We have seen the colour revolution in the Ukraine and Georgia during the Bush administration. These people revolutions were engineered by the West with support through a number of NGOs. The initial success was deceiving and historically speaking a failure. Under the Obama administration, the people revolution have been embedded within the indigenous people, but added were open funding and military assets to make them a success. See Tunesia, Libya and Egypt. Each country had its mechanism of opposition movements, external support and funding. Tunesia was most successful, Libya is more or less a failure because of diverse militant groups and heavy arms. Egypt kicked out the foreign NGOs, but the Justice system of courts were bullied into releasing all foreigners, mostly US citizens. In Syria an initiative for revolt was undertaken, however the opposition came from external groups like Al Qaeda, Libya introducing arms, funds and fighters. At this moment it’s on a balance tipping towards an ugly civil war with grave consequences for the region. There are many offshoots possible in a volatile Middle-East, a keg of dynamite ready to explode.
Of course we all have our thoughts how these people revolutions came about. Perhaps there was more planning and engineering behind the scenes and the influence of media through various PR trics & propaganda. Sophie Shevardnadze is interviewer at RT and I always enjoy her beauty and competence. Today I saw her interview with Mateusz Piskorski, a Polish specialist working behind the scenes of the US led Orange Revolution of the Ukraine in 2004-2005.
US ‘world leader’ in color revolution engineering
The US is the foremost power when it comes to creating and applying “color revolutions”: America invented the know-how and has the best experts in this area, political scientist Mateusz Piskorski told RT.
RT: What are the key ingredients to start a color revolution?
Mateusz Piskorsky: There has to be a real political and social crisis, which may be an inspiration for those groups who protest. There is no color revolution without a social basis. Common consciousness of a real economic or social problem is needed to easily manipulate the protesting groups.RT: So the problem has to be economic or social rather than a regime problem, like a dictatorship?
MP: Yes, about 90 per cent of every society, including the societies of Central and Eastern Europe, are first and foremost interested in their social and economic interests. Which means they don’t care about politics, the political system or the character of a political regime. They’re just worried about their economic prospects and possibilities of keeping their families on a certain social level. This is the most important factor in every revolution.RT: What is the infrastructure behind a protest?
MP: Really professional coordination centers… secret from ordinary protesters, but functioning very effectively.
Below the fold: the Revolution Business and spreading democracy globalization …
The Revolution Business – World
The gentle coup an instrument for globalization. George Bush at the G8 in 2004 announced his “Free Market Enterprise.” Following the strategy of Gene Sharp in his book “From Dictatorship to Democracy.” Translated in 34 languages. Followed by activists on Tahrir Square during Egypt’s nineteen day revolution. Similar to the Tunesian revolt. Activists where trained in Marocco in 2010 by Serbian instructors: Srdja Popovics. In the end, the provisional military leadership of Egypt shut down all NGOs and wanted the activists to stand trial.
Democratic change has been demanded across the Middle East. But was what seems like a spontaneous revolution actually a strategically planned event, fabricated by ‘revolution consultants’ long in advance?
Revolution consultants are the worst nightmare of every regime. Srdja Popovic was a founder of the organisation ‘Otpor‘, a revolution training school. It was instrumental in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s and has now inspired a new generation of activists. “The people from Otpor gave us a book in which they described all their strategies”, says Ezzedine Zaatour of the Tunisian uprising. That book was written by an American, Gene Sharp, and is now considered the “revolution guide book”, being used by opposition movements worldwide. As Optor release their latest gadget, a resistance training computer game sponsored by American organisations, world leaders are voicing their concerns.
Protesting in Chile during NATO/G8 Summit
Santiago in 2004, the city hosted the annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation conference, triggering several days of demonstrations–against APEC, but especially against the recently reelected George W. Bush, who was attending. If you think he was unpopular here, you should have heard what they thought of him in Chile. The official slogan of the march was “Fuera Bush, Chile no es una mercancia,” which loosely translates to “Get out, Bush; Chile isn’t a piece of merchandise.”
In Opposition to Free Market Globalization and Neo Colonialism, We Say: No to APEC
Mapuche Organizations and Regional Entities reject APEC summit in their ancestral territory. Contrary to the claims made by governments, businesses and transnational corporations about economic globalization, we do NOT understand globalization as a world of opportunity. We understand it as a world of exclusion, marginalization, oppression, ex-appropriation; a world where indigenous people are displaced and their land and natural resources over-exploited; a world in which big corporations use their instruments the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, the FTAA, Free Trade Agreements and APEC to exercise imperialist power – a power which in many cases transcends that of government and the state to control markets and trade.
The current globalization of free trade promotes a neo-colonialism, which, in contrast to the colonialism of yesterday, affects not only indigenous people and nations but vast sectors of the world’s population. In other words, in this new system the big corporations are devouring their own colonies.
you make is sound like this country is in complete control of everything that happens. We can’t even pay our bills.
S&P 500 revenues in 2011 and 2012.
That is the point I’m trying to make, ever since Thatcher, Reagonomics, Third Way Clinton and Blair, the Bush years of tax relief for the very wealthy and US corporations. The people that suffer are the masses with poor jobs, low wages, unionized labor, no health care and no pensions. A new war of capital on labor with the approval of a Congress, fully dependable on benefits from the corporate ‘persons’. The war on globalization has been lost and the financial break-down and economic recession is hitting hard on jobs and wages in the US and Western-Europe. The oil rich nations in the Middle-East, Russia, Brazil, Norway are profiting immensely with great investment power. The low-wage countries like China and India do profit from globalization: manufacturing for the US and Europe. Look at two aspects of Apple in profits and labor.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
McCain personifies the urge of the U.S. to intervene and expand its global reach under the pretense of spreading “democracy.”
Nothing has changed in policy goals under Bush and Obama, the difference is the availability of money to fund the adventures overseas.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“THis country” is now a fictional contruct, Booman. The bills that matter to the multinational corporations that own what is left of “this country” get paid. Bet on it. And just enough other blls get paid here for the country to continue on its course to a glorified banna republic/plantation farmed by sharecroppers.
Where you been? The sale’s already closed.
This Is “down the river.”