So, I just voted in the PA primary today…

For the first time ever, I was asked for photo ID to vote. When I responded that asking for that was just wrong, the suburban white lady looking up my name in the voter rolls actually defended it: “It will keep the terrorists from voting, and we’ll give you a free one.””

What? Will you give me a free birth certificate so I can go to the DMV and get the free ID? If I lived in North Philadelphia, would you give me the bus fare to travel to where there is a DMV to get that free ID, because there is no DMV in the ghetto?

Obviously, this woman missed that whole civil rights/voting rights thing in the 60s. Probably shuffling kids to the country club pool in her station wagon instead. She must have missed the whole CItizens United thing too, because if terrorists wanted to influence our elections, they could just fund a superPAC to support their chosen candidate. Much more effective than voting in my suburban township precinct.

And the worst part, is this is the quality of the people working at the polls. I got a sympathetic look from one of the elder stateswomen of the local Dems during this exchange; the rest just didn’t get it.
