I don’t know any of the facts but it appears that the police are investigating the brutal beating of a white man in Mobile, Alabama by a mob of African-Americans. I assume they will bring charges against as many of the attackers as they can identify. So, any comparison to the Trayvon Martin case is ridiculous. However, if it is true that one of the assailants said that the attack was “Justice for Trayvon,” that at least ties the two events together. And it ties them together in a way that is a bit different from how the right-wingers would like you to believe. If there are some black people out there who are mad enough about how the Sanford police and prosecutors treated the murder of Trayvon Martin that they want to do violence to random white people, that isn’t the fault of the people who highlighted the injustice in Florida. It’s a predictable, albeit unfortunate, result of not investigating and not prosecuting crimes against blacks while making certain to do so for whites. The lesson is that crimes should be treated the same regardless of the races of the perpetrator and the victim. It seems like a lot of right-wingers believe that injustice isn’t a problem unless someone complains about it.
I have no idea why this assault happened or what might have been said. I’m not passing judgment on that. Whatever happened and whatever was said, it doesn’t in any way justify the assault. All of the assailants should face stiff justice. If they don’t, there will be some white people who are out for blood. That’s how it works.
When the worm turns, who knows what direction it will go? When you do not protect the members of a group, and the police justify their lack of protection, no one should be surprised that vigilantism is the consequence.
I’m not shocked. I’d be shocked if this did not happen.
I think that if Zimmerman does get off, he will buy his farm in short order.
The injustice isn’t if Zimmerman is acquitted. It was if the murder wasn’t properly investigated and the gunman was given a pass based on his say-so, or the say-so of someone who was friends with the prosecutor. They tried to brush the whole thing under the rug. He will face a trial now. If he is acquitted and his lawyers make a good case, then that’s not an injustice.
So because a court proceeding arrives at a conclusion, that makes it just? I know you won’t go to the mattresses over that assertion. To spell out my objection, there are flaws in the procedure, or in any event often are.
I’m saying that justice doesn’t require that he is convicted but that the case is thoroughly investigated, charges are brought if warranted, and that there is a fair trial.
Black folks beat up a White man in ALABAMA.
believe me, there will be arrests.
no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
I don’t worry about cases like this.
They might not get the ‘ right’ Black folk…
but, they’ll get them a paddywagon full of Black folk to charge.
How do I know?
cause I’ve been Black in America longer than 3 days.
The vast majority of right-wingers don’t believe that injustice is a problem whether someone complains or not, providing the victims aren’t “real Americans.”
In this witness account, no reference to Trayvon Martin and the Sanford case.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Racially motivated crimes are abhorrent no matter what the races of the victims or perpetrators.
Unfortunately, many people, some regular contributors here, believe that crimes against their race are awful, but crimes against another race are OK or payback.
I read this site everyday but almost never post here….
Could you do me a major favor and point out some examples of regulars here who believe ethnic crimes are A-ok as long as it doesn’t involve their ethnicity?
Thanks Bro!!!!!
Remind me never to be your adversary. You are one of those dangerous people who requires evidence. Well-done.
Yeah i read this Blog everyday (i just never post) and I’ve NEVER seen any hint of what this person is talking about. Unless this person is trying to “Fox-newsafy” Booman’s post, i just don’t get it :-/
You got a cite for that? Because I haven’t seen much of it around here.
Dude… Ron Paul was right?!!? I’m soooo glad I never go outside anymore.
Whatever the facts turn out to be here, this is much more analogous to the OK shooting spree than Trayvon Martin’s case if you focus on the police responses.
As I understand the facts, something racial happened/is thought to have happened to whites in OK and FL; and random blacks in OK and FL are gunned down and most die.
Blacks in AL respond to racial slur/FL injustice by severely beating a white person who may have been chosen at random (or not). But in OK and in AL, unlike FL, law enforcement did not/will not need weeks of protests to get them to do their jobs.