A couple of days ago I posted a piece called American Civilization In Terminal, Free-Fall Collapse-The Proof. In it I spoke of something I had found that I considered to be “proof positive that the whole U.S. system has now reached ground zero and is about to go completely negative. Minus numbers only, from now on. Bet on it.”

It was a Daily Beast puff piece/photo array about The 13 most useless college majors, which all turned out to be in the humanities.

“Oh, the humanity!!!” was the anguished cry of Herbert Morrison, a newscaster witness to the Hindenburg tragedy.


As God is my witness…or perhaps more accurately, as I am God’s witness…I am watching a progressive and rapidly accelerating meltdown of the flying gasbag S.S. United States that will make the Hindenburg explosion look like just another sparrow fart lost in the cosmic wind.

Oh, the humanities!!!

Read on for more.

From that ever-more-noxious flying gasbag, The Daily Beast.

…earlier this week, The Daily Beast unveiled the most useless college majors, to show which college diplomas have the least value according to job opportunity and earnings statistics.

Of course, the obvious silver lining is that certain majors are statistically more useful than the less-promising counterparts. To determine the majors that, in general, lead to less unemployment and higher earnings, and which are in industries projected to grow in the next decade, we referred to research from Georgetown University that charted two years of census data to determine the likelihood of positive financial returns in relation to college majors. We also utilized data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics about employment projections. Each of these five data points was weighted equally:

Recent graduate employment

Experienced graduate employment

Recent graduate earnings

Experienced graduate employment

Projected growth in total number of jobs, 2010-2020

I got yer “silver lining.”

Right here!!!


 2-Mechanical Engineering
 3-Electrical Engineering
 4-Civil Engineering
 5-Computer Science
 7-Marketing and Marketing Research
10- French, German, Latin, and other Common Foreign Languages
11-General Business
12-Elementary Education

So here we have the 13 college majors that have the most value in this nation state/empire that we laughingly call Omertica according to the (Leftiness-ish/kinda liberal/Obama-supporting/skewed-towards-female-readership-but-not-making-a-really-big-thing-of-it because click-numbers-are-important-in-this-lovely-information age/media-driven-system, aren’t-they-Ms.and Mr. Jones.) Daily Beast website/wobblesite. It goes with the flow, don’tcha know. If Romney is elected, that’d be OK too. Numbers don’t lie, right? Riiiiiight. When you win, you win. Like G. W. Butch. Right? Riiiiight.

With the exception of Elementary Education and Nursing…both jobs aimed primarily at females and also (What a coincidence!) two of the three lowest paying majors on the list (the other being French, German, Latin, and other Common Foreign Languages.)…every other major is either some form of hard science/math or financial sector work.


The lessons of the great civilizations of the past? The practical lessons of morality that are the backbone of every great culture ever to survive in this hard, hard world? The very foundations of human culture and civilization for thousands and thousands of years?


Dissed down the piss pot.

Numbers however?

Numbers don’t lie.




Over and out.

Gotta go count my blessings.

Maybe I can cash `em in at the local branch of Bank Of Omertica.

Ya think?

Get some tuition together to go study Statistics?

Oh yes!!!

