Off to watch CabinGirl run a 5K. She’s been in training, so wish her luck.
Something to talk about: he acts like a Saudi prince.
Discuss that, or whatever else. .
Off to watch CabinGirl run a 5K. She’s been in training, so wish her luck.
Something to talk about: he acts like a Saudi prince.
Discuss that, or whatever else. .
hope she finishes well.
Go, Cabin Girl!
Boo, you know how to give a massage afterwards, right?
Good luck to her.
I posted this late last night, but it was a very interesting read, so I’m gonna post it again.
I thought Romney didn’t have a Mormon problem. Even his panders are tragic.
Liberty’s choice of Romney leads to angry student response
The backlash to Mormonism is underestimated. Although Romney is not a polygamist, his religion holds that he will be in the afterlife. So, in his heart of hearts, he is a polygamist, and believes that, through eternity, he will have many wives.
Probably women converted to Mormonism after their own deaths and against their wishes.
“…through eternity, he will have many wives.”
lol! To that I would say be careful what you wish for!
So do all Heaven-believing monotheists, I guess. I mean, Jackie Kennedy for example said she was sure she’d be reunited with Jack in eternity. Her and who else, one can’t help wondering — Marilyn and the other dozens of Jack’s paramours? Does he have any say in the matter? Do they? Who gets to decide? Does the woman beaten to death by her loving hubby HAVE to be reunited with him for eternity? Or the poisoned husband with Lucretia?
Seems like polygamy is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the conundrums of the monotheist afterlife.
Ok, to go waaay off topic, I keep thinking about Ann Romney’s answer to Diane Sawyer about Seamus. She said that Seamus had gotten up onto the counter and eaten the turkey. Turkey? Thanksgiving time? I thought that the family was going on vacation to Canada which was a long drive. Who drives north into Canada for a 12 hour drive on a 4 day vacation in the late Fall?
Bottom line, did Ann now join in Mitt’s habit of offering up an imaginary excuse?
There is another part of the Mormon problem which has gotten little press, but that may be changing.
The Mormons practice “baptism after death”. In this repulsive form of soul-rape, they forcibly convert the dead to Mormonism. Among the millions of victims of this religious forcible conversion act, we find:
Romney himself has soul-raped a number of people. This practice shows total contempt for persons, and is a violation of the respect that should be shown for the dead. Wonder what Catholics think about the forcible conversion of John Paul II to Mormonism?
Good for her!
Go CabinGirl! Happy Earth Day weekend to all! We’re doing free electronics recycling here today and already have a truckload collected.
Do us proud, CG
To BooMan for getting up so early, and to everyone else for the well wishes. And to my friends who cheered me on at the end!
I ran it in 35:34, which is pretty slow, but I’m psyched because I just started running 9 weeks ago, and ran 3 miles for the first time in my life 2 weeks ago. And the early spring made managing my asthma a little more challenging too. 🙂
That said, I’m looking forward to the next one!
I hope that she did well. I’ve got a 5k in 2 weeks.
Since the 5k was in my cute little river town, I had the pleasure of watching CG (with Boo and Finny) have a flash of defeat just shy of the finish line, over-come it and absolutely own the final stretch. Inspiring! Now, if I can find my sneakers in the waaay back of the closet..
This event? Some nice dogs participated …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."