see, White, Rightwingkrazy, and Jackson Hole. My guess is that it is someone in the Kochroach inspired John Birch Society or one of it’s good Murdochian friends. Seems to me that every evil thing, from ALEC to Zombies, derives in some way, it’s power from the JBS Billionaires, yet they rarely get the sunlight they deserve.
Please alert me to any other, non-bircher associated, group that is competitive with JBS, in world wide evil.
JBS, over 50 years quietly promoting our own brand of Fascism.
Mrs. McQuillan is more likely an advocate of Kach and Kahane Chai. Just found her writing from 2002: Are American Jews Traumatized? (The children of Israel).
[Karin McQuillan is a former clinical social worker, writer, and student of the Middle East
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Kach and Kahane Chai is new to me, but seems to be very old news. Maybe the Birchers and the Nuttyahoos have made right wing peace and things may have changed. Please educate me with your distilled understanding.
Camouflaged in present Israeli politics as the political spectrum moves towards far-right and Labor has become a fringe party.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."